8. Poetic Justice

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We all sat in the living room in silence smiling a little. Two years ago you couldn't keep us quiet if you paid us now there's nothing but silence.

"So..." I trailed off and they looked at each other smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes.

"So..." the said back Toby took of his glasses and started cleaning them a habit of his whenever he was in an uncomfortable situation.

"I didn't expect our family reunion to be like this" Roman commented softly running his fingers through my hair. I wrapped my arm around him as I tear slipped out of my eye and down my cheek. Then of course the other three came in and joined.

We stayed like that until I fell asleep. We all did actually and we didn't wake up till it was dark outside. It's been so long since I had the comfort of my family and I don't want it to end. Unwrapping their arms from around me I slowly got up and found the kitchen. Looking in the refrigerator I saw a bunch of Capri Suns it was our favorite juice.

Instead of poking the hole at the top with my straw I did it at the bottom "Respect the pouch" I whispered to myself softly just as my brothers said it standing in the doorway.

"Stay here with us" Toby pleaded I'm guessing Jaxon told them I had to come back. I didn't have to go back though Bella said I could leave whenever but I wanted to because I would miss Anais. 

"Soon my dear brothers" I said in a posh accent making them chuckle "there's a few things that I need to make sure happen" I sucked down my juice and puffed air back into the juice packet.

"But visit everyday okay after school and especially on weekends until you done"  Roman said pushing his silver hair back out of his face.

"And once you're done with your little deeds or whatever you can join my pack officially" Rylan stated grabbing capri suns for the others. They did the same as me and poked their straws through the bottom "Respect the pouch"


The next morning I felt so much more chipper than usual. Getting out of bed and taking a shower I got out deciding to dress a bit more like Anais. I picked out a red t-shirt dress that had slits on the side and reached about mid-thigh. It was fitted against my frame but I think it looked well on me. Then it was shoes of course I picked out black wedges that had a strap with a little black bow on it.

I didn't wash my hair so it was dry and straight. I sat down at the vanity and looked at all the makeup products Anais had bought. Even when I was fifteen I didn't wear makeup so this was very new to me. I grabbed the black mascara and applied it only poking my eyes twice and getting it on the area between my eyebrows thrice.

Then I put on a gold watch that had once belonged to Anais but she let me have it. Looking in the full length mirror I think I did a pretty good job. Except the scars on my arm were visible so I covered it with makeup as best I could. 

I looked pretty I felt pretty so I went downstairs where they waited impatiently. The clicking of my shoes made their attention turn to me. Their eyes widened as they took in my appearance which was far different from my usual random shirt and jeans.

I smiled my face feeling flushed taking the rest of the steps one at a time until I reached the bottom. Anais smiled in approval "It's nice to know I've made an impact on you somehow" she said clapping happily while I looked to the others.

"Damn" both Lucas and Christian said nodding their heads in approval also. The only person who didn't say anything was Jaxon who stood with his mouth ajar as his eyes trailed over my body. Anais grabbed my hand and led us out while Jax still stood there his eyes trailing after me.

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