Chapter 35

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Sorry! Everyone this is the second las chapter. I has a lot of fun writing this fanfiction to you, but all fanfiction needs an ending, the next chapter will actually be the last chapter. I'm sorry for letting everyone be shocked is this message.

Things to look out for
Y/N- your name
F/H- favourite hairstyle

Your POV
I sat in silence, even the security was even taken from surprise. I was hugging my knees and my hair on each side of my face, my mind was blank and couldn't hear anything but creaks, then I heard a man talking with the front lady that's how quiet it was, their voices were faint and I couldn't be bothered to listen. My eyes felt a bit puffy as I was crying before.

Then footsteps came to me cell, I didn't look up but I could see the shadow of the person, then he spoke to me.

???- are you ready to go?

I could realise the sound of his voice, my head turned up quickly and gasped in surprise.

Y- D-Dante?!
D- I'm here to bail you out

I stood up and he opened the door, I brought him in my arms and gave him a hug, she started hugging back made me flutter, we pulled away from our hug and I walked out of my cell. We came to the front office and out the building, we hoped into Dante's car in front of us.

Y- thanks for letting me out Dante, I really appreciate it
D- it's my pleasure Y/N, you know people always gets second chances
Y- heh, guess so then
D- I never knew
Y- about what?
D- you were that girl that liked me, apart from my good looks and everything, you never looked like that girl that had a crush on my at high school
Y- cause I dyed my hair
D- that kinda explains it
Y- but still thank you for bailing me out, but wait what if Nicole finds out-
D- she already knows and she, broke up with me for that
Y- then why did you do that? You know you never had to bail me out
D- but I wanted to cause, cause. Oh look were here, back home

I got out of the car, and saw Zane there, his eyes widen as he saw me. I have a weak smile and ran up to him, he opened his arms and brought me into it, I hugged back. Then Garroth, Laurence, Travis, Kawaii~chan, Aphmau and Katelyn came we all came in a group hug.

Y- I missed you all

Dante's POV
( before he got you out )
I walked up to Nicole's house and knocked on her door, when she opened it her face lightened and brought me in her house, she closed the door and lead me to the couch.

N- OMI! Dante? Never knew you came by
D- um, Nicole there is something I need to tell you
N- and that is?
D- I'm bailing Y/N out
N- why?!
D- because everyone wants her back, and even I do

She grabbed my hands and gave me a frown.

N- Dante, are you telling me you-
D- yes, I love her
N- but I thought you over me
D- maybe I was wrong about our love Nicole
N- you now want FINE! Be with Y/N

Then she pushed me out of the house, I have a sigh then I did a light smile

( after when he got you out )

I smiled at her and started leaning in, and closed her eyes and leaned in also.

Your POV
We got to Dante's house and in his room, he closed the door and held me tight. My heart was racing when he started leaning in I did and our soft lips touched. I felt my stomach filled with butterflies and he started making he kiss deeper, and held my hand. When he pulled away he brought me in his arms, tears started coming down my eyes, as I was in Dante's arms.

After months later

We were together for a few months and they were the best months of my life. We got to this place Dante wanted to go to, when we got there we got out of the car. It was a really beautiful scenery, I was wearing a white dress that came to my knees, and my hair was in F/H. We pulled my up to a high where soft music was heard and the sun setting, tress where all over the place and I stared and admired. Dante's held both of my hands in his, I looked deeply in his eyes.

Tear started coming down my eyes, when he kneeled down. Slowly tears were coming down his eyes when he got something out of his pocket.

Dante- Y/N, you are... The most wonder person I have ever known, I know we didn't have a great past but it's all behind us. I want to started again but as a wonderful couple and being husband and wife, so Y/N I want to ask you.

Will you marry me?

Tears were coming down my eyes as I stared at the F/C ring, my hands were over my lips as I nodded yes. He stood up and brought my in his arms I started crying and he started rubbing my back, he pulled away and gently grabbed on of my hands. He got the ring out of the box and slipped it on my ring finger, he gave me a hug again and gave my a kiss on the forehead.

We stayed at the place for a few, we stared at the stars that were in the sky. The dark night and seeing the half moon, I laid my head on his chest and hearing his heart beat, we went to go home back to mystreet.

When you got back to mystreet

When we got back to mystreet, we heard people shouted surprise to us.
My life is wonderful what would I swap it for?

Sorry guys but this is the second last episode, I might make the last chapter long then I would do. That only depends and it should, cause it will be Friday for me when I write the next chapter. See you in the next one!
Author~chan out

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