Part 9: Babysitting

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July 19th, 2016

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July 19th, 2016

"I think we should have brought sunscreen."Katie commented as she, Alex and Paige ate breakfast. The two had slept over the night before, and were up until four laughing and making notes on the photos.

"I agree," Paige mumbled, while he forced his eyes to stay open. Alex only nodded in response, and continued chewing her eggs.

An hour later, the three of them were dressed and fully awake. Katie sat on a chair in the den, rubbing Aloe Vera all over her arms , legs and neck due to her slight sunburn. Paige was rubbing some on her face and her arms, while Alex was lounging on the couch, free from any sunburn, as he tanned a little instead.

"You have no idea how lucky you are, Allie Bear. You're not going to be red for two weeks or more." Katie said, sticking her tongue out at her friend. Paige made a noise of agreement, but continued to lather the paste on her skin. "Paige. It doesn't matter if you put a thousand layers on at once, it will do the same job as it would with one." The dark haired girl only playfully glared at the blonde girl, and put the bottle down on the coffee table.

"Katie?" Henry said, walking into the room. He winced at the sight of his daughter all red. "Next time, bring sun block or something. Anyways, I need you to watch Lilly and her friend for a few hours. Katherine and I are running some errands, and we would like to by ourselves." Katie sighed loudly, and put her face in her hands.

"Yeah. But I'll leave them alone if she leaves us alone."

"That's all I ask for. See you in a little while." Henry came in, kissed Katie's forehead and walked back into the kitchen, most likely to talk with Katherine.

"Great. We have two more lives on our hands." Katie said, leaning back on the chair. Paige and Alex laughed, while Katie grabbed for the television remote to turn it on. The first show that comes on: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. And of course, everyone knew Mickey Mouse and the three teenagers were no different.

Alex, Paige and Katie all started singing along with the theme song as it played, which caught the attention of two four year old kids.

"Is that Mickey Moose?" Lilly, Katie's younger sister, shrieked. It was her absolute favorite show, and would do anything to watch it. She also couldn't pronounce 'mouse' correctly, so it usually sounded more like 'moose'.

"No!" Katie shouted, changing the channel and Victorious was on. "This show isn't appropriate for you. Go play with, uh, your friend." She felt bad, but Katie had no idea what Lilly's friend's name was. And also that she changed the channel on her, but not enough to change it back.

"Okay. C'mon Scott. I have drawing boards in my room." Lilly said, dragging her friend out of the room, and to her room. Paige and Alex laughed as Katie only rolled her eyes.


"Katie. Katie. Katie. Katie. Katie." Lilly repeated, poking her older sister. Katie glared at Alex as he tried (not really) to hold his laughs in.

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