Mine! - Newtmas

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A/N: Hey you all! Here comes my first ever Newtmas story. I'm not sure what this is supoused to be but I still hope you will enjoy this ❤️ With love, Arisa.

Warm breeze of summer night air brushed against my face. I watched the campfire spark infront of me and felt the heat of it push to my feet. I walked to the spot me and Newt had sat on my first night at the glade. I wondered where my blonde best friend was and grunted softly as I watched Newt appearing to the fire with Minho and chatting happily. I didn't like it one bit how close the two were. How they would sometimes disapear for hours and then come back holding hands and laughing. For heaven's sake I didn't like to share what was mine! Well technically Newt wasn't mine. Yet. But I would make sure to have a chat with him tonight. Newt waved at Minho who spirnted to the campfire. He made his way to me and sat down.

"Hi Tom-" he started but I silenced him.
"We need to talk." I said seriously and his face fell.

He noded and took a firm hold of his hand and walked with him to our hammocks. I don't know what took over me but I pushed him against the wall of our resting area and held him in place.

"You know I don't like sharing right?" I asked and looked at him.
"Yes. But what does it have to do with anything Tommy. I don't unders-" he started but I silenced him again.
"I want..." I started but suddenly felt weird about the whole situation.

Was I really just gonna confess him like this? I guess I was.

"I want you to be mine Newt. Only mine. I can't take how he has you the way he has." I said and looked at Newt's eyes.
"Who is this he Tommy?" Newt asked confused.
"Minho. The way you two spend time and dissapear to places and then return laughing and just ugh." I said and felt the bang of jealosy hit me.
"But Tommy... You are the one who is gone most of the day running with him through the Maze... You are the one who spends time with him the most!" he shouted and I looked at him in awe.
"Are you... are you telling me you're... jealous?" I asked completely puzzled.

Could it really be that Newt wanted to be mine as bad as I wanted to be his?

"I... I am okay! How could I not be! Tommy I lov-" he started but I once again cutted him off.

But this time with a kiss. It was our first kiss and I couldn't believe it was happening. His lips were soft and they felt amazing against mine. I could feel my whole body burning from desire and love. He kissed me back with as much passion as I had kissed him and I smiled into the kiss.

"I love you too." I said and smirked.
"Bloody hell with you Tommy..." he mumbled and smiled at me.
"But remember that you are mine now. No more holding hands with you know who." I said sternly.
"I'm your's and you're mine." he whispered and leaned to my shoulder.

I hugged him and we stayed like that for a long while. We didn't care about everyone else having fun at the campfire. On that moment it was only us two, and boy did I then mind that? Not a single bit.

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