Chapter 2

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Things to look out for
Y/N- your name
F/C- favourite colour

Your POV
I started packing things, and tripping over things that left on the floor. When I was done I changed into a simple F/C dress with a matching scarf and ankle high boots and walked with my suitcase I looked at the address and stared at it for three minutes.
That's a bit faraway, oh well
I started walking to the street Mystreet.

After a few hours

I looked at the number on the mail box.
This is it.
I walked to the door and gave three knocks and heard a voice.

Z- coming!

I waited tapping my foot on the doorstep and a steel coming from the house.
Then my thinking got interrupted by a door opening.

Z- oh hey Y/N
Y- hey roomy
Z- just come and I'll show you to your room

I walked in the house I looked around in awe, it was all neat and tidy. I followed him to a room he opened the door, it had white walls and a bed and a few shelves and a closet.

Z- hope you like it
Y- thanks a lot
Z- I have neighbours, hey I bet you don't know but Aphmau and Kawaii~chan live here
Y- really?
Z- would I be lying
Y- well you look like the type that would
Z- oh hush!
Y- *laughs* okay let's go

We started walking to a door that was red, Zane pressed the doorbell.

???- Aphmau someone's at the door
A- why can't you get it
???- it cause I'M BUSY!
A- fine~

We both heard footsteps as the door opened she gasped and pull me into a hug, I hugged back and gave her a tight squeeze.

A- I didn't kowtow you were here
Y- well I'm actually living here from now on
A- really?!?
Z- she... My.... Roommate
A- wow you actually did something nice for once
Y- I thought he was nice well I guess I was wrong
A- come on, come in!

We walked inside her house it was big me and Zane sat on the couch and saw Kawaii~chan walk down.

KC- Aphmau~senpai where's my- Y/N~SAMA/CHAN
Y- Kawaii~chan!

She ran up to me and gave me a big hug then later on a girl with light blue hair came down.
She has style choices.

KC- Katelyn~Sama meet Y/N~Sama/chan
K- sup!
Y- I feel like I've seen you before
K- OMI cous it been a long time

She gave me opened arms I walked up to her.

Z- you two are related?!
Y- yeah
A- wow
KC- never knew Katelyn~Sama hugged a person like that well besides-
Y- *sighs* still the same as ever
Z- hey Y/N maybe it's time to visit next door

We walked to the next door Zane rang the doorbell a deep voice came out.

??? ( Garroth ) - someone get the door
??? ( Laurence ) - alright
??? ( Travis ) - wait! I heard that's a hot babe around here
??? ( Dante ) - NO! I'll get it

I started blushing.
No one called me a babe before.
Then the door ended but really weird there was a white hair boy on the floor  and a lapis hair boy on top.

Y- wait a minute you guys are from the table I was severing yesterday
??? ( Travis ) - sorry babe that I didn't properly greet myself, my name is Travis but you can me sexy
??? ( Garroth ) - TRAVIS! Sorry about that yeah you are that girl that severed us yesterday, sorry if had the hot chocolate go it waste, oh and by the way names Garroth
Y- huh?! Oh no I have one to Aphmau and Kawaii~chan, myself and I one to Zane
??? ( Laurence ) - whoa Zane has a girl by his side, how interesting
??? ( Dante ) - I think I broke my leg for falling for you
Z- nice chit chat but me and Y/N are going
G- bye baby brother
Y- so Garroth is your older brother?
Z- yeah
We came home I already met Cadenza and Lucinda, I was sitting on my bed with my suitcase on the floor. I was scrolling through my phone as I heard music in the background.
My little horsey....
I smiled to myself and walked to Zane's door I lean my ear on it to hear Zane singing along, I opened the door he was wearing a pinkie cake shirt and froze from his pose.

Z- why are you in my room?!?
Y- come one I want to watch with you
Z- you watch this
Y- yeah I though I was the only one
Z- your not the only one, come

I sat on his bed and watched MLH
( who in real life watches MLP cause I do )

I yawn and stretch my arm out I saw Zane passed out on the bed as the episode finish his face planted on the pillow, I rubbed his back.

Y- goodnight Zane

I walked to my room and change I felt something in my butt pocket I pulled it out and the mote said
' call me 😘 Dante ' I rolled my eyes playfully and went into pjs and plopped on my bed I scrolled through my phone once more as I added him to my contents I put his phone number and pressed the call button I press it against my ear as the phone picked up.

D- seems liked you missed me
Y- I didn't but * giggles * they way you opened the door priceless!
D- hey that wasn't funny, oh Y/N I have to go, bye beautiful
Y- bye Dante

I ended the call and place my phone on my self and curled myself in my bed.
Did he just call me beautiful? Wow what a....... Nice guy
I felt my eyes go heavier and heavier as I drifted to sleep.

Next morning

I got up ready and walked out the door.

Your just going to work nothing else.
Don't forget to follow my new account DMCDCPFUDOR
Author~chan out

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