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Liam: "I think (Y/N) should have a bigger solo," Liam comments reading through the lyric sheet. "Aw, thank you Liam, but it's fine," you reply, shrugging him off. You were happy enough to be collaborating on a song with One Direction, especially since there was a small duet with you and Liam's voices harmonizing towards the end. Liam looks at you as if saying 'Are you sure?' with his eyes. You nod and he shrugs. "All right. I need you and Liam in the recording booth first," Paul announces, pointing at you. "Whooo!" Louis and Harry cheer dramatically, the four boys all squished on a burgundy couch, watching you and Liam through the glass of the recording booth. You slip a pair of headphones over your ears as Liam does and you both stand in front of the microphone side-by-side. "First we're going to record the eleventh verse, make sure you two harmonize," one of the sound guys instructs, before pressing play on the music. Liam looks at you with glittering chocolate eyes and you both take a breath before belting out the lyrics in perfect harmony, "And if I kissed you right now, would you walk away? Whoa-oh, what can I say? What do you do when you're falling in love and no one's there to catch you? Whoa-oh, what can I say? What can I say? So let me save the words--and kiss you." The music ends and you hear faint applause from the boys outside, but your mind is lost in Liam's eyes. "We sounded good," you comment. Liam nods, both of your eyes locked. "So...let me save the words--and kiss you," he sings softly, leaning in and pressing his lips against yours. Seconds later, the door to the recording booth is whipped open and you hear cat-calls, wolf whistles and "YOU GO, LIAM! MAKE A MESS UPON HER INNOCENCE" being shouted. You both pull apart, cheeks adorably red. "Powerful song," you say simply. 

Harry: "All right, (Y/N). This is One Direction's first collaboration with a fellow artist, as I believe it's yours?" the producer chirps, nodding towards you. "Yes, it is!" you reply cheerfully, smiling at the five boys standing in the recording booth. "Great. So you've all been practicing? Yes?" The six of you nod and you and Harry shoot each other a mischievous smile. You two had ended up watching TV rather than practicing much. "Great," the producer repeats. "Now we need all of you in the booth to record the chorus. (Y/N)--we want to try something different. When Harry's voice goes low in line 28, sing an F sharp, okay?" You nod as the six of you squeeze into the recording booth, Harry taking the microphone next to yours. The music begins to play and the six of you begin to sing each of your parts, "Live it up, like there's no tomorrow. Because maybe there won't be one--" Harry's part where you're supposed to sing over him. "If there's no tomorrow," you both sing, the other boys watching with amusement. "Then I'm glad we've got today..." In mid-note, Harry playfully trails his hand across your spine making you shiver and shoot him a look of annoyance and intrigue. The producer instructs you and Harry to repeat your parts (your final note was a bit shaky--you blame Harry) and when you do, you brush your hand over his ass, causing him to mess up his own note. Revenge. He looks at you with a grin, shaking his head. "Well played," he says, sliding his headphones off his ears. The other boys look at you two's flirty banter and roll their eyes, returning to their own dialogue. "You know, we're going to be in this recording booth together all night until we actually get the notes right," you tell him. He raises an eyebrow and reveals another breath-taking dimpled smile. "Maybe that's the plan." 

Zayn: "How the hell am I supposed to sing that note?" you shake your head after many attempts at trying to sing the incredibly high and long note in the middle of the song. Zayn notices your distraught expression and sits down next to where you're leaned over the sheets of music. "Just sing like this," he advises, singing the note melodically, not missing a beat or cracking. "Christ! Mind if I call you King of the High Notes?" you tease, recalling his signature note in 'Tell Me a Lie'. He chuckles and shrugs. "Only if I can call you my Queen." You nudge his arm playfully and jump up as the producer calls you into the studio to record your solo, the part with the hard note. "You'll do fine," Zayn assures you, rubbing your shoulder. "You've got a beautiful voice." You nod slowly and head into the recording booth, clearing your throat and belting out your lines. As the high note's about to come up, you look at Zayn who's watching you hopefully, sending you a wink and a thumbs up. You smile and sing the note as well as he had, jumping up and down with excitement once the recording has finished. "That sounded amazing! You're definitely my Queen of High Notes," Zayn compliments, wrapping you in a hug. " 'Queen of High Notes'? Is that some sort of sexual reference?" Louis jokes, eying you both with a raised eyebrow. "" you laugh, cheeks turning pink. "Aw, Lou, leave them alone," Liam scoffs, elbowing the blue-eyed boy in the ribs and shooting you and Zayn a look of admiration. "They're just being all cute and you had to go make it into something dirty!" 

Louis: "So you're telling me you want me to do a duet with Louis instead?" you stare at management with shock. "We feel both of your voices compliment each other well, and a duet would be unique. Also, Liam and Zayn couldn't make it to recording today, and the song was originally written for two parts anyway." You feel your heart flutter with excitement. How lucky were you to not only be recording a song for your album with a member of One Direction, but with your FAVORITE member! And a DUET! "It sounds good to me!" you chirp, as you're led into the recording booth where Louis is waiting. He gives you a small wave. "Never done a duet since my days in Grease back in high school," he comments with a smile. "I've never done a duet, period," you reply, untangling your headphones and stepping up the microphone. "So I'm your first?" Louis teases. "You're about to lose your duet-virginity." You laugh at his cheesey comment and roll your eyes. "I hope you brought protection," you joke, earning a laugh from him. Your joking is soon cut off as your manager brings you both to attention and you both begin to sing your parts. "Beautiful! That's it for today. Thank you, both of you," your producer exclaims, nearly an hour later. "So, how was your first time? How does it feel to lose your Duet-Virginity?" Louis asks you, expression seriousness. "Oh, it was amazing," you sigh happily before breaking out into another round of laughter. 

Niall: "Serious?" you look up from your lyric paper with annoyance. "Why does Niall only have one part--in the background of the chorus?" The manager shrugs and makes a comment about Niall's voice being weak. "Don' worry about it, it's fine," Niall assures you, but you can tell from his face he's clearly hurt. "No! It's not fine," you protest. "I agreed to do a collaboration with ONE DIRECTION. Not Liam, Harry and Zayn with a few Louis solos and a little bit of Niall as back-up." The other boys are surprised at your sudden outburst, but silently agree. It's about time Niall got some parts. "Look, (Y/N)--we just think it's best to play to the stronger voices," the manager soothes. "Well if Niall's singing back-up, so am I," you sniff, crossing your arms. It was unlike you to act like a Diva, but you were fighting for something you'd felt strongly about since you were a mere Directioner. You hoped your fellow Directioners would appreciate you sticking your neck out for the blonde. Niall looks at you with slight admiration. "(Y/N) you don't have to--" he begins. "Shut up, Horan," you tell him. The manager makes a quick call on his Blackberry and returns with a slightly annoyed sigh. "Fine. Harry? We're taking away the fourth verse and giving it to Niall," he announces. Harry nods, looking slightly relieved. "Thank you (Y/N), but you really didn't have to stand up for me like that," Niall mumbles, once the recording is nearly finished. "I know I didn't have to, I wanted to. You worked hard to get where you are, you don't get to sing nearly enough," you shrug. You expected the "Thank you" that he gave you, but you were certainly surprised (pleasantly, very very pleasantly surprised) when this 'thank you' included a kiss. 

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