He finds out you're doing drugs

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He finds out you're doing drugs

Harry: "Babe, have you seen my watch!" Harry calls from the bedroom. You immediately feel guilty, knowing that you've taken it, sold it for your own goods. "I haven't. Where did you have it last?" You ask, walking after him as he continues his search. You can't bear to watch him any longer. "You won't find it Harry." You sigh, your head hanging down. He looks confused for a moment before it registers, realizing that quite a few of his more expensive items have gone missing lately, as have you as you distance yourself away from him in an attempt to hide your secret. He looks down for a moment, noticing the way your fingers tremble, the changes in your smile, your hyperactivity the source of your drug use. Also the source of your guilt. He doesn't seem to know how to handle it at first but he feels sorry that you've gone so far, that you've been pushed to this. He doesn't speak to you again as he leaves, returning only to have you enrolled in rehab, waiting for you until you're cured and ready to move forward with your relationship.

Louis: He's been curious about your activities for days, noticing that you've been more fidgety, staying out late and coming back either extremely energized or drained. You've come to your last dime, needing some money for your fix. "Louis, do you think I could borrow a little money." You beg of Louis, your sunken face setting him off. You're still beautiful to him but not the same. You're empty. "What for?" He asks, looking at your fragile body. You can't answer, only looking at him, a blank expression on your face. "Well if you won't give it to me then I'll just go." You call back, turning to walk out the door. "No! You're staying here! I know what this is and I won't let you do that to yourself, to us!" He yells to you, holding you there even as you try to fight him. He's completely furious with you but so willing to help you heal, no matter what it takes.

Niall: With everyone in the room already drunk, you figure no one will notice the pill you've slipped into your mouth, ready to really get the night started. Niall has been drinking himself but comes to notice how hazy your eyes are and how much adrenaline you seem to have, more than anyone else in the room. "What did you take?" He asks. He knows you've done drugs before but was sure you were off them. What he didn't know never hurt him but now he knew and was witnessing it, along with everyone else at the club. His brow furrows as he watches you, higher than you've ever been. "I don't like seeing you like this." He yells over the music, holding your hand so you can't stray from him. "I'm sorry. I won't do it around you anymore." You yell back, still dancing as he takes you from the building. You can see how hurt he is when he looks at you, knowing you'll have to stop as he speaks again. "No, I hate that you do this anyway but I hate seeing you this way."

Liam: Having Liam away on tour had left you lonely, with little time to be occupied, using a simple needle, filled with toxins to ease your nerves. When he comes back you've sworn to stop but you simple can't. You crave the tingles under your skin, the sharp ease of pain as you release the drugs into your system. Liam fails to notice, only seeing small changes in you, never having access for his eyes to witness the pricks of your skin, your veins protruding from your arm. You've even been sleeping with your arms covered, knowing you need to keep the secret from him. When you wake one morning your sleeves have rolled up and Liam sits on the edge of the bed. "How could you?" He croaks, holding back as hard as he can. You sigh, sitting up. "I'm stopping since you're here." You reply, hoping to save yourself. "Because I'm here? That has nothing to do with this. You're shooting drugs into your veins, through your blood, pumping everywhere including your heart." He sighs, moving to you, tears staining his cheeks. You have no words, unable to deny what he's said so he continues, pulling you close to him with his final words. "You told me your heart belongs to me. It's my job to protect it, even from you. I'll take care of you."

Zayn: "(Y/N), your nose is bleeding." Zayn says to you as you're watching a movie with him one night. The signs are all there but he doesn't have substantial proof yet, knowing you'll deny it if he brings it up now. He waits until you're gone, searching through your drawers until he finally finds your stash, the powder already spread into a line, waiting to be inhaled by you. He sits on the bed when you return, the box next to him, silent tears streaming down his face. "Where did you get that?" You ask even as you already know where it was. "You're killing yourself." He whispers, looking up at you, your clothes hanging loosely from your skin. You become defensive, scoffing at him. "And you're not killing yourself with smoking?" You ask, his eyes shooting up at you. "It's not the same. Look at me and look at you. I can see you." He scolds. "That's because you're killing yourself from the inside Zayn." You reply. He stands, walking to you and turning you around to the mirror. "Well you're killing yourself from the inside out. You can see it. I can see it. Don't do that to yourself." He whispers, making you vow to make progress towards quitting. 

QOTD: How does your room look?

A: Literally posters EVERYWHERE. Along with movies and video games stacked literally to the brim on my shelf. With my guinea pig sitting in the corner in his cage on my desk lmao

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