Chapter 11

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-3rd person POV-

Draco was on the forest. Crying and wanting you back. He couldn't just come back. He didn't have the guts. So he kept on going deeper to the forest and farther away from the school.

-Your POV-

I should go look for Draco.

-Draco's pov-

I should go look for (y/n).


Inside the school, I knocked on the girls common room and Pansy opened the door.

"You jerk! I know what happened!" She said angrily slamming the door on my face. I put my foot at the bottom of the door to stop it from closing.

"Where's (y/n)?" I simply asked trying to go it the room.

"Why should I tell you?! You broke my best friends heart! All she had was Luna, You, and me! Now she only has Luna and me." She said pushing me harsh as I went a little bit to the back but nothing really happening. With one of her hand she pushed me and holding a baby in her other arm ....probably hers.

"Look I'm sorry but I  need to know where she is" I told her with hope she would tell me.

"Alright Malfoy. I don't know where she is. All she told me was that she was going to go look for you." She said with a baby on her arms.
I took a look at the baby and it had Logan's face.

"Logan's?" I asked smiling at the baby.

"Yes. Her name is Jamie (y/n) Turner." she replied.

I nodded and got out and went to the forest looking for her. After spending hours, I decided to go back to boys common room.

-your pov-

After looking for Draco all over, I decided to go back inside and get some rest. Tomorrow I have a quidditch game.

-Draco's pov-

I went to the girls common room and knocked. Pansy came out holding my son and hers was sleeping on his own bed.

"Hand me James over." I said taking my son in my arms. His blonde hair like mines and his (y/e/c) eyes just like (y/n's).

"I love you James"

I said and kissed his forehead. I left it back to Pansy and went back to the forest to look for (y/n).

-Your POV-

"(Y/n) Draco came looking for you." Pansy told me.

"When?" I asked.

"Around 30 minutes ago. I think he also went looking for you in the forest. He carried James for a while." She said handing me my son.

"Nah when did I ask." I joked with a sheepish smile. Yeah I should stop. Pansy ignored my stupid joke and handed my baby back.

"Oh ok........Thanks for taking care of James." I said smiling.

"No problem. He's such an Angel" She replied smiling.

I put James on his bed, took a shower, brushed my teeth and went to sleep.

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