Chapter 19

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Thanks for all the reviews! Hope you all enjoy this chapter...though be warned that there is alot of fighting going on in this chapter.

Chapter 18: Finally Free

We bury ourselves in each others warmth; I let him hold me, caress me and for the last time, let him remember how it's like to have me in his strong arms. In his arms, I silently cried; can I really leave him when I leave this place?

I am sorry for being so selfish.

Maybe I will regret this moment in the future; but it doesn't matter.

For now, I am in his arms.

And that is all that matters.

Horatio sent a tight slap across my face. The Donahue brothers sat quietly at their places as they watched on. They knew what I did back at the basement an hour ago.

I didn't fight back or anything; I just sat there and took it. Yes, the slap was painful. Hell, it hurts. But I stayed silent. I didn't even move an inch when Horatio slapped me again. I know he didn't put all his strength in it, or my jaw would have been dislocated by now.

When he was about to gave me another slap, Christopher grabbed his arm.

"Father, I think that's enough."

Horatio glared down at me, "Enough? My son, my daughter-in-law just slept with a dog! Shouldn't you be angry that your fiancé is no longer a virgin but touched by something as disgusting as a mutt?"

I let out a low chuckle and I know all of them heard me clearly, especially the angered Horatio. He pulled me roughly by my hair to face him and I hissed in pain. He smiled at me manically, "Do you find it funny, you foolish girl? That you're about to die?"

"Father!" Christopher protested but Horatio stopped him.

"Keep quiet!"

Christopher stared at his father wide eyed. The others said nothing but they were no longer seated; they were ready to rush to stop Horatio if he does anything irrational.

I mirrored the same menace smile, "You don't think I would not find out about your dirty little secret?"

"What dirty little secret?" Christopher asked as he stared at both Horatio and I, "Father, what secret is she talking about?"

"Dominic, you're the mind-reader, tell us what is in Adele's mind right now." Maxine turned to his younger brother.

Dominic shook his head, "I can't see it; she's imagining hitting me with a baseball bat and I do not wear pink!" My lips curved upwards a little as I tried to fight my laughter back down. Imagining Dominic in pink frilly dresses and hitting him with a baseball bat is the best cover-up.

This time it was Horatio's face that fell. His eyes harden and his grip on my hair tightens, from his look I can tell that he so wants to kill me. But he is not stupid to kill me on the spot just to cover up his secret or it would be too obvious and it will make his sons even more suspicious. So he silently hissed to me, "You fool, if you even think of it, I will-"

But I smiled in his face, "Too late."

And I turned to look at Dominic right into his eyes and mentally said; my parents killed your Ashlie.

Everything happened so quickly, I didn't even have time to blink. A moment ago I was still held by Horatio by the hair and the next moment, Dominic had pushed me out of Horatio's grip and pinning me down on the carpet, giving me rug burns. He hissed, revealing his fangs and everything fell into chaos.

Grace and Julian showed up in the room; one look at Dominic and me caused anger to abrupt in Julian and he snarled protectively, springing towards Dominic to peel him off me. Edwin or Adrian knocked Julian off from the side to prevent him from attacking Dominic and he crashed into the shelves, breaking everything under his weight. Christopher and Maxine tried to pull Dominic off me but Dominic fought them off. Horatio recovered and took this chance to pull me out from underneath Dominic and hurled me across the room. Before my body could take the impact, someone caught me and the both of us fell to the floor.

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