Chapter 6

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Things to look out for
Y/N- your name

This is the closet photos I could find to match the chapter

Your POV
As the fireworks finished we walked back home, Zane opened the door to the house I flopped on the couch with my prizes on top of me, then we heard a zing on Zane and my phone we both looked at it. It was from Aphmau

I'm not sure how they get to text you

Ap- hey! Change of plans we are having a sleepover right now at my place

We both looked at each other and Zane just rushed to his room and came with a flash.

Y- what was all that about
Z- quickly get ready or else Aphmau will get you

My eyes widen and rushed to my room, I changed into my pjs and my phone, spare change of clothes and a fluffy pillow.
We started walking towards her house. Zane knock on her door and Katelyn opened the door.

K- I see you got Aphmau's text
Z- yeah we didn't want to get hunted
Y- well cous I know what you do in sleepovers
K- hehehehe, sh up

We walked inside everyone was the the couches and on the floor chatting was heard all around the house, I sat next to Zane, I saw Dante sit next to me.

D- so about the time near the river
Y- you remember that?!
Z- remember what?
Y- nothing-
D- we almost kissed
K- * turns deadly * what did you say?!?
D- * laughs nervously * um Katelyn it was a misunderstanding
K- are you telling me that you almost kissed Y/N
Y- * whispers * you might as well run for it Dante
D- good idea * runs off *
K- DANTE!!!!!!!!!!!! Get back here!
Y- that's Katelyn for me guys, every time a dude comes over she's overprotective
G- I can't imagine it
Ap- well since Katelyn and Dante are having a nice time, let's all go to sleep

Just then the lights suddenly turn off.

Y- t-t-the lights a-a-are off? * cries uncontrollably *
Ap- Y/N are you okay?!?!
KC- Kawaii~chan will get the flashlight
K- Y/N! where are you

Just then Kawaii~chan flash the flashlight to her face.

Dante's POV
Then Y/N starts screaming and begins to shake and whispers things like.

Y- * whispers * it okay it's just a prank, he's coming for me, * yells * HE CANT GO AWAY
D- Katelyn what's wring with her
K- * hugs Y/N and slowly rocks her * he brother would always turn off the lights and scare her as a prank he knows that she's scared of the dark, ever since she never turns the light off
Y- K-K-Katelyn he's coming * sobs *
K- no he's not
Y- he will with, mask, knife, touches me, grabs me, AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I ran up to her

D- Y/N it's gonna be alright, your brother will never come here

She stops shivering but then faints in my arms, I catches her in time and carried her bridal style, Kawaii~chan guided me to the couch I sat on it. I brought her close to me, I leaned my forehead against hers and closed my eyes, hearing the conversation behind me.

G- so what are we gonna do now
KC- well I think we have more flashlights around here, Kawaii~chan, Aphmau~senpai and Katelyn~Sama will go find it, all of you guys stay here

Everyone else sat on the couches, just then the lights just turned on ( really that quick?!? ) I pulled my face away to see hair on her face, and her eyes red along with her cheeks and her nose. I swiftly pushed the hairs that were in her face and kissed her forehead.

Sorry guys I have to end it there.
Forgive me for taking so long.
I promise the next chapter will be long
Author~chan out

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