Chapter 10

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Guys btw this book changes a lot of point of views so keep track of them.

It has been 2 years and you and Draco were still dating. Actually, he asked you to marry him. Of course, you said yes. I mean... you were pregnant after all. In the quidditch game Slytherin won. Because of you, of course.
You still kept hating Harry and his 2 other friends. And you kept loving Draco. You were carrying your lovely 1 and a half year old baby named James Malfoy. He had your dads name, and of course, your fiancés last name.

-Your POV-


"Hey (y/n)" Draco told me.
"Hello Draco, how'd you sleep?"

"Real good. How about you?"

"Good thank you."

"I want to give you something." he said.
"Close your eyes" And I did just as he said.

I felt a cold metal in my left hand going in my ring finger and I gasped when I saw what it was.

"(Y/n)...for the longest time I wanted to ask you this....would you marry me?" He said looking nervous.

"Of course I will marry you Draco!" I said and kissed him deeply.

~End of flashback~

I was walking towards the Great Hall with a smile on my face carrying my lovely son. It had been 3 weeks since Draco asked me to marry him. I was 19 and so was he. It didn't matter we finished school already. They needed us for quidditch games so we stayed in Hogwarts. They also needed my brother, Ron and Hermione to play. So they stayed in Hogwarts as well.

Going to breakfast, I saw a Ravenclaw girl eating my boyfriends face.

"Excuse me Draco! Is this why you asked me to marry you?!" I shouted at Draco.

"(Y/n) no no it didn't happen like this! Let me tell you what happened!"

"I saw what happened Draco Malfoy! I need no explanation!" I said running upstairs towards my room with tears in my face and James in my hands.

-Draco's pov-

I was walking towards the Great Hall waiting for (y/n) when Riley, a Ravenclaw, came towards me.

"Hi Draco" she said with her annoying high pitched voice.

"What Riley?" I said annoyed.

"I was wondering if you wanna go have dinner with me tonight." She said giggling.

"No Riley. I have a fiancé and we are gonna marry in 3 more days. Now leave me alone." I said.

All of a sudden she kissed me. I was trying to pull her out of my arms but she was holding me tight and i couldn't escape. I really wanted to slap her and tell (y/n) what she did to me so she could take care of that.

"Excuse me Draco! Is this why you asked me to marry you?!" She screamed at me between tears.

Oh god...

"(Y/n), honey, no no it didn't happened like this! Let me tell you what happened!" I tried explaining.

"I saw what happened Draco Malfoy! I need no explanation!" She said running upstairs with our son. Tears filling her eyes.

I pushed Riley out of my way and ran towards (y/n).

"BABY!!! HONEY!!" I yelled rushing to find her.

I was gonna try asking people but of course, no one knew her since she's not a student anymore.

I saw Harry running towards me with his wand pointing at my chin with Ron and Hermione in back of him pointing their wands at me.

"What did you do to her Malfoy?!" He screamed at me. I had to admit I was scared. That's because I didn't have my wand with me.

"Get out of my way, Potter!" I tried kicking him but he put his wand closer to me.

"She hates you Potter! Leave me alone I need to go find her!" I said almost screaming.

"I don't care! She's my twin sister and nothing or no one will stop me from loving her!" He continued.

"You'll pay for this Malfoy!"


Harry yelled and I felt pain all over my body. Not able to speak. I stayed on the floor, sobbing and feeling an extremely bad pain in my body and passed out.

I woke up not knowing how long I was gone for. I went to the common room and grabbed my wand. Looking for Harry, I spotted him alone making his way to the Gryffindor common room.


I yelled wanting for him to feel the same pain. The spell hit him. He jumped a little and nothing happened.

"What?!" I asked shocked.

"Crucio!" I yelled again and nothing happened. Is he some kind of demon?! Feeling scared, I ran away outside the school and into to the forest.

-Harry's pov-

"Crucio!" I heard Draco's voice. I closed my eyed waiting for the pain and nothing happened.

"What?!" He asked shocked and again he said,

"Crucio!" And nothing happened again. I was amazed. I looked at my wrist and saw the the bracelet (y/n) gave me. I smiled thinking about the best sister in the world. (Y/n).

Draco looked scared an ran out of the school. I wondered where he was going but I didn't followed.


I want to dedicated this chapter to Crystal_J_27, KickThePhanPotter and genegayle.

Why? Because they are amazing and vote on ALL my chapters. Thank you all!

Thanks for reading.

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