Chapter 9

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The dress 👆

-Your POV-

I woke up and all the boys were back and sleeping. I hope they didn't notice me sleeping here. I grabbed my dress, put it back on and make my way to the Slytherin girls common room and took a shower.

"(Y/n), where were you last night??" Pansy asked me.

"Oh practicing quidditch with the boys." I lied quickly. Wrapping a towel across my body.

"Oh." She said looking convinced.

"I wanted to tell you about my crush Logan!" She said excited.

"Really? What happened?"

"Well I'm going out with him already!!" She said jumping up and down.

"Wow that's awesome!" I replied smiling.

"I'm going out with Draco." i said.

"Omg that's amazing!"

-3 weeks later-
(Gryffindor won game and there was going to be another one this week...yes yes, in the same month. Why? Idk use imagination)


"I'm pregnant (y/n)!!"
Pansy said exited.

"Omg when did it happened?" I asked with a smile.

"3 weeks ago at the boys Hufflepuff common room. I came in around 3:00 am and noticed you weren't here that day." She said.

"OK let me tell you the truth..." I begun.
"I slept with Draco a few weeks ago." I said.

"Omg and are you pregnant?!"

"I don't know, let me do a test."

"I'll wait outside." she said.

I walked in the restroom and did my business. I put in the pregnancy test, waiting for an answer.... I was! I was pregnant! I better had to tell Draco!
I brushed my hair and teeth. Put my uniform on, I stepped out of the restroom and looked at Pansy.

"Pansy I'm pregnant."

We both screamed and jumped up and down.

"I have to go. Ima' go tell Draco the news!" I said.


In the hallway, I see Draco waiting for me.
And he walks towards me.

"What took you so long?" He asks.

"Draco...I'm pregnant"
I say.

"Oh my lord that's amazing!" He says and kisses me gently.

"Can't wait for nine months." He says.

"Me either." I replied.

"We should practice quidditch but u gotta be a little more careful."

"Yeah sure let's go. Let me go for my broom."

Making my way to my room, I see Harry in front of the Slytherin girls common room.

"(Y/n) it true you slept with Draco?" He asks.

"Who told you Potter!?"

"Well a lot of girls did, since they said you said it out loud in the Slytherin room."

I should of been more careful.

"So what if I did?! And I'm also pregnant!"

He froze.

"(Y/n)....." He begun.


"N-nothing...never mind."

I went inside and got my broom and headed back with Draco.

"What happened? You took a bit long" He asked worried.

"My stupid brother stopped me in the way." I said.

"Oh well then let's get started."

And we practiced for hours.


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