I'm Sorry - Spanna

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A/N: This is based on episode one of season seven and this is a scene I wish would've happened and what I still wish to happen in the future. I hope you will like this ❤️ With love, Arisa.

Hanna's POV:

I watched at their faces as they paced back and worth the room. They looked nervous and they looked like they would've desperatly needed some answers. But I didn't wanna talk about it. I didn't wanna tell what had happened. I wasn't ready. I didn't wan them to see how weak I had been and how weak thinking about it made me. I was shivering under the blanket and I really wanted to have some coffee. And just like that a familiar brunette walked over and handed me a cup of coffee. I looked at her brown eyes in awe and she gave me a small, kinda awkaward smile. I smiled back thankfully. I wished I would never have let my feelings toward Caleb come between me and Spencer. It was the biggest mistake I had ever made. I tried to hold back my emotions. I was still shaken about what had happened and now that I had started to think about the things between me and Spencer at the moment it was getting very hard not to just burst into tears.

I took a deep breath and a sip from the coffee. I really wanted to talk with Spencer. Alone. I wanted to tell about the dream. I wanted to thank her because without that dream I wouldn't have realized the way out of that barn. But I needed something stronger for that. And I needed everyone else gone. So when Spencer walked past me I shook her sleeve gently. She turned to look at me and I looked away. Maybe this was a bad idea... But I knew I had to do this.

"Spencer can I have something stronger than coffee in here?" I asked not daring to ask straight for a conversation.
"Sure." Spencer said and walked to the kitchen.

I saw Caleb walking towards me with something in his hand. He placed it on my hand and I regocnized it to be a ring. I wanted to punch him. Did he really think this was a good idea to remind me of Jordan? He was about to say something but I silenced him.

"Just go. And tell everyone else to go too. I need to talk with Spencer." I mumbled and he noded.
"Everyone let's go Hanna is tired. Spencer you stay with her." Caleb ordered andeveryone started to leave.
"Just call me if you need anything, yeah?" Emily said and placed her hand softly on my knee.
"Thanks Em, I will." I said and gave her a fake smile.
"Bye then!" everyone called and I waved at them deep in my thoughts.

What was I even going to say? Was I gonna tell the truth about the kiss? Was I going to tell what had happened to me while I had been kidnapped? Was I going to say... I'm sorry? Spencer walked to the divan I was currently sitting and sat at the end of it.

"Here." she said and I could sense the uneasiness in her voice.
"Thank you. Spencer I-" I thanked and started but she silenced me.
"I'm not sure do I wanna have this talk right now Hanna." she said clearly hurt.
"But Spence we need to talk! Please!" I basically pleaded, which I, Hanna Marin, don't do often.
"Fine then." she said dryly.
"It's just you need to know some things." I said and clearly got her attention.
"Tell me." she said this time a little bit more gentler.
"Awhile ago Caleb kissed me. I told him my feelings towards him never went away but now I know that's not true. He talked with me earlier but I made it clear that I don't have feelings for him anymore. I also wanna tell you something that happened during the kidnapping. I saw a dream with you there Spence. You comforted me and because of you I realized a way out of the barn." I said and Spencer looked at me with wide eyes.

She clearly had hard time believing what I had just told her but I still had something to say.

"And most of all, I'm sorry Spence. So sorry. I should have listened to you. Please Spencer I don't want us to be like this anymore. I want what we had back. Please Spencer." I said and this time I couldn't hold my tears back.
"Oh Hanna." Spencer said and I could hear her own voice breaking.

She pulled me in a hug and I wrapped my arms around her. I had missed her so much. She was so special to me and I hated what had happened between us and how stupid and mean I had been.

"Spencer I'm so sorry." I said and sobbed into her chest.
"Hanna I'm so sorry too. We both messed up." she said.
"We are such idiots. Though not you. You could never be an idiot." I said and chuckled a little.
"We sure are. And I still think you should show to others how unidiot you are yourself." Spencer said and chuckled too.

"So you had a dream of me huh?" she said a little teasingly and I could feel my cheeks burn a little.
"I was scared okay! Don't tease!" I said and huffed causing her to laugh.
"Fine fine, sorry. Do you... do you wanna talk about it?" she asked and I met her worried gaze.

So I told her. I told her about everything that I had gone through. About the bruises I had gotten and how I had got them. About how I had been afraid. About how I had finally gotten out and about how I had ended up in Mary Drake's car and finally in here. She listened carefully and at the end of my explanation hugged me tightly. I hugged her back and sighed in relief. We may not completely ever get back what we have had, but this was a start and this was forgiveness.

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