Chapter 17

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It was a curse, to live forever. But eternity didn't look so bad when there is your loved one to share it with you. I never thought I will end up living forever; I thought I was going to grow old with my loved one, have lots of little me running about in the sunny yard and face death at the end of my time. But I'd never expect myself to face death so quickly, so merciless and so painful.

It wasn't normal the way I died; I know I was brutally murdered. I remember vividly the look of the murderer; a beautiful lady with the most gorgeous black hair and piercing dark eyes. She was beautiful, I cannot deny but the way she killed us was definitely not human. How a woman single-handedly murdered eight people in a go? All of us are grown men, except for our dearest sister.

That wasn't the only thing I remembered; I still remembered the burning sensation in my body. It felt like I was in hell, maybe I really went to hell. But when I awoke, I was laying in an abandoned house with seven other siblings of mine with me. None of them have awakened yet. I checked myself, I'm still in one piece, no missing flesh or scars could be seen. My skin was deathly pale; it looked as if I had never been in the sun for years. That attack should have left some scars on me but it didn't.

I looked around my surroundings; we are in a small room with no windows so there was no way for us to escape and although it was dark in the room, I could see perfectly clear. Gradually, my other siblings woke up and we sat together, trying to straighten out what had happened to us. We still looked the same; still the same blonde hair, blue eyes but the only thing different is our ghostly pale skin. What had happened to us?

The door creaked open and the lady from that night entered. She didn't look all too happy when she saw me.

"You've awaken." Her voice was surprisingly sexy and I found myself drawn to her each time she took a step closer.

"What is this place?" I finally asked, "What have you done to us?"

She didn't reply; instead she walked out and pulled a woman in. The woman was screaming and begging to be freed, tears were flowing down her cheeks and her red hair was a mess. Something stirred in me; not sympathy but something else.

She pushed the red head to us and in a very commanding tone, said, "Feed."

At first we just stared at her and the red head, which was crying even louder now. My sister put a comforting arm around the red head but she squirmed away, screaming, "Don't touch me, you vampires!"

Anger rose in me, how dare she scream at my sister when all she did was trying to be nice and accusing us of being vampires? Suddenly my youngest brother did something we didn't expect him to do; he pulled the red head towards him, pushed her hair back and bit down hard on her neck. The red head screamed and my younger sister let out a loud gasp of horror.

What is our dear brother doing?

Looking at the amount of blood flowing down from the wound, something stirred in me; an odd feeling of sudden hunger and craving. I inched forward and pulled the red head's wrist to my face and bit down too. I didn't know why I did it, something in me wanted to do it so I did. I drank the blood, tasting its sweetness against my tongue.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the black hair lady smiling down at us as my siblings joined me at my feast.

There was no more blood left to spare so we dropped the body and stared at the stranger who fed us this human. My younger sister was crying now, but no tears formed. "What did we do? What is happening to us?"

I was disgusted by myself; I kept rubbing my lips, trying to erase the taste of blood that still lingers. Why did I do that? What feared me even more is that I enjoyed the taste of it.

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