Chapter 1

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(y/n)=your name
(l/n)=last name
(h/c)=hair color
(f/f)=favorite food
(e/c)=eye color
(h/t)=hair type

Wandering through the halls of Hogwarts you see your twin brother, Harry.

'How I hate this guy' you thought to yourself. He really was just...not your cup of tea. "Hey (y/n)!" He says, with enthusiasm in tone and a huge smile on his face. You just gave him a disgusted look and kept on your way.

While continuing to walk, you bump into a tall and hard body, which catches you off guard. You take a moment to reconcile your thoughts.

"Oh um, I'm sorry." You say a bit embarrassed.

"It's alright." A thick British accent replies. You looked up and to your surprise, it's him. "Oh it's you." You say, internally rolling your eyes at his presence but locking eyes with Draco. You take a moment to look at him, your heart races and you feel yourself running out of breath. He says nothing, yet his icy grey eyes burn through yours and you feel your body tensing up.

To your luck, behind him you spot your best friend's silhouette through your peripheral vision and retrieve your eyes from his. Luna walks up and you make way to her, completely disregarding your previous interaction with Draco. "Hello there (y/n)." she says with a sweet smile on her. "Hi Luna" you smile back.

"Any news?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

You shrugged. "Nah, just bumped into Malfoy." You reply faking annoyance in your voice.

"Oh..." She says, not convinced of your attempt to hide your feelings. Of course, Luna being your best friend, she was gonna realize something was going on.

Shaking your head, you clear your thoughts and go back to your conversation with Luna.  "What about you?"

"Well you see that guy right there?" She said pointing at a tall boy with brown hair.

You look around for a second, a couple of yards away you spot a young boy at the entrance of the library, kind of on the same age range as you. "Yeah I see him." You say.

"Well I kinda like him." She says boldly. You turned around to face her and her usual pale face was bright pink.

You, being your cunning self, smile to yourself as the first thought that came to your mind was a way of getting them together.

"I'll hook you up with him." You told her with a wide grin.

"Really?!" She asks excited as a huge smile spreads across her face.

"Really." You nodded.

"It's not that I'm doubting the cunning (y/n)...but how are you gonna do that?" She asks.

"Oh don't worry about it"

*-*-*time skips*-*-*

You were wearing your favorite outfit.

You saw Harry. Ron and Hermione walking walking in the halls as they usually were. 'Dis-gusting' you say to yourself in a singing tone. To be honest, you didn't know exactly why you hated them, but there was something about them that made you feel that way.

They kept on walking but Harry stopped you.

"(Y/n), I need to talk to you." He said putting his hands on your shoulders to stop you from moving.

"What do you want Potter?" You ask him in a heavy tone. You knew you were also a Potter, but your point was to show your despise towards him.

"Well since it's your birthday... Well OUR birthday," He starts off, "I wanted to give you this."

He pulls out you a small purple box from his pocket. "What is that?" you say with sudden interest.
"Open it."
You opened it and it was a nice golden ring. You grab it and take a look and notice the words "I love you" written in small letters on the inside of the ring.
You where shocked. How come he give you his love when you treat him like garbage?

"It's true, (Y/n), I do love you. You are my sister after all."

You feel your throat get dry. "Th-thanks Harry." Is what you manage to say as all your emotions suddenly mix up. You look up at him and force a smile which came out sheepishly, feeling quite unnerved. You could see a relieved expression in his face. But soon, he smiled back at you.

"You're welcome." He told you sweetly. "I must go now, my friends are waiting for me. All I wanted to do was give you that." He says still smiling bright. You look behind him and his friends are standing waiting for him, and Hermione rolls her eyes at the sight of you. Feeling unbothered, you quickly disregard them.

'I HAVE to give something to Harry for his birthday!' You thought. You couldn't just let him give you something without you giving him a gift. That's wrong!

'Brilliant!' you thought
'I'm gonna give Harry a bracelet that protects him from any damage!'

But of course, you're gonna need some special potions, Snape's potions in particular. How were you going to gather all those ingredients? You took a moment to think, but your mind was blank. It suddenly hits you like a flash that you are Slytherin and Snape loves Slytherins.


Next class was potions class. 'Here's the time' you thought. You sat next to Malfoy in that every class actually. It wasn't your fault, it was the professors fault. Honestly, you tried to make yourself bothered by it knowing that internally, you quietly enjoyed being next to him.

"Today you will pair up." Snape said in that boring tone of voice he has. "Mr. Potter with Ms. Granger..." He started.  You sigh, and put your hand on your cheek to rest your face, and wait for time to pass.
"What a nightmare." You whispered to yourself.

"Malfoy and Ms. Potter."

You feel your heart drop and your body turning hot as your eyes softly widen, immediately your attention snaps back and you try your best to not turn to look at Malfoy.

"Don't worry Potter, I also don't wanna be with you." Draco said looking at you with a smirk.

Ugh that smirk...


You left Malfoy to do the potion on his own while you were working on Harry's bracelet. You hear him yapping in the distance complaining about how you you weren't helping but simply ignored him.
Previously, you were rapidly looking through your drawers before class for an acceptable object to give to Harry, and picked out a random friendship bracelet made out of beads.

"I'm by your side" it read.  Yes, you didn't give much thought and effort to it but it was the best you were gonna do. It was last minute so you thought it was perfect.

Snape then stepped out of the class and you did not think twice to rush to his closet and grab a few potions here and there. No one seemed to notice or even care, probably too concentrated on their own thoughts too.

Your heart was racing as you were terrified of what would happen if Snape were to find you there right now. As your heart kept beating faster and faster, you tried to ignore the adrenaline in your body to read the labels on the potions, and finished grabbing a bit of  everything that you needed.

'Phew, easy.' You joked to yourself and made your way back to your seat. As soon as your butt hit the chair, Snape walked back inside the classroom. You avoided eye contact with him in case you seemed flushed or out of place. You took a deep breath and did an internal high-five to yourself.

"Amazing work Ms. Potter and Mr. Malfoy." Snape says standing over Draco's shoulder. "Ten points to Slytherin!" He exclaims and a few cheers go on around the room while several disappointed growls and whispering complains are heard too. You and Draco look at each other and smirked happily as the bell rang implying class was done.

Mission completed, (Y/n).

When you were walking towards the door, pushing yourself through the crowd of kids you suddenly realized, 'Wait didn't Draco do all the work?'

Okay, you took the credit anyway.

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