Day 4: A Hotel, Movie Marathons and Ice Cream

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I've actually never been to Montauk, so please don't say anything against what I write. It's based off of my small knowledge of hotels and vacations.

Hope this doesn't suck to much

--Victoria Weasley xx

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July 6th, 2016

All Alex Bradley wanted to do was scream until his lungs ran out.

All Alex Bradley was ready to do, was punch a wall so hard his fist bled.

But all Alex Bradley could do, was sit and stare at his parents as they droned on and on about how the house should be spotless. How the twins shouldn't be out at a different someone's house every night.

So, Alex did the responsible thing. Besides blow a hole in the wall once he walked out of the house, of course.

All Alex Bradley did, was walk calmly to his car, and drove off without a word.


With two, Starbucks, vanilla bean frappuccinos in hand, Katie met Alex at the park around the corner from his house, twenty minutes after he had left his house. She didn't even have to ask her parents to drive her, as the park was ten minutes from her house, and the Starbucks was ten minutes from the park.

"Family problems?" Katie asked, handing Alex his drink and sitting in the grass next to him.

"Mom and dad came home late last night and the twins were still up doing whatever. All they did was lecture me on 'you should be doing this', 'you should be doing that', and 'you are seventeen, Alexander, you should know right and wrong'. You know how much I hate when they use my full name." He ranted. Katie sipped at her drink as she listened. Even though this has been going on for five years, Katie always sat there and listened to Alex, because he always sat there and listened to her complain about the people she was friends with for a long time.

"How about," Katie started, trying to get her friend's mind off of the problems he was having. "We have an ice cream party, in the middle of a movie marathon." Alex's face lit up so fast once Katie mentioned her idea.


"The checklist is in the bin, ten minutes away."

Needless to say, the two of them raced to Katie's house, didn't even greet her parents, and started texting their friends, after finding the movie marathon list.


"Okay, we have a little less than an hour until everyone gets here." Katie started, and Alex replied before she could finish.

"It's almost noon, we can't check in to that hotel until three."

"And? Its two hours away, and so freaking cheap. Let's find something to do while we wait to check in."

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