Chapter 36

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Things to look out for
Y/N- your name
F/H- favourite hairstyle

Your POV
I was staring out on the hill watch as the sky was turning to dawn, the wind was blowing softly with Dante next to me. His arms were around my waist and me on his lap, as the first star appeared in the sky Dante asked me.

D- look a wishing star
Y- I would wish on those
D- did you wish anything now?
Y- yeah
D- can you tell me

I lightly smiled at the star and turned around to sit on the grass and look at Dante he eyes gleaming in the sun and his hair being blown by the wind, the Suns heat hitting my back, he gently grabbed both of my hands and brought them up to his face.

Y- what I wished for is to, have a good wedding tomorrow and we would have a great future. Hoping that I will stay sane and for loving you everyday, along with you I hope you'll love me everyday
D- and I will promise on that wish, hey Y/N?
Y- yeah?
D- are you nervous for tomorrow
Y- a little bit, but I know you'll be there for me

He cupped my cheeks and started leaning in, our lips lightly touched then suns gleam didn't hit my back anymore it started to get cold, he moved his arms to my waist and hugged them I wrapped my arms around his neck. When we pulled away many stars were in the sky shining brightly, we both stood up with one arm hugging my waist. We got in the car and went home.

The next day

The day was the big day for me, I was resting on the bed. But it felt really different I heard faint noise, I opened my eyes and faced a wall, wait wall?! And it's purple I turned and met with hazel eyes, tan skin and dark brown hair. I started screaming and fell off the bed, I heard laughs coming from Aphamu.

Ap- morning!
Y- how-how did I get here?!
Ap- all of the girls helped and brought you here, we can't have the groom seeing you right now
Y- but, why scare me like that?
Ap- oh yeah forgot * slaps forehead * your past
Y- anyway, let's get going!

I got off the floor and walked outside, all of the girls were downstairs eating breakfast. I went to sit on the chair and met up with Katelyn.

Y- good morning cousin!
K- Y/N! Are you excited?
Y- of course I am!
K- I-I'm j-just happy for you! * starts crying *
KC- oh Katelyn~Sama, it's okay
L- well it is a big deal, it's a wedding!
C- it's not like you get married, everyday
Y- well you got a point for that

As we were all chatting and laughing it was time to get changed, we all went to Aphmau's room and checked out the dresses, I guess they got it out of my wardrobe. I ask Katelyn to be with me at the front and the rest are all bridesmaids.
As everyone got changed it was my turn.

Y- yay! I gust to wear the dress I always wanted to wear
Ap- wishes do come true am I right?
K- of course it does
L- what are you waiting for girly, wear it girl!

I walked in the bathroom and took off my clothes, I was in ( you know what ) and looked at my dress, it was white like snow and there was a ribbon on the waist and with a bow on the side. When I out it on I walked outside all the girls gasped.

Ap- wow! You look amazing!
Y- thanks!
C- now I will do your hair I think I can make something work

Cadenza was working on my hair for 20 minutes and it ended like my F/H, I stood up but Lucinda hosed my back on the chair.

L- what you need help with right now, is your make-up
Y- okay?

Dante's POV
We were at the church an hour early, all the of guys were all sitting and chatting to each other, I actually persuaded Gene to come.

G- out of all the woman, you finally chose one * rolls eyes * not like two or anything
D- that will look weird though
G- whatever..... I'm happy for you
D- what?
G- mom, she would always ask if you will ever find a girl. Seems like you did now
D- thanks Gene
G- well, it, downer change my attitude towards you
D- I still appreciate it
G- whatever

Your POV
We were all in the limo, the music was loud and we were taken a whole lot of photos. As we got to the church, I stayed in the limo as everyone got out, I was the last to get out and saw a man who had dark brown hair and dark blue eyes.

Y- who are you?
???- I never introduced myself yet, my name is Gene Dante's brother
Y- oh, that one who always made fights with Aphmau
G- how did you know that
Y- you'll understand later

The music started playing my and Gene linked arms and walked down the aisle. Couples went down the aisle first.
( you can put the order down its your wedding after all )
When everyone was done, it was my turn to walk down, as I walked down I saw a lot of faces facing me. I started to get a little warm and got closer to the end. As we walked where Dante was he eyes were getting teary along with mine, me and Gene unlinked arms and I walked to Dante I faced him. This is now or never.

( we got to the vows )

It was Dante's turn first.

D- Y/N I know we met at high school, and I never knew you until people told me you had a crush on me, cause of my good looks

Everyone started giggling.

D- but when we got older, we met again at the same street that we live in, but we never remember you. I remember the good times we shared and the things that I never knew we did, when you saw me only on a towel, even though we weren't together

I heard faint laughs and I heard Katelyn growl behind me.

D- but to all wrap it up, I loved you when I first saw you walked into the street, I love you only with all my heart

My eyes started getting watery and it was my turn.

D- Dante I have seen you handsome looks at the start of high school, I know you never noticed me and that was alright. When we met again at Mystreet everything changed, I fell in love again with you. Now we are here, in a church and a ceremony going on right now, now my last three words are, I love you!

Everyone started cheering.

Priest- without further a do, please bring the rings

Celestia brought the rings, I know it's wried but man that dog can be so cute. We out the rings on our ring finger.

Priest- now I pronounce you as husband and wife you may know kiss your bride

He cupped my cheeks and leaned in when our lips touched everyone stated clapping and cheering. We pulled away and hugged tightly.

D- I will love you forever and ever.....

I am so sorry guys that was the last ever chapter, of the Dante x Reader. Geez thank you so much for giving me all the support for this book to get this far, it gives me the courage to show what I have in myself. I feel very great full because of you guys. Now I'll let you gush vote and comment.






Credits will be the next chapter.

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