He finds your hidden tattoo

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He finds your hidden tattoo

Louis: You were cleaning yours and Lou's flat and started to get a bit sweaty. You pulled your hair up into a messy bun and got back to work. Louis had come home hours later and you hadn't put your hair down. Not thinking about the tattoo behind your ear, you go on with your evening till Louis starts to look at you funny. "Babe, is something wrong?" You ask him. He walks over to you with his eyebrows furrowed before putting his hand out and gently turning your head to the left and exposing the Believe tattoo behind your right ear. "Is that a tattoo?" Louis asks putting his ice cold finger to it. "Oh. Yeah." You nod. Louis moved his hands away. "I didn't know you had a tattoo. How have I never seen that  before?" He questions. You shrug and kiss his cheek. "I forgot it was there to be honest. It's usually covered up by my hair." You explain. He nods. "Well I think it's nice." And the rest of the night he made you keep you hair up so that he could admire your tat.

Liam: You had a tattoo. You had wanted the infinite symbol for a while but didn't want it to be noticeable. Your parents agreed to let you get it resulting in the tiny symbol on your middle finger. Liam had never noticed it so you had never gone out of your way to show him. You were at home watching TV while Liam was in his room on the computer. He had been going through fan mail for days trying to read all of the cute messages sent to him. You heard the patter of feet come from down the hall and soon enough Liam himself appeared in front of you. "Y/n, can I see your right hand for a second?" Liam asked. You nodded and hesitantly held out your hand, unsure of what he was going to do. You take a breath of relief when he tugs your middle finger up exposing the ∞. He looked back up at you. "Why didn't you tell me you had a tattoo? I found out through a fan" He asks. You shrug. "You never asked. No one really notices because it's so tiny. I'm surprised that people actually found it" You reply. He nods and lifts it up to his lips placing a small kiss on it. "I think it's adorable. Next time you get a tattoo just let me know so I don't feel like an idiot." He tells you. You smile. "Deal."

Niall: You're a hardcore Beatles fan. Everyone knows that. When you graduated high school  Your mom let you get one small tattoo as a gift for your achievement  You chose your favorite song Let It Be. The song has so much meaning to you and after hearing it the first time you immediately fell in love with it. You and Niall were playing a game of Fifa and you had put your hair up and out of your face so it wouldn't distract you from beating Niall. After beating him for the first time in your life you jumped up and down like an idiot and laughed. Niall laughed too but quickly noticed the dark ink that was etched on your neck. "Princess. What's that?" He asked pointing to your neck. Your hand clasped the back of your neck scared of it being a bug. After figuring out what he was talking about a smile appeared on your face. "It's a tattoo Nialler." You explain. He pulls you down on top of him and took a closer look at it. "Let it be." He mumbled  you felt him lightly brush his hands across te ink and smiled. "The Beatles ay? Nice choice." He whispered into your ear before kissing the tattoo. "How about another game?" He quickly changes the subject. You laugh and agree. I mean kicking his ass again would be fun.

Harry: You had a small heart on your toe. Harry never noticed and you could understand why. It was practically microscopic. You and Harry were having a relaxing day in and you two decided to watch a movie. Lying in your pj's you stretched your legs and put your feet on Harry's lap. He started to slightly rub them while still staring at the TV screen. He played with your toes making you giggle. You felt his finger rub the mini heart on your toe and you were wondering if he actually noticed or if it was completely oblivious. He looked down at your toe for a second before looking up at you, a shocked but happy expression on his face. "You have a tattoo?!?!" He questioned looking back down at the black ♥ You nod as his eyes look back to you. "Yes I do. Styles you're not the only one with tiny tattoo's." You smirk. He smiles and shakes his head. "I just didn't imagine a goody two shoes girl like you with a tattoo." He replied. You rolled your eyes. "Suck it up Haz. It's there forever." You remind him. He nods. "You know...It's kind of hot." Leave it to Harry to find pleasure from a toe tattoo.

Zayn: You're a Disney fanatic. Your favorite movie is Peter Pan so this quote/picture/map thing means a lot to you. You're also a bit of a rebel and went against your parents wishes when you got a relatively HUGE map tattooed onto your rib cage. Zayn had never seen this before and you're surprise because of it's size. I mean c'mon. It gigantic. But you love it. A lot. You and Zayn were lying in bed when he decided to tickle you. Knowing you're very ticklish he was able to straddle you in no time and tickle your sides making you squirm  You laughed and tried to breath as Zayn's rough fingers made their way up your shirt for easier tickling access. He stopped though when he felt the tattoo. You froze not really knowing how to explain this to him as he lifted your t-shirt up to take a better look. He studied the design for a few moments before moving his eyes to your face. "You have a tattoo?" He raised and eyebrow. You nodded. "A big one." You added. He licked his lips a little. "Yeah. A very big one." He agreed. There was a few moments of awkward silence as he ran his fingers against the black lines that marked your side. "Why didn't you tell me?" He questioned you. You frowned. "I had thought you had already seen it." You answered. He shrugged. "It's hot. My little disney fanatic." He chuckled kissing your forehead. "Very hot."

QOTD:  What's something your brain tries to make you do and you have to will yourself not to do it?

A: Spend more money at Taco Bell than I should

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