If You Go Away - Nejiten

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A/N: So uh hi there everyone, I'm kind of back from my break, which seemed to went on and on and I am so happy I'm actually back at writing again. Though writing this story wasn't very enjoyable, it was more like therapeutic. I can't remember since when I've cried while writing... But this really got me. This couple always gets me tbh. They are just... just too good for this world. Which is probaply the reason they had such a tragic end. Honestly Kishimoto why you do this? Even though this is a sad story, I hope you like it 💛 Feels good to be back at writing 💛 Also I'm planning on writing a brand new story theme around Free!, though I have no idea when it'll be ready to be posted but fingers crossed it'll be soon 💛 With love, Arisa.

Tenten's POV:

I sat near to the radio with my palms sticky from sweat. It felt hard to breath properly and I felt my feet shaking against the floor of our team's tent.

The wind that had been blowing outside furiously had stopped and everything was quiet.

I was the only one in our tent waiting silently for a call from either Lee or Neji.

They were out in the battlefield and I had to had left for a look out on the tent

I tried my best to calm down but it was hard after the latest call from Neji. He sounded worried but had assured everything was fine.

Then I heard Lee's voice. A little scratchy at first but I could make the words out.

"Tenten can you hear me?" he asked all out of breath.

"Yes. How are things?" I asked unpatient and worry clear in my voice.

"Neji... Neji was in a fight..." he said and I could hear his voice cracking.

I covered my mouth with my hand and felt the burning of tears on the corners of my eyes.

"Yes?" I said desperate to know more yet so afraid to hear the truth.

"Neji is... Neji is..." he tried but couldn't finish.

And he didn't have to. I already knew.

"He is dead." he whispered and my legs gave out.

I screamed louder than ever in my life. It was a cry of pure pain and agony.

I could hear Lee's faint voice coming from somewhere far away even when the radio was right next to me.

It felt like everything had stopped. Nothing moved around me.

It was just me, curled to the floor crying my heart out. He was gone. My Neji was gone.

Slowly the silence swallowed me, taking me to the safe place of my memories. My memories of him.


"Not good enough! Again!" Neji commanded while I was trying to catch my breath on all the evening training we had been doing.

We had been at woods for hours now and the sun was slowly sitting down behind the village's silhouette.

"Again?" I asked ready to give up already.

"Yes. I wanna see what you can really do." he said firmly.

"Oh you're on it." I said with a smirk.

Somehow even when every muscle inside of me was singing hallelujah he managed to light the fire inside of me and made me want to try harder and harder.

"You better be ready for this!" I said before I took my scrolls out ready to battle.

He just got into a fighting position and noded as a sign for me to start.

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