Chapter 18

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My eyelids suddenly felt heavier and I yawned. Suddenly feeling the need to sleep, I pulled open the covers and crawled in, didn't bothered to change into more comfortable clothes and before I knew it, I was engulfed by darkness.

I awoke to my own tears.

I turned my head slightly to look at the book on the nightstand next to me.


I understand what they have been going through now, thanks to Sebastian's blood I got a chance to see through his memory what had happened to them. And through the book The Night Princess, I got to know that that book is no story but based on real life. They had lost people important to them too, and the pain they felt is forever. Maxine lost his Reina, his supposed soul mate and Dominic, my heart clenched at the thought of him, lost his Ashlie.

But there is still one more thing that unsettles me.

Why do the vampire hunters look so familiar?

It is troublesome not knowing their names when they look so vaguely familiar to me. Sebastian didn't seem to know the hunters names too because I never got their names from his memory. I sat up and flipped through the book, trying to look for the hunters name but found none.

Frowning, I placed the book back at the nightstand and went into the shower. I took a full half an hour soaking in the tub and stood out when I have gotten tired of the bubbles. Remembering that I didn't bring clean clothes with me, I wrapped myself in a white towel and went out into my room to take my clothes.

When going through the closet to find my favorite pair of jeans, I suddenly remembered the hunters look and I dropped what I was doing and still in my towel, I ran to the dressing table and pulled open the drawers. True enough; there laid my little black book like Grace had said. Pulling it out, I flipped to the last page and I stared at the old photograph for a long time, my face draining off its color as realization hit me.

No wonder I find the vampire hunters' looks so familiar.

They were my parents.


I turned to the person standing at the door and I closed the black book behind me. I smiled at him nervously, "Oh, hey, Dominic. I didn't hear you enter."

Dominic smiled slightly, "Sorry, I knocked but you didn't answer so I just came in myself and...What are you hiding?" He moved closer and I moved to block his view of my book. "Adele, what are you hiding?"

"Nothing, I am not hiding anything." I answered a little too quickly, "Will you leave me for a sec? I want to get dressed if you haven't noticed."

"Don't fool me," Dominic inched closer, "what is that behind you?"

"It's just a diary."

Dominic narrowed his eyes at me, "Really?"

I nodded, "Yes, really. Now get out!"

"What else is in it?"

I shook my head. I know he is pocking inside my head, trying to see through my mind what is inside the book. But I cannot let him; I have to block him off my mind. Get out of my head already! I snapped at him mentally.

He moved closer until he was standing right in front of me; his cold breath sending shivers down my spine. He narrowed his eyes at me, "What is in the book that you cannot show me? And stop pushing me out of your mind, I can still read it perfectly well. Tell me now; what is in that black book of yours?" Dominic purred seductively as he leaned onto my body.

I let out a little gasp as his ice cold skin rubbed against mine. I clenched the towel tighter to me and in a threatening tone said, "Get the hell out of this room before I make you."

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