Stars - Elizabeth x Angelica (Elica)

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A/N: This time something sweet and fluff after all the pretty angsti one shots ❤️ Also how come there's now fanfics about this lovely couple? I even had to make them a ship name myself since I didn't find anything? Well anyways here's something sweet and short with these two pirates I love ❤️

Angelica was sitting up high on the mast of Black Pearl. She was curled into a tight ball with her legs up against her chest. Yet she kept a close eye on the horizon as promised. The cold night air was blowing through her long dark curls making them fly around. She was feeling very sleepy but was determained to stay awake the whole night this time so she wouldn't have to wake a certain someone like she had had done the past nights.

Though her eyes were getting heavier and heavier and finally they shut and she fell into light sleep.

"Angelica?" came a voice from the distance.

"Wha- I'm awake! I'm awake!" Angelica jumped up realizing she had fallen asleep.

While standing up so fast she started to lose her balance. She tried to get a hold of one of the thick ship strings but it was no use. Just when she was about to fall down a strong pair of hands took a firm hold of her and pulled her back up. She landed onto a soft chest and a familiar scent immideatly comforted her fastly raising heart.

"Elizabeth." she whispered happily.

"Good evening milady." Elizabeth greeted and kissed Angelica's soft dark curls.

Angelica nuzzled into Elizabeth's warm embrace and placed her head into the crook of Elizabeth's neck.

"Why are you here Liz?" Angelica then asked and couldn't hold back a yawn.

"I just came to check if you were okay since you didn't come to switch places with me." Elizabeth explained and gently tucked some of Angelica's curls behind her ear.

"Sorry for falling asleep. Please don't tell Jack!" Angelica said suddenly getting a little worried.

"Tsch of course I won't tell silly." Elizabeth chuckled and patted Angelica's head playfully.

"Hey!" Angelica said and laughed a little at the sweet act of the red head.

"So would you like to go to sleep now maybe? I can continue the look out sift from here." Elizabeth asked and offered.

"No! I mean... There won't be a need for that." Angelica said firmly not wanting to give in though she was dead tired.

"Then how about we make a deal?" Elizabeth asked with a smirk.

"Depends on the deal." Angelica answered getting curious.

"You can keep your sift but I will stay with you up here and keep you company. Deal?" Elizabeth said.

"Deal." Angelica said and gently kissed Elizabeth's cheek. "Thank you for the offer." she then whispered.

"Anything for you my love." Elizabeth whispered back.

Elizabeth sat down first and Angelica soon followed. Elizabeth scooped Angelica to her hold and Angelica leaned into Elziabeth while Elizabeth held her tight.

"The stars are so beautiful." Angelica breathed out looking up in wonder.

"They are." Elizabeth said and looked up as well. "But you know what?" she then whispered.

"What?" Angelica asked and turned to face Elizabeth.

"Not as beautiful as you." she said and kissed Angelica's forehead.

"That's so cheesy you idiot." Angelica said and started to laugh.

"Oi! Don't laugh at me!" Elizabeth said sternly but ended up smiling at the giggling woman.

"I'm sorry love." Angelica said and wiped some tears from her eyes from laughing so hard.

"I love you." Elizabeth said softly and put her forehead against Angelica's.

"I love you too." Angelica confessed and closed her eyes.

The two spend the night watching the stars and talking about the life of pirate. In the morning Jack found the two women cuddled together on top of the mast but he just couldn't bring himself to wake the two lovebirds up. He just smiled and went for a look out himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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