Chapter 14

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I hear Grays raspy British accent calling my name to wake up. I look over and see its 9:00am. We had to leave for our mission at 11:00am. "Good morning." I whisper. "Taylor." He says. His voice dark. I look up. His blue eyes staring into mine deeply. His face was so angular. "Yeah?" I ask. "Taylor you... You shared the dream. I don't think you meant too." He says. "Does that happen every night?" I ask. "No." He whispers. "Ok good." I whisper. "Taylor..." He mutters. "We should get ready. We need to eat breakfast and I want to stop by the weapon room." I say trying to change the subject. Not wanting him to bring up my dream. "Taylor stop avoiding the subject." He mutters. "Should I take a shower? I know we are staying there for five days and I don't know if th-" he stands up clenching his fists then he grips my shoulders holding me still."Taylor!" He yells. "I don't want to talk about it!" I yell. "Please." I beg. "Taylor, you can't just keep having these horrid dreams. There killing you." He says angrily. "Don't you think I try not to have these dreams. To have these memories replaying over and over again." I mutter. He sighs. "I can get you medi-" I wave my hand. "I've taken to much medication. Nothing works anymore. I'm tired of medication." I mutter. I get out of his grasp and pull out my black fighting pants Mrs.Jackel gifted me and a black shirt along with George's jacket. I change in my closet since I knew Gray wouldn't leave. Once I changed I clip my weapon belt around my waist. My sword hanging from it. I also had a small backpack with clothes and essentials. "Ready?" I ask. He just nods. He was thinking. I try going through the bond to see what but the door was closed and locked. I sigh and we go to the lunchroom.

Since no one was in there. The lunch ladies were chilling somewhere else Gray made me breakfast. This academy had the best food. It wasn't the disgusting regular school food but instead was home made and made by our cooks who also had familiars with speed abilities making it faster. George walks in with his familiar who looked awfully bored. I get up and hug George and kiss him. He smirks against my lips. "Ready for today?" He asks. He was in his fighting clothes. They were pretty much his regular school clothes. "Yep!" I say excited. Gray comes back with three plates. "I'm going to go eat." He says. He walks off. I sigh. "What's wrong?" George asks. "He got angry at me for something. I don't really want to talk about it." I mutter  I begin eating my food. "So we will be staying in a motel. This place is very sketchy so don't worry if you hear something out of the normal." He says. I smile. "It's ok. I've think I've lived in worse places." I say. He just smirks and shakes his head. I laugh. We sit eating our food. George talked about his father. He sounded very kind. His brother sounded cool also. I told him about my foster parents briefly. Gray comes back in new clothes. He must have to do a lot of laundry.  We soon head out. We would be going to this ghetto part of Liverpool. George was driving of course. I was sitting next to him while our familiars were in the back. I hold his hand the whole ride there.

We get to the area. There was a Motel and a Bar. Also a gas station and that was it. Most of the buildings are either abandoned or almost destroyed. We pull up to the motel. We get out of the Car and Gray started making runes of Protections for the car. Georges familiar was doing the same while we went into the motel to check in. We walk in and it smelled like shit mixed with barf. There was definitely mold here. We get to the guy behind the desk. He was short, long bearded, had a snarling face, and was wearing raggy clothes. "What do you want!?" He snarls. "We are here about the fractured familiars." He says. He growls then said "upstairs to the left." I take Georges hand and we go up stairs. Gray and Fredric was at the door already. I didn't even bother asking. We get into our room. It serious looked like a room from a horror movie. I wouldn't be surprised to see a dead body around here. I set my stuff down and open the curtains. There were two queen sized beds, a bathroom, a mini fridge, and a drawer. I sit down on the bed. "So where do we start?" I ask. "Outer rim and work inward from there. Our familiars will help us more with it since they can sense other familiars better then us." He says. "Are we going to have to kill them?" I ask. He sighs. "Sadly but yes." He says. I frown. I'll probably change that. Gray knew what I was thinking and didn't say a word. "Shall we begin?" I ask. "Sure. If you need to stop let me know." He mentions. I just nod. We lock up our room and head down stairs. Once we get down stairs the front manager guy eyes us down. I grip my sword at my weapon belt and we head out into the abandon town.

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