Chapter 3

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As soon as the double oak door swings open, I was greeted by the mesmerizing view of the humongous room.

The room is mostly carpeted in a shade of ruby red and the walls are painted a dark purple. The room is also well furnishing with furniture's such as armchairs with button backs and stained dark oak cabinets. There is even a fireplace, with a white silk fabric draped rather dangerously from the mantelshelf.

My mouth hanged open as the view of seven unbelievably deathly pale yet steaming hot man dawned on me. However, the man sitting behind the black desk with claw feet looked older compared to the other six guys who are starting to bore a hole in my head.

All of the guys are impossibly good looking; pale marble white skin, blue eyes and blonde hair.

Hell, I could just die looking at them.

The older looking guy, probably in his mid-forties, behind the desk was the only one dressed in a black suit with a blood red bow (what is with their liking of the color black and red?) while the rest was in outfits that are black from top to bottom. Even one of the hottie who are more emo looking compared to the rest, had on a black choker with a diamond stud in the middle.

It's like entering a harem full of dangerously hot man.

Although they are sizzling hot, the color black is really starting to get on my nerves.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Adele." The older man finally spoke and his voice was surprisingly sexy. Standing up and giving a small bow like a gentleman, he continued, "My name is Horatio Donahue and I am the one that was called you."

I nodded, almost enchanted by the way Horatio was smiling at me and then I snapped back into my senses. Wait a second! Horatio Donahue?

"Wait, weren't you supposed to be like in your mid-seventies or something and dying?" Fear grasps me harder than I imagined and instantly right in my gut I knew something was wrong. The man who called me was a seventy year old dying old man! Well, at least he was supposed to be.

Without thinking anymore I quickly make a dash for the double doors and I pulled at them. But the double doors will not open up. I cussed and pulled harder at the doors.

When the door will not open up, I kicked harder at the oak door and felt my toes throb in pain. Of course they had locked it up!

Stupid Walter the butler!

Stupid me!

There was a soft chuckle beside me and I turned around almost immediately. Standing a little to close for comfort was one of the guys that I was trying to run a way from.

He gave me a sly smile and I froze with horror, feeling the blood drained from my face.

Staring up at him, a pair of fangs glittered in the fire light, welcoming me into my new life.

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