Chapter 26

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Things to look out for
Y/N- your name

Your POV
I was in my room writing on a book full of pics of my years, but there was a secret that nobody knew but Nicole. She was there when it happened, but I won't go back there they not find me, why would they I looked much different they won't even noticed I'm around here. But what if Dante find out, would he hate me? Would he still want to be my friend.

As I was deep in my mind a knock came onto my door and heard it opened all the way.

Z- hey Y/N?
Y- yeah?
Z- may I ask you a question
Y- sure!
Z- where were you before, you came here
Y- I was in a hotel and working I the maid cafe
Z- I know your hiding more Y/N
Y- what do you mean?
Z- your not insane, are you Y/N?
Y- wait, how do you know that?!
Z- everyone knows Y/N

Everything started going black.

Then I felt someone shake me and my eyes jumped opened.

Z- Y/N! Y/N!
Y- huh?!
Z- I heard you talking in your sleep, are you okay
Y- I'm... Yeah..... Maybe having a bad night right now
Z- are you sure?
Y- go back to sleep
Z- if your sure then goodnight

As he left the door closed I saw a thing in the corner of my eye, I looked at the corner but found nothing.
What's happening?!

Next morning

I woke up and heard sounds in my mind, I shook my head they were gone I walked out of my room and found Zane getting ready for work.

Y- Zane?
Z- yeah?
Y- can I walked with you today
Z- sure

As we were ready and walked out the house, we started walking to the maid cafe, as we were walking I felt sounds in my head.

" Go Away "
" I need to leave "
" hey thanks for everything, really "
" do you know how it feels, want to try it out "

I held my head, as I was getting a massive headache.

Z- Y/N are you okay?
Y- yeah, yeah
Z- we can take you to the doctor

I held onto his shoulders and fisted it into my hands.

Z- whoa, whoa, easy we won't go to the doctor but you need to stay home
Y- are you okay going yourself
Z- I'm a grown man, of course I can take care of myself
Y- if you say so

As we continue walking forward I was walking the opposite direction, as I was walking I always see these black figures walking around me like normal people. My vision started to get blurry as I got home, I opened the door and closed it as I turned sour I saw blood stains on the walls and everywhere. I started screaming and tugging onto my hair, tears started to come out of my eyes and fall into the ground. I heard a banging on the door and yelling.

???- Y/N?! Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?

The. The door flew opened, and I turned around and saw a figure and the figure I saw was coming towards me but it was to blurry for me to know it it was, and I black out after then.

An hour later.....

I woke up in a couch and I cloth on my forehead and felt something heavy on my stomach, I slowly sat up and seeing Dante he was fast asleep and feeling his breaths on my stomach, I went to touch his lapis hair until I saw a bright red flash and fining him gone, there was blood everywhere and dead bodies on the floor. I looked at my stomach to fin Dante.... Dead.

I started screaming again until I touch on my shoulder, everything came back to normal and Dante holding onto my shoulder with a worried face along with it. His eyes were full of fear.

D- Y/N are you okay
Y- yeah
D- I can tell your no okay
Y- it's okay
D- are you sure I can take you to the-
D- .....

As I realised what I said, my eyes soften and he stood up, he started walking away.

Y- wait Dante!
D- I can tell you don't need me here

He closed the door on his way

A throbbing pain was on my chest making it felt tight, I held onto it and fell on the floor, I tried reaching for the door but I was on the floor laying there, tears were flowing in my eyes and the pain increasing. I felt whispers coming onto my body.

" you can't leave "
" your always what your gonna be "
" Y/N when if you try it will always come back "
" you'll come back soon right? "
" your thing is really rare, it's better to stay here Y/N with us, your friends "
" we're helping you, if you really want this then will help you then "
" you sickness is unstable "

My vision was getting more blurry every minute, my eyes slowly started closing an I black out.
Few minutes later
When I woke up I was still on the floor but the chest pain left I didn't hear any whispers and I can't see anything that would freak me out, I was in the clear. I walked into my bedroom and remove when Dante left the tears came back in my eyes, and heard only that one sentence.

" don't love anymore, that's why your like this "
" he already broke your feelings you don't want to be like this "
" your gonna regret it again if you do love "
" he was a real dumb-head for not taking you "
" well love you like always "

I tugged into my hair more and found a bit of blood on my fingers.

What is really happening to me....

Can you figure it out? I bet you can it's too obvious, sorry about not posting earlier but you can kill me cause I was lazy but kept telling myself to do this chapter, it took my quite some time on what to do in this chapter. See you in the next one
Author~chan out

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