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"So how is this going to go?" Carter asked sitting in the passenger seat of the jeep which was being driven by a certain red head. "We get the staff and then we're out." Clint was shooting arrows behind the boy who was trying to focus on not electrocuting the shit out of the opposing side, which was Hydra.

"Carter stay calm kid." Steve spoke in his ear which was being occupied by the ear piece they had given him. "I am calm Steve. If I wasn't the men would all be dead by now."

Natasha jerked the wheel to the right as they went down the trail, "Natasha, a little too hard there." Carter groaned when his shoulder hit the side of the car.

"Sorry." Natasha smirked as the boy continued to stare at the upcoming people who were being taken out by Cap on his bike. Thor was throwing his hammer around, the thunder god squishing the men like they were ants. Carter and his abilities went hand in hand with Thors.

Carter heard the voices in his head begging to be let out. He groaned at his forming headache.



Carter snorted at the commentary. Tony was trying to find the weakest link to inside the compound.

"Jarvis what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Struckers technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken."

"I can get through that shield if you get me close enough Tony. The currents can do it." Carters hands started to shake even more than they already were. Natasha noticed and quickly grabbed his hand and squeezed. "Don't be sorry C you're going to be fine." Clint shot another arrow at a hydra soldier hitting him square in the shoulder.

"Nice shot." Carter yelled over the roar of the jeep engine. Natasha took another hard right steering clear of the people that were trying to shoot them.

"Well kid, wanna shoot some up?" Clint smirked shooting another explosive arrow towards the tree.

Carter quickly thrusted a hand out and the blue electric current flamed out towards the tree line. Carter breathed in relief as his mind was now clear of the voices and the ache. The soldiers going up in flames as the electricity shocked them. Luckily to Carters thoughts, they died painlessly. The shocks enough to stop their heart in one swoop.

He didn't want them to suffer like his mother did. Clint noticed the relief in the boys movements, man this kid is one tough son of a bitch.

"Carter coming to you." Tony spoke over the comm, before Carter stood up and was picked up by Iron Man himself. Tony lifted Carter over the Sokovia sky before letting his rockets fly and having Carters electric currents rip. "Good job kid!" Tony called out before seeing the shield go down.

Tony landed on the snowy ground in front of the huge building before Carter was running towards it. His Nike sneakers pounded against the ground as he heard Tony fly overhead.

"Carter help Tony with taking out Hydra inside." Steve motioned through the comms. The thin blue hoodie he wore not protecting him from the snowy conditions. The rest of the team were currently fighting off the last of hydras soldiers on the ground.

Carter continued to ran towards the building, "Tony I despise you for setting me down all the way out here!" Carter hissed. "Sorry kid."

"I'm good on the inside..." Carter stopped running and took a deep breath when he noticed a blur run out of the building. Carter slowly turned and felt the wind blow on his face. He thrusted a hand out and blew up where he felt the breeze. He had narrowly missed the blur, but Carter followed the trail. The footsteps were an easy give away.

"Clint!" Carters head throbbed even more as he neared a wounded Clint and a worried Natasha. "Clint! Natasha what happened?"

"He got hit. Put pressure right there." Natasha pointed at to wear the blood and burnt skin was. Carters mind raced as the bunker shot again at the three. "Can someone take out that bunker?!" Nat asked looking at the man she thought of as a brother. Carter smiled once Bruce in raging green Hulk form, ran through the building. "Thank you!"

"I can codarize the wound for right now, but I don't know if that will hold." Carter whispered to Nat as Clint groaned. "Just do it." Natasha grabbed onto his shoulder and squeezed.

"Clint this might hurt..."

"I don't care just do it." Clint groaned and rolled his eyes.

Carter focused and before long his hands shot out the beams towards Clint wounded side, the skin sizzling as Clint cried out clearly in pain as Natasha held him down. Carter continued to work his beams on Clint before the wound was codarized. His mind was exhausted and he sat back on his butt.

"Guys Clints hurt we're going to need to get him back quick." Natasha patched Clint up before Thor ran over. Then Thor grabbed ahold of Clint and hauled him up.

"Nat, go get Banner. I got this." Carter mumbled seeing Bruce head over the hill. Natasha ran off then while Carter helped Thor with a groaning Barton. "Man Clint you're really heavy."

"Shut up kid."


The team was now back on the jet headed back towards Stark tower, Bruce had his headphones on full volume. Carter could hear it playing from his spot by the wall. Bruce had made Carter a playlist of the best classical music that calms the mind. Carter was currently playing a game on his phone with his headphones in, apparently there were two enchanted individuals on the scene as well. According to Cap he encountered the young woman, and Clint was knocked down by the man.

The two were intriguing to Carter being he had never seen someone like him before. The only reason Carter was the way he was because of the lightening that hit him as a child. These two weren't so different than him, and he wanted to help them. Clint groaned as he was jolted around the plane, He wanted to know where the kid he considered a second son was.

"Carter?" He mumbled looking for the young boy sat by the wall. "Well good morning sunshine, feeling better?" He questioned raising a brow while Clint glared at him.

"Oh shut up. I was just mortally wounded and this is how I'm treated?" Clint was always the more sarcastic team mate, and Carter figured it was his way of having fun.

"You're not mortally wounded you dumbass." Carter laughed while Clint snorted.

Natasha had watched the twos interaction and she smiled a little bit. The two were like father and son, they got along so well, just like Carter and she. Carter had grown really close to the redhead when she first recruited him into Shield. She couldn't be more prouder of the young man.

Carter watched as the Jet came closer to Stark Tower and he got comfortable so they could land in peace.

The next week was looking to be pretty easy and laid back for the team being they had the so called "Victory" party to attend. Carter couldn't wait to meet Sam Wilson, Steve had talked a lot about the man who helped him take down Hydra.

He was also excited to be in New York, he could finally go visit Luke and Jessica. He had missed them. He missed the bar. He missed his home. He missed his family.

"Alright guys. Home sweet home."


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