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Harry: "Hahaha" Harry came into the room in a burst of laughter. "You ok there mate?" You ask him. "I'm better then ok Mrs.FuterStyles.Tumblr.com" Your face turns red as you start to remember the days you used to spend obsessing over Harry. You had an all Harry Styles blog so you couldn't really give him the old "It was the whole band" type of thing. "You are to cute ... and a little creepy." Harry laughed till his face was bright red. "You know how crazy my followers would go if they saw we actually ended up together ..." You began to brainstorm in your head. You take a picture with Harry and upload it with the caption 'Told you guys we would end up together.' Suddenly the asks began to pour in. The ones you used to BEG for ... but never got. 

Louis: You hadn't been on Tumblr for at least a year. Sometimes you wondered if your followers were still there. You hadn't been much of a 'Tumblr Famous' but your followers always ment the world to you. You decided to look at your old Larry blog. Just then Louis walks in the room. "Y/N?? Did some fan send you some 'LARRY PROOF' again? They are so dumb... wait a minute ... that side bar is you... huh?" Louis face suddenly looks so confused. "Well I might have been sort of a Larry shipper back in the day..." You look into Louis deep blue eyes. "Oh" He gives a sigh. "Well do you still ship us?" Louis gives you a wink. 

Niall: "Y/N! You'll never believe what someone just tweeted at me!" Niall shouts to you from the bedroom. You were sitting on the sofa reading vogue with your puppy Nandos, at your feet. "Was it another gross thing I DON'T want to see?" You ask remembering the last time Niall showed you a tweet from a fan. "Better... Come here!" Niall called for you. You made your way over to the room Nandos following behind you. "Alright, Alright What is it?" You walk over to Niall who is lying on the bed and look over his shoulder on to the computer screen. Your mouth drops when you relise what Niall had discovered through a fan. It was your old One Direction tumblr. "Hehe" You blush. "I might have been a bit - well I wouldn't say obsessed ... I was erm' dedicated" You were still blushing like a fool. "I know" Niall kisses your cheek. 

Liam: You and Liam had been together for a while now. Things couldn't have been better. Liam was the sweetest man you had ever met and you knew he was a keeper. You were always a crazy fangirl, it was in your nature. Sometimes it was hard not to flip out when Liam took off his shirt and make a GIF out of it. You had left Tumblr once you started dating Liam. You knew how bad Tumblr hate was and you just didn't want any of it, so you left your blog and old blog friends. You had missed it sometimes and really wanted to come back to it. "Li" you start wondering if your next move was the right idea. "I have something to show you..." Liam's face started to look concerned. "Oh no babe it's not a bad thing ... well maybe a bit embarrassing for me! Nothing bad I promise." You reassure your loving Boyfriend. "This is my old Tumblr... I'm only showing you cause I really want to go back to it. I know you don't want me to get hate but I really miss it and -" Liam cuts of your rambling with a quick peck to the lips. "I always knew you were crazy." He sniffles. 

Zayn: When you first saw Zayn you almost flipped. "Keep it cool" You thought to yourself. When you had first met you kind of pretended you didn't really know who One Direction was. You thought it was cool, why? You couldn't tell yourself that. This was years ago and Zayn still never knew that you were such a big time fan. A tumblr, a twitter, everything!! And now much later on your Tumblr was long gone. Why blog about something you have right infront of you? You always thought. "Y/N? Look what Harry just sent to me! I believe you have some explaining to do." You could hear the sarcasm in Zayn's voice but still had no idea what he had found. Until you went up to him and saw it. Your old Tumblr. "You know I always knew you were really a fan" Zayn Smirks and you laugh. 

QOTD: What would you name your boat if you had one?

A: Lord Sinkington III

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