he makes fun of one of your insecurities and makes you cry

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he makes fun of one of your insecurities and makes you cry

Niall- "Niall, slow down, you're eating way too much. You'll grow old and fat and I don't know if I want to stick around for that." You say with a laugh. He smiles back at you and says "At least I can eat whatever I want and never gain a pound!" You stop laughing and stare at him. He's still stuffing his face and laughing at his own joke. "Excuse me," you say, getting up from the table and running to your room. You're trying to choke back tears. Niall knows your biggest insecurity is your weight. Why would he go there? Surely he didn't mean it, but then again, why would he say it if he didn't mean it? You bury your face into your pillow and start balling. You hear Niall's footsteps and pull the covers over your head. He walks into the room. "Babe, I was just joking...babe?"  He walks over to you and sits by your feet, rubbing your back. You turn to look at him, tear streaked face staring into his. "Oh god, Y/N I'm sorry, I was kidding I didn't know...I love you, I didn't mean it." He leans in to kiss all the tears off your face. You push him off. "Stay away from me, I might eat you." You look up to see how distressed he looks. He looks so pathetic and desperate. You let a giggle escape your lips and soon enough you start laughing uncontrollably. Niall just looks at you, dumbfounded. "Um, are you ok? I'm sorry did I say something again?" he asks. You just laugh harder and pull him close to you and kiss him. 

Harry- You were clinging tight to Harry's arm, you were at a party and you hate big crowds. You were afraid of being lost or hurt. Harry knew that, but tonight he was a little tipsy and a little annoyed with you. "Honey, I'm going to go ask Zayn something. Go find Eleanor or something, I'll come find you in a minute or two." He says to you. Your stomach drops fifty feet. "Harry, no I can't. I can't be alone what if something happens?" he pushes you off of him. "Y/N, just go! Leave me alone for two seconds and get over your dumb fear of crowds." He almost yells this. You look at him blankly and you can feel the tears swell up your eyes. You turn from him and run out of the club. You hail a cab and ask to go home. Once home, you slip on your sweat pants and a t shirt and just stare at the wall. Your phone lights up "New text from Harry<3: I'm sorry, baby. Where are you?" At first you try to ignore it, but you respond "Home." Just as simple as that. He replies within seconds reassuring you that he'll be there in a minute but you don't know if you want to see him. The next thing you know his arms are around you, he's apologizing to you over and over while rocking you slowly. "Harry, that really hurt. Everyone saw, and now they think I'm some stalker girlfriend." You say between tears. "No, baby. I looked like a totally dick. I'm sorry." He kisses the top of your head. You accept his apology and wrap your arms around his waist and sit there listening to his heartbeat.

Zayn – "Zayn, come on, I swear you take more time in the bathroom then I do." You say, giving a little laugh. "I'll be right out, pig nose!" he says, jokingly. You stop dead and your tracks. "What did you say?" "Oink! Oink!" he continues to laugh at his joke and you turn around and walk out of the room. Even though it's kind of dumb, your nose was one of your biggest insecurities. He knew that too, he said he always loved your nose, and thought it was cute. A tear fell down your cheek and you looked in the mirror. You fixed your hair, and tugged at your dress, but all you could see was your nose, staring you straight in the face. More tears slid down your cheeks but you dabbed them with the back of your hand. "Alright babe, you ready to go?" Zayn calls from the other side of the flat. "Yeah, just give me a second." You say this kind of softly, and your voice cracks a bit. "Love? Are you ok?" Zayn comes walking down the hallway and he sees you crying. He immediately runs to your side and hugs you. "Oh, babe, what happened? Are you hurt? What's the matter?" Zayn asks urgently. You manage to choke out "You said I have a pig nose..." then you realize how pathetic you sound. He gently caressed your cheek and whispered under his breath. "Oh, no no no no what have I done." He pulled you close to him and cooed you softly. "Babe, it was all in fun. I didn't mean it, I thought I could pry at you a bit. I didn't realize you were more sensitive than the boys." You look up into his caring eyes and he kisses you on the nose.

Louis-  Louis and you were spending the whole day together, because tomorrow he was leaving for a month long US tour. He's talking about all the events he's performing at and you feel happy for him, even though you'll miss him. "I better not see any trending topics about you with a new arm candy." You say, with a smile in your voice. "I wouldn't dare. Not with your anger management problems, at least. Which, by the way, you might need help on while I'm gone." He says. Even though you know he meant it with kindness, you're still a little hurt. You feel your throat closing up and your face getting hotter. "Love, you okay?" Louis asks. "Yeah, um, just give me a second. I need to um go, do something..." you say, trailing off and leaving the room. You walk up to your bedroom and sit on the edge of the bed. You start to think about how hard the next month will be. Louis always kept you in place, always kept you happy and under control. But with him gone for a whole 30 days? You couldn't think of how you were going to deal with it, and you deeply considered classes. Would that make you a psycho though? You started crying, scared of how the next month will be. Louis must have heard, because he was up at your side rubbing your shoulders and kissing your head. "Don't worry, I'll be with you every step of the way. I'm sorry I said that though, I thought you were thinking the same thing. It was a dumb thing to say. I love you, darling." Somehow him saying that made you feel better. There was no longer an empty pit in your stomach, but a feeling of reassurance and happiness. 

Liam – "Happy anniversary, Baby." Said your boyfriend Liam, as he put his hands on your shoulders and kissed your ear. You smiled, today was your one year anniversary and it couldn't be any better. You have been waiting in the restaurant for not even 5 minutes, and he was already apologizing for being late. "No worries babe, but I've got a surprise for you when we get home. So let's eat fast!" you say. He raises an eyebrow. "A surprise, hm? I love surprises." "I think all guys do." You say, laughing. He puts his hand on your knee under the table and moves it upward slowly. You feel yourself growing red and he whispers to you in a smutty way "Having a slut as a girlfriend really does have its advantages." Did he really just say that? You knew he didn't actually think you were a slut, or did he? He knew all those guys who have used you, but he told you countless times it wasn't your fault. You got up and left the restaurant, fuming with anger. You start walking in the direction of your home and sniffle up all your tears. All of a sudden you hear footsteps close behind you and familiar hands are soon on your waist. "Liam get off of me before I call the cops." Before you could say anything else, he scoops you up and carried you down the street. "What I said was wrong, I wasn't thinking. Well, I was but not with my head." You smile at this but try to hide it, you were still mad at him after all. "Will you put me down now?" you ask, irritated. "Hell no. I don't ever want to let you go." He said "I was just trying to turn you on, but I guess I can do that other ways..." He trails off and presses his lips on your neck, you let out a dull moan as he finds your sweet spot. You feel him smile against your skin. You turn to look at him, how could you possibly resist those brown eyes?

QOTD: What color eyes make you weak in the knees?

A: I love all eye colors, but there's just something about Brown eyes that get me

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