Chapter 29

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Things to look out for
Y/N- your name

I stared out the window, the night sky full with stars shining. I couldn't sleep since the beds are so uncomfortable, creaks were heard in the place, which makes this place horrible. I looked at Michi and Sasha, they were fats asleep. My elbow rested on the knee as I was sitting on the bed crisscross I rested my cheek and it held my whole face. I saw the bug star that was a wishing star. It twinkled in my eyes, which made them widen I walked up to the window.

" One day I'll get out of here, and that's a promise to myself and hope I'll see you again... Dante ". I said yawning

I laid on the bed and my eyes were closing.

Next morning
Few weeks later

Aphmau's POV
It's been different without Y/N around, Zane felt empty without a roommate around and Katelyn wouldn't do anything besides, going into her room and eating meals. And Nicole..... Yeah she dating Dante right now, kinda weird Kawaii~chan would be cooking less and less, maybe it was how Y/N would act around us.
Maybe, just maybe, she became normal

I woke up from weeks later, it was really different not waking up to Zane maybe cooking or watching MLH. I woke out of my bed and met with Michi and Sasha who were sitting in their beds just chatting, our cage opened and Michi gave a growl and Sasha rolled her eyes at him, I just walked out and he looked shocked cause of that. I walked beside Sasha and Michi and entered the cafeteria, I sat on a table and sighed.

M- hey Y/N what's wrong nya~
Y- it's nothing
S- I know you Y/N
Y- I miss the comforts of the home I was at

Then Zenix and Gene came.

Z- Y/N you belong here
G- you can't miss the comforts of here
Y- I can
M- Y/N your scaring us right now
S- Y/N I know you miss Dante and all of that, but this is you, you belong here with us
Y- but it's not what I wanted though, I already missed the people that I lost
Z- why type of language are you talking in right now?
Y- the language is that I want to go home

I heard gasps from the whole room it became silent.

???- I always thought that too
Y- Ivy....
I- I always wanted to get out of here, but it's no use Y/N you just have to admit that you just stuck here
Y- but I want to get out of here, I have to
I- to what get back in this place, to make sure if people want to see you insane, to Se if people-

Everyone's eyes were on me.

I- look at you Y/N are you kidding, all of those people muster have brainwashed people
Y- your point?
I- you know your the only reason why your here in the first place

I looked down at me feet, Ivy was right I'm here in the first place cause I'm insane.

I- you need to have common sense Y/N, it's never gonna happen

As she left everyone followed behind her, I was only left with Gene.

Y- why aren't you gonna follow her
G- look Y/N she does have a point but you to
Y- what do you mean
G- when everyone saw me, they thought I would kill the, cause I look and act crazy, but it doesn't mean I'm crazy
Y- I'm not understanding what you are saying
G- what I'm saying is yeah, what if we bet me sane, would they let us go?
Y- when I was younger people thought I was crazy cause I had a rare condition

you know we don't accept crazy people at you school....

Y- people only thought I was cray just because I had a condition, but then I became so mad and paranoid
G- see it's not your fault, it was the people around you
Y- then why are you in this prison?
G- I'm in here cause I only looked crazy
Y- people can be soooooo dumb sometimes
G- true
Y- I'm I might as well go
G- see you later

I walked down the hall and walked to my cell, Michi and Sasha ignored me and that was added to the list on why I hate myself.

Katelyn's POV
A knock came on my door, it stared opening and came out Aphmau.

A- hey you should get out and get some fresh air huh?
K- I have not time to go outside and get some some called air
A- you have been in your room, seems like foreve I know that Y/N isn't here but-
K- but what?
A- time to move on
A- I mean not forget, I mean like, let it go she's in a better place now, it's nothing to worry
K- but there is something to worry about
A- about what
K- she only lost it not cause of herself, but I'm guessing the people around, when she's around Dante he wasn't listening to her and she's used to it, people like that
A- still Katelyn, you need to go out now
K- I suppose so

Your POV
Oh oh oh here oh oh oh here oh oh oh
I ask myself what am I doing here?
Oh oh oh here oh oh oh here
And I can't wait till we can break up outta here

I stared whispering lyrics, tears came down my eye slowly.

Please someone get me out I'm not insane anymore, I promise you, just please help me out. Please

And that is it, I was able to make another chapter for today. I had time and thought of it the last minute.
Wonder what will happened with Dante and Nicole, I am so sorry for making her look like the bad guy.
Author~chan out

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