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          there was a moment in carters life where he had no control over his powers

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          there was a moment in carters life where he had no control over his powers. the lightning bolts that shot out of his hands would come out when he was angry or at random, worsening the chances of him hurting someone. he had never let the power control him, but at this moment he was damn sure he was about to lose his mind. he stood up from his spot where he had fallen to his knees. his sweat pants green at the knees, his hands glowed and vision stepped back. 

his bare feet rubbed against the damp grass and he looked at vision with such anger. he narrowed his eyes at the robot. "how dare you." he spat. vision tensed, "carter it wasn't my intention to hurt you." vision regretted what he did, it was supposed to be a distraction...

"well you did, i feel like i just lost her again, you've never had to lose someone you've loved, it's the worst pain you'll ever feel in your life." carter was upset, he was more than upset. he was absolutely livid. the anger that radiated off of the boy was none wanda had ever felt before, she cowered back in the doorway of the avengers compound, but then carters sparks began to fly and she had to act quick. 

"carter! stop!" she yelled as her hands started to glow that scarlet red, carter saw her out the corner of his eye, but before she could stop him, he shot a powerful bolt out at vision, and then he went down unmoving...wanda then raced forward and grabbed carters hand, "we need to go!" carter looked back at a distressed vision on the ground realizing what he had done, he had hurt the artifical intelligence that had come to be his friend... 

carter looked over at wanda seeing her eyes widen with fear as she backed up, "wanda...i-" he started to follow her as she raced through the grass..."clints here we have to go." she rushed to the jet, carter was still shoeless and wanda was still in her grey dress from earlier. wandas brown hair whipped in the wind, while carter shivered. "c'mon kids!" clint was motioning them to their ride, "get in and buckle up. we have a short flight to germany." 

clint was so glad to see that the two kids were okay, "i am so glad to see you." carter looked at him with thoughtful eyes, "i managed to grab both of your suits, get some rest. cap needs us." clint looked over at the two while he flew through the clouds. carter had found his penn state hoodie in the jett, and he was so thankful to laura for packing it for him, it gave him a sense of comfort and it also reminded him of the farm. she had also packed his old NYU hoodie for wanda, he turned around to see her hunched over. 

her head in her hands. 

the young girl was not taking in the situation as well as carter was. she looked upset, he slowly approached her, putting the zip up hoodie down beside her before he bent down to his knees, "wanda?" she looked up at him with glassy eyes, "we will get through this. i promise." carter held her hands in his, and she nodded at the boy she had come to care for. "hey kids we have one more stop, sam called and asked us to do him a favor..."


they were seated in a white van, clint had given carter a pair of his old boots from home, and a new pair of clothes laura had packed him. wanda sat in the backseat with her eyes closed, she was tired, and the jetlag wasn't helping. carter had kept a close eye on her since the quinn jet, he was worried about her losing control of her powers, it helped him focus on himself as well.

scott lang sat in the backseat as well, wanda was not amuesed with the guy, being he snored like a trucker. they were waiting for steve, bucky and sam to arrive...it was odd to be going against the people who had molded him into the man he was, but he also couldn't leave wanda or clint behind, it wasn't in his nature. clint was like his father and wanda...well wanda was someone he just couldn't abandon.

tony was someone who knew very well that carter would take steves side, he didn't wanna become someone who was used as a science experiment which is exactly what they would do to him. he chose the side he believed in, and unfortuntly tony did not agree with steve. this whole situation was just mishandled, the accords were used as leverage.

"ah there they are." clint mumbled seeing steve pull up in a blue beetle, and carter stepped out of the car, wanda followed suit and scott was still asleep. clint came around the corner and stopped when he saw the two young adults in front of the van. there was a slight breeze that made wandas brown hair whip back a bit. her knee high socks and black boots went along with her grey dress beautifully.

"cap." clint walked up to steve, "you know i wouldn't have called if i didn't have a choice." they shook hands, "hey man you're doing me a favor, besides i owe her a debt, and carters my son." carter looked down smiling, that was the first time clint referred to him as his son. 

"thanks for having my back kids." steve looked at the two, "it was time to get off my ass." wanda remarked, carter nodded. "anytime steve, i know how much this means to you, you just want bucky to be safe." 

"how bout our other recruit?" steve motioned towards the van, "he's rearing to go, put a little coffee in him but he should be good." clint slid the door open quickly and with the slam scott sprang up, "what timezone is this?" he asked as carter crossed his arms and looked up at the cemet ceiling.

"come on, come on." clint shut the van door with ease, before leaning against it. scott looked over and his eyes widened, "captain america."

"mr. lang." steve spoke shaking the mans hand, but scott kept going a bit too long...

"im shaking your hand too long, wow this is awesome-" he turned to wanda and pointed at steve, "captain america...i know you too, you're great." wanda smiled at him before looking at carter with curious eyes, no one had ever said that to her before. she was amazed someone liked her other than the team...

"geez. ah, look i wanna say, i know you know a lot of super people, so thinks for thanking of me." steve nodded at the man, before turning towards carter who was looking at the planes landing...he was nervous. this wasn't a place to fight, it was in public and they posed a big threat especially wanda and himself. 

scott then turned towards sam, "hey man." he smiled a bit, looking at the falcon. 

"whats up tic tac?" sam nodded while carter looked at them both confused, "uh good to see you, look what happened last time when i..." sam cut scott off quickly, "it was a great audition, but it will never happen again..."

carter looked at bucky before noticing the older man looked deep in thought, he was leaning on the roof of the beetle clearly staying away from the team, he looked at wanda a few times and then caught the eyes of carter staring back at him. "did they tell you what we're up against?" steve asked scott, "i told him briefly, don't know if he paid attention." carter spoke looking away from bucky to steve. "it was something about psycho assassins?" scott clarified.

"we're outside the law on this one, so if you come with us...you're a wanted man." steve wanted to make sure he did know the risks. carter knew some of them weren't making it out of this one, he could feel it. scott looked down before looking back up, "yeah well what else is new."

"we should get moving." bucky looked uncomfortable, he wanted to get out of the country. carter could guess that the mans mind was racing, "we have a chopper lined up." clint opened the trunk doors, their suits on full display in the back, carters black jump suit along with wandas scarlet cloak...he was ready.

a voice came over the loud speaker and immediatly the group looked around, "they're evacuating the airport." carter sucked in a breathe, it was really happening, they were going to have to fight their way out and the only thing standing in their way was tony...

"stark." steve mumbled looking around at his team, scott couldn't believe his ears for a second, "stark?" carter looked to wanda before he heard steve sigh, "suit up."


here we go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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