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Niall: The lads had slept over last night and you guys had stayed up super late. When you finally got up you were in just a bra and underwear so you slipped Niall's red polo over your head. You headed downstairs and saw all the boys sitting all over the couch. Niall's stomach growled. "Princess." he said pouting. "I'm on it Ni," you said knowing he wanted breakfast. You grabbed all the stuff you needed for pancakes, but you couldn't quite reach the pancake griddle. "Niall!" you yelled. All the lads came rushing in thinking there was something wrong. You reached up to try and get it and your shirt came up and revealed your bum. The lads whistled and Niall groaned and said, "Babe you wear my shirt and then you do this. You're killing me." Ni put a hand on your waist and reached up to get the griddle. He pulled it off the high shelf and placed it on the counter. He leaned closer to you and kissed you cheek. 

Zayn: You and your boyfriend Zayn were watching T.V together. Zayn wanted to change the channel but you grabbed the remote first and winked at him. He smiled and reached over, trying to get it back from you. You shoved the remote down your bra and you guys wrestled for the remote. While searching for the remote, you and Zayn both forgot that you guys were watching T.V. He picks you up and shoves you into his bedroom. 

Liam: You, Liam, and the boys were at the movies, watching P.S, I Love You. During the beginning of the movie, Liam put his arm around you and you guys cuddled close together. Towards the end, a sex scene came on and things started to heat up a little. You reached over to squeeze Liam's knee. You leaned in and whispered to him "That's what I wanna do to you." You start tracing his jaw line up and down. You leaned in to kiss him softly but it soon turned rough and passionate. Once the movie was showing the credits at the end, you pulled away and Liam whimpered slightly. The boys got up and stretched. When you were about to, Louis' laughter interrupted you. "Woah boys looks like Liam's bringing the 10 incher out." The rest of the boys looked over and started chuckling. You frowned and then looked over to see what they were pointing at. "Oh, Liam... I'm erm.. uhh sorry?" You said since you did not know how to reply because this never happened to you two in public. The boys were laughing so loudly that when the other people were leaving, they kept looking over at your aisle. Liam stood up and looked at the boys angrily. He looked at you and softened his expression. "Well, I guess we will have to finish what (y/n) started." Liam smirks and pulls you past the other boys with their gaping mouths. 

Harry: Tonight, you and Harry are babysitting Lux together. You are wearing very comfortable clothes... a loose T shirt, sweatpants, and uggs. You and Harry are cuddling on the couch while watching Lux watch tv. Harry goes to the kitchen to get something to eat. You sit and continue watching Lux. You go over to her and start playing with her. You tickle her and she starts laughing. You continue tickling her and you pick her up. You didn't notice your shirt falling down and revealing your bra. Harry walks up to you and whispers "Babe...." You can feel him smirk and pull your shirt back up. He kisses your neck and walks back to the kitchen.

Louis: "I'm so bored (y/n)" Louis whispered to you. You rolled your eyes. You were both at dinner to celebrate the success of the new album with the other boys and management. "Well you're the one who dragged me here in the first place." You whined back. Louis sighed dramatically. In his own boredom, he began to trail his hand up your leg. You put your drink down and faced him. "Seriously?" He smirked and started to massage your thigh. "Im just sooooo bored. You flipped your hair to the side and began doing the same thing to him. You leaned in and kissed him quickly. You suddenly stopped. Louis gasped. "Why'd you stop??" You giggled. "Because it's your turn to make a speech." His eyes widened and he looked down. "Uhmm... I can't." You furrow your eyebrows. "Why not?" "Look down." He said pointing to the ground. You looked down at the ground and didn't see anything. "Lou wha—" suddenly, as you were bringing your head above the table, you saw his big... problem. "Oh my god Louis!" You whisper-yelled. "It's not my fault!" "You can't control it?" You asked. "Not when I'm around you." He replied, cheekily. You hit him on the shoulder playfully. "Well, there's only one way to solve this..." He said grabbing your waist. You pushed him off of you and told him to go and make his speech. He sighed and put up a menu to to cover his lower region. It was going pretty good until Harry came back from the bathroom and knocked the menu down.  "Lastly, I'd like to thank my mum for be—" "Lou um do you have a um..." Harry whispers. "Shut up Haz." Louis whispered hastily to him. He just continued laughing. "You do! Ha, (y/n) what did you do?" He turned to you and you started to blush. "Harry Edward!" Liam jumped in. "You can't just— Oh my god Louis." He changed his tone and gasped. Louis was fed up by now and shoved past everyone to get to you as he grasped your hand tightly and pulling you along with him. "Come on (y/n) we're taking care of this... now..." He whispers seductively. 

QOTD: Do you collect anything?

A: Small Horror movie figurines 

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