Chapter 5

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I wanted to cry so badly because: first, this stupid bloody vampire Edwin's grip on both of my arms are so tight it's going to leave a big ugly purplish bruise and second, my life is going to end!

That is if I made the wrong choice.

But because of my big ego, I wouldn't allow my tears to even come out. Edwin looked down at me when I stopped struggling and frowned, "What? You give up now?"

"You asked me to give it up so hell yeah; I'm giving up and please do the same of shutting yourself up!" I snapped at him and Edwin's grip on me tightens. Maxine laughed, amused and the other brothers silently watched on, but I know well enough that they are interested in what words would come out of my poisonous little mouth next.

"Watch your manners, you little..." Edwin didn't get a chance to finish what he was about to say because Horatio cut him off.

"Release her, Edwin. You will not run now will you, Adele?" Horatio's voice was intimidating and honestly I was scared. But no way am I going to let these people see that.

"I don't think I will be able to go anywhere with him holding me like this." I glared at Horatio and Edwin released me, obviously not happy about not being able to rub my face on the carpet floor. I rubbed my bruised arm and smirked at Edwin who later bares his fangs at me.

"Do you want to sit or do you prefer standing?" Horatio, now that his eyes were not red anymore, looked so much nicer than before.

I looked around. There weren't many choices for me to choose from. Either I sit next to the emo vampire guy who seems to be able to read my thoughts or I squeeze in between Maxine and another vampire. So I think I will take my chances with standing.

I folded my arms across my chest and Horatio understand that I prefer standing so he continued, "As you wish so." Took his seat behind the claw leg oak table and looked at me, his eyes intense.

"You must be wondering what we might be," Horatio spoke in his deep intimidating voice. I rolled my eyes, like I haven't figured it out myself! Horatio pretend not to notice me, "We're vampires."

I looked at him with my eyebrows rasied, only to notice that they were actually waiting for me to put on some reactions.



"Well, what did you expect me to say? Wow, that's awesome! Why don't you bite me too?"

Some of the guy's names I still haven't known laughed. "She's awfully cute, isn't she? Too bad she doesn't seem to like black." Maxine was pointing out to the way I dressed; a white jeans jacket over a simple white sleeveless top and a knee-length vanilla yellow jeans. Too bad I hate skirts.

I throw him a disapproving look, "What's wrong with liking white?" And yeah, I just so happens to like white and everything bright.

"I just can't stand white," Maxine smile his fangy grin. I smiled half-heartily at him, getting used to their fangs, "Too bad, too sad then." Amusement flashed across Maxine's eyes and he looked away.

"So, what was it about me being owned by you?" I turned to Horatio, "And I don't remember you introducing me to any of your sons, yet." "Yes, you're right. Where are my manners?" Horatio gave me his charming smile and I can't help but shiver at the thought wondering if he was just pretending to be nice, "Forgive me for forgetting to introduce my sons."

"My oldest son, Christopher." The vampire addressed stood up in his 6'2 height and did a small bow. I can't help but smile when his sapphire blue eyes met mine. He was tall and compared to the rest of his brothers he had more muscles and I was right when he moved to sit down. He definitely has washboard abs.

Oh, yum.

"You've met Maxine." Maxine stood up, bowed and gave me this smile that made my hair stand at my back. Although I hate to admit it but he really is good-looking. Like those good-looking playboys we know too well about. Tall and lean with curly blonde hair, he stood out as much as his brothers.

"Adrian and Edwin." The identical twins merely smirked at me and you have no idea how similar the way they acted.

"Sebastian." Another guy with darker shade of blond hair compare to the Donahue brothers who was sitting at a bench near the fire place smiled at me and thank goodness he wasn't showing any fangs. I mentally added a brownie point for him.

"Victor." Victor stood up and bowed politely. Victor looked like a younger version of Horatio, with pale blonde hair that nearly looked like white and even the way his lips curve into a smile.

"And, this is Dominic." Horatio said, waving a hand at his youngest son who just eyed me with an annoyed look. He was the emo looking one with the black diamond stud choker. One side of his ears was pierced and I could bet that his tongue is too. Everything was black, except for his pale skin, bright blonde hair that fell to his eyes and his clear icy blue eyes.

Somehow Dominic didn't seem to like me at all.

All of the Donahue brothers are as good-looking as the other, and me being the usual fool just can't help drooling at them.

"Well," I chuckled, "I guess I know where all those good looks come from."

Horatio had a pleased look on as he cleared his throat, "I think I should make myself clear to you the real reason why you're here, Adele." I opened my mouth wanting to say something but Horatio cut me off immediately. "No, I'd prefer if you don't interrupt me while I explain."

I nodded silently and Horatio smiled, "Thank you. Now, Adele, as you know we're a coven of vampires. And I used to have a daughter who looks just like you, Ashlie, was her name. But unfortunately she was murdered."


I shivered, so vampires do get killed. And suddenly I felt bad for the Donahues. They had lost their only daughter and only sister.

From Horatio's expression, I can tell he was badly affected by Ashlie's death. He had the same look I had on when my parents passed away. But as quickly as that expression came, it was masked away with the emotionless expression quickly.

"Ashlie's death was sudden but it was expected, since we had many enemies. It wasn't long until I met you, Adele." And I froze. When did Horatio and I meet? I racked my brain trying to remember if I have ever met him before and the results came back zero. "Of course, I highly doubt you'd remember me if we really came face to face."

Oh, I highly doubt I will forget someone like Horatio if I ever met him before.

"After all, you were dying that time."

My breathing stops.


Horatio looked me with a gaze that made my skin crawl and the room suddenly felt colder than before.

"We met at the car accident four years ago."

e have no prove for this..."

"How do you explain yourself surviving from that accident when both of your parents didn't?"

"Maybe I'm just lucky! There's no way you could have done that or anything for me to survive from that-that-" I couldn't bring myself to say the word 'accident'. I lost both of my parents that day and the memory of them was just too painful to remember...

"Face it, Adele," Horatio was standing up now, "It was me who saved your life."

I shook my head. "No, it is not."

"Yes, it is. And now your life is mine to decide."

"No!" I shook my head, covering my ears but still able to hear Horatio's voice echoing in my head, "NO!"

But right in my gut I know Horatio was right no matter how much I try to deny it.

I am no longer free.

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