Chapter 10

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too froze as I felt the hairs on my back stand. Slowly, I held my breath and turned. My instincts were always right, so was this time.

Standing there looking very angry and deathly, was the vampire.



Julian was beside me in a flash, pulling me behind him. Something was off about Dominic, the punk Goth vampire guy who just hates me. I couldn't exactly pinpoint where was wrong about him. Something just looks wrong, misplaced. I continue with my own thinking while Julian and Dominic continue their 'friendly' talk.

"It's Sir Dominic for you, mongrel." Dominic snarled, revealing his line of pearly white fangs. I shuddered when I notice what was different from the Dominic in the room and the Dominic now.

Instead of those drop-to-my-knees blue eyes, it was a pair of red eyes.

"My mistake Sir Dominic," Julian, who was standing in front of me with his fist clenched tightly, shook a little. I hardly doubt it was fear that made him shake. Julian's expression was hard and he seems to be shooting daggers with his emerald eyes.

Dominic inched forward; his body hunched, looking rather intimidating like a cat ready to pounce on its prey. Well, I definitely feel like one now. "You dogs are useless...why father agree to the treaty I can not understand. We could kill you and your little pack easily; too easily it won't be fun at all!"

Dominic drawled as he circled us, very gracefully like a vampire would, his feet making not even the slightest sound in his knee-length black boots. Even when my mind was screaming danger, I still couldn't lift my eyes away from the way he moved around, it was like looking at a ballerina dancing in circles.

Except that this is no nice tame ballerina.

Dominic let out a throaty laugh and I sink behind Julian even more. An evil sly smile played on Dominic's lips as his fury red eyes danced manically, "Oh, Adele, you crack me up! Of course, I am no tame ballerina. I couldn't imagine myself as one, anyway."

My eyes bulged out, how did he know?

Julian pulled me closer as Dominic pick up pace and circled us faster. "Of course I'd know, little princess! After all, I am the great Dominic Donahue! The great mind reader!"

Mind reader?

"Yes, Adele, I am a mind reader! It is a useful talent, you know, able to read minds and all...very advantaging! So don't even try to run away, little mouse, because..."

Everything happened so fast.

A minute ago I was still clinging to Julian for dear life, the next thing I know I was in front of Dominic with one of his hand at my neck and another one holding both of my hands behind me. Julian tensed and his eyes wide. I didn't even blink when I felt Dominic's ice cold breath on the back of my neck. "...I can always catch you."

I shivered as Dominic's grip on my neck tightens as he leaned forward, licking my neck in a slow motion that made me whimper. I could feel his fangs lightly brushing against my skin and I was right about his tongue being pierced.

Julian let out a low growl and Dominic chuckled, "What, silly little doggie? Oh, don't tell me, mongrel...oh dear, could it be that you..."

Dominic smirked and Julian snarled. I glared at both of them, mainly Dominic from the corner of my eyes; what is it about Julian that Dominic wanted to say?

"My, my...that is not good, mutt." Julian growled at that and Dominic smirked even more, he released his grip on my hands but remained his hand on my neck so I wouldn't run away. I hissed in pain when his grip tightens.

I kicked my legs, "Let me go!"

Dominic merely laughed, "Now, now, little princess. If you want to know what I know, it's better if you don't run...or how do I tell you?" I cussed and stopped my struggling, who knew I can obey so easily? I never put down a fight. Blame my ego.

Julian's fist was clenched so hard his knuckles are turning ash white.

Dominic leaned so close his lips was at my ear, smiling he whispered out what I wanted to hear and what Julian didn't want Dominic to tell.

"Silly little girl, Julian likes you."

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