Obligations. The world comes down to unwritten agreements, unseen understandings that we are all privy to. A fisherman baits his hook with chum and launches the line forward, expecting swarms of hungry aquatic creatures to indulge their curiosity and hunger. Now this poses an interesting interaction. The fisherman needs the fish to overextended themselves whilst trying to eat the chum, causing them to be trapped. Meanwhile, the fish could just choose to find sustenance elsewhere. Either way, the hunter and the huntee understand each other more than they might think. The moment that fishing hook hit the cool depths of the water, a contract was signed between both parties. I will hunt you. I will do whatever I can to lure you into your own demise so that I may outlive you. You will be cunning, crafty, stubborn. You will do whatever you can to evade capture and outlive me.
This relationship is the essence of our world. Our existence has come into being through an unimaginable amount of obligations being carried out, day in and day out. Eons of stipulations have led us to modern day Earth, the epitome of social agreements. The focus of this tale will be a small town whose name is Unimportant. All you need to know is everything from the extremely mundane to the seemingly supernatural has to follow the push and pull of invisible stipulations. The father of the household must work to feed his family, the thief must break into the jewelry store to fulfill his must for stolen goods, the nymphomaniac is a slave to her desires come rain or shine. But more importantly, humans as a whole are the dominant beings in the universe. We are the ones who rule this world. Animals go extinct because we want them to. Forests burn because we need them to. As far as most people are concerned, there is no conscious thing who can influence a human, other than a human.
However, we have unwittingly forged the way for our demons to manifest into actual monsters. This is the story about how an unloved man manages to flip the world upside down. By confronting his demons, he manages to end a millenia-long pattern of humans blindly signing their lives away to unseen yet life-controlling contracts.
Things are going to change. It won't be pretty.
Shed Some Tears
General FictionAn unfortunate tale of monsters, humans and everything in between