Keep Me Near, Heal Me - Stally

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A/N: Hello you all sweeties! I'm so surprised by how many of you actually already have readed this book, thank you so much! Here comes a short Stally oneshot that I had been having in my mind to write for awhile now and finally here it is! I hope you will enjoy this one ❤️ With love, Arisa.

Ally's POV:

"What are you up to babe?" I heard a familiar voice call from the ground.
"I was thinking about putting these lanterns on to the tree for today's garden party. Do you think they look good there?" I explained and asked.
"All I think is that you should come down before you fa-" she was about to say when I felt my foot slip and I fell to the ground.
"Goodness Ally this was exactly what I meant! Are you okay?" Stevie asked worriedly.
"I'm just fine." I muttered and started to rise up but fell back to the ground and hissed in pain.
"Damn it." I said and tried again but the same happened though this time Stevie catched me.

She picked me up and started to carry me back to inside. I had a bad feeling about this but didn't dare to say anything. Stevie walked to the kitchen and grabbed the car keys and I knew what was about to come. The hospital.

"Stevie I don't think this is-" I started but she silenced me.
"We have to go okay. You're leg is injured." she said and opened the door.

She carried me to her car and placed me carefully to the seat. I clicked my seatbelt on and waited silently for her to sat on her seat and start the car.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked quietly when we had been sitting in silence for over ten minutes.
"Yes and no. I'm mad that you started something so dangerous without telling to me about or without letting me help you. At the same time I'm not mad at you because you  couldn't have done anything in the situation. I just hate to see you in pain..." she answered seriously and I fell completely silent again.
"I'm sorry." I whispered and placed my hand on top of her's that was laying on the gearstick.

When we stopped for the lights she planted a small kiss on my forehead.

"Don't be. It's okay. Let's just get you to the hospital." she said and smiled at me.

I smiled back but my smile soon turned into a frown. I hated hospitals and this was not going to be anything but a strugle. I sighed and leaned to the seat trying to relax. My leg hurted like hell and I was trying my best not to hiss whenever he car hitted a bump on the road. Through the whole trip Stevie had this tense expression on her face and it made me feel even worse. I didn't mean to make her so worried. She already worried about so many things and now this happened. Finally we entered the hospital pariking lot and Stevie stopped the engine. She jumped out of her seat and walked over to mine. She opened the door and lifted me up before closing and locking the doors. She carried me to the busy and hand disinfectant smelling hall. Stevie placed me to one of the chairs and walked to the reception sect. I looked at my swollen leg and felt this awful twist in my stomach. I had never had this big injury before and I was nervous.

"Doctor will meet you soon. Hey what is up Ally?" Stevie told me and asked.
"It's nothing." I lied because I didn't want her to worry any more than she already was worrying.
"Babe I'm not an idiot. Just tell me okay." she said firmly.
"It's just... I'm nervous. I've never had injury like this before and you know what I think of hospitals." I said and looked at her not hiding my fear anymore.

Stevie didn't say anything she just pulled me close to her and let my head rest on her shoulder. She caressed her hand softly through my hair and I immideatly felt calmer. I heard her start to hum our song softly and I felt a smile make it's way to my lips. Everything about that song made me so happy. I remembered us shooting the music video. I remembered us writing the lyrics together. Just when I was about to start to hum the song too, a man in white coat walked to us and asked me to follow him. I looked around feeling a little helpless since I couldn't use my leg but Stevie saved the situation and lifted me up and carried me to the examination room. I closed my eyes and burried to her neck. This was going to be a long day.

*3 hours later*

I was hopping to the garden with my good leg not wanting to wake Stevie up. We had returned from the hospital and we both had fell asleep on the couch. I looked behind my shoulder to see my beautiful girlfriend resting there with a peaceful look on her face. I smiled and hopped to the tree I had fallen down. I clicked on the switch of the lights and the tree lighted up looking marvelous. I smiled proudly and for awhile forgot I couldn't use my other leg. I soon found myself sitting on the ground. I stared to laugh because this all felt so crazy. Me climbing on the tree then falling down. Stevie being all worried and carrying me all around. And now here I was looking at the tree full of lanterns and Stevie asleep on the couch. I tried to rise up but it was surprisingly hard. I sighed after a few times of no luck on getting up and tried one more time. This time when I was waiting for the oh so familiar thud I landed on someone's arms instead.

"I thought you were supoused to rest." Stevie mumbled sleepily.
"Sorry... I just wanted to see the lights on." I explained.
"They are so beautiful." Stevie breathed out and I smiled at her.
"They sure are." I whispered and turned to face Stevie.

She pulled me into a soft and sweet kiss. I enjoyed the feeling and melted into her arms. She smiled into the kiss and I smiled too. We pulled apart and I reached my hand to swipe a hair out of her face. She carried me back to inside and we sat to the couch me in her arms. I couldn't have been happier to have someone to keep me near and help me heal. I couldn't be happier to have her, my Stevie.

 I couldn't be happier to have her, my Stevie

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