Chapter 28

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I was now at the front door of Mr.Jackels house. It took a long hour to persuade Gray and Mr.Vito to let me see him. They finally gave in. Gray was besides me. I knock on the door. I hear footsteps coming towards me and then I see Mr.Jackel in front of me. He had bags under his eyes. His eyes distant and his blondish-gray hair messy. He usual worr suits to school but now he was wearing blue jeans and a white shirt. "Hello Taylor." He says. "Good afternoon. I wanted to see if you were ok and I, George, and some other people made you a care package... I heard you were sick." I mention. I then see nurses walking back and forth around the house carrying trays. "Is everything ok?" I ask. "Would you like to come in?" Mr.Jackel asks. "Uhh... Sure." I answer awkwardly. He opens the door and I step in. There was a door on my left that had a study in it. Then down the hall was a living room and dinning room. We walk into the living room. I see a door open. "Coffee?" Mr.Jackel asks. "No thank you." I answer. "Please sit." He says. I sit down and he sits on the couch too. "Are you sure everything is ok?" I ask. "Yeah, Fred is just really sick right now." He says looking down. "What happened?" I ask. "When they took Fred to experiment on, they used this drug. Since they used it on him it makes him have to take it again." He explains. I look at him confused. "Since he took the drug his magic energy is addicted to it. He takes it everyday and sometimes it catches up with him. The side effects are crippling but it also makes him more powerful. They don't want his to take it even though the drug is easy to find and we have a big supply for it but if he doesn't it will make him suffer more." He explains. I nod understanding and trying to take everything in. I see Fred in the door way of his room. I almost gasp. He was completely pale. To the point you can see his veins. His eyes had veins showing and he had a purplish, yellow glow around him. He was wearing pajama pants and a white shirt that had blood stains on it. "Hello." He says. His voice raspy. I see his legs wobble. We comes and sits down. "Don't worry you can't get it." He rasps. "How are you?" I ask. "Slowly dying but I'm used to it." Fred says with a lopsided smile. "Don't feel bad for me. I've dealt with it for awhile." He whispers. I can see beads of sweat drip down from his forehead and his whole body was shaking. I could tell he was trying to resist it. "I brought a care package. It has cold medicine in it because I just thought someone had the cold but I guess not. I also got tissues. Maybe you can use those." I whisper. "Thanks." He says smiling. He starts coughing. He gets up and goes back into him room. "I hope he gets well." I whisper. "Me too." Mr.Jackel says. "I should be going." I say getting up. "Thanks for coming." Mr.Jackel says. I smile. "No problem. If you need anything just let me or Gray know." I said. I leave the house. Mr.Vito comes and picks us up and takes us back to the academy.

Since I visited after school I still had day-light. "Hey do you want to go visit Melissa?" I ask. "Sure." Gray says. I get changed out of my school clothes into jeans and a t-shirt. I bring my backpack to do some homework. We walk into the city. I pick up some food. I let Gray carry the brown paper bags filled with food as we walk to Melissa's. We pass by the town house buildings until we arrive at the abandoned building. We enter and I ring the door bell. Melissa soon opens the door and lets us come in. We sit on a sofa and make shift coffee table that was made from crates. "Thank you guys for the food." She says smiling. "No problem." I answer. We begin to eat. " I always wondered since Mr.Jackel didn't tell me. How did you get here? You are from Washington." She asks. I start laughing. "I was on my way to college and I hit Gray with my car. He ran into the forest and I didn't know what I hit at first and I wanted to see. So I went into the forest and found Gray snarling at me. I was horrified because he was a huge wolf and probably ran faster then me. I thought I was going to die there. He soon changed into a man. Which freak me out even more. I tried running he changed into a raven and then took me down and knocked me out. I woke up here in Liverpool at the academy." I reply. "Wow, you've been through a lot." she says. "I guess.." I whisper. " Taylor can I ask you a serious question.." Melissa asks not even looking at me. "Sure." I say taking a sip of my drink. "What did they do to you in the girl's home?" she asks. I almost choke on my drink. "Did Mr.Jackel set you up with this?" I ask grimly. "No. I just wanted to know." She whispers. "Such a terrible liar. They did many things to me." I whisper. "They wouldn't feed me for weeks, they would isolate me, call me crazy... I was young but not stupid. They didnt want me there. The police sent me there and kept me there. I tried everything to escape. Running away never worked. The girls there were terrible and always hated me. They told me that my parents left me when I already knew what happened. I was soon taken out after they found a girl dead in the home... they shut the place down and they sent me to foster care where I met my parents." I explain. "They found a dead body there! Did they find the killer!?" Melissa asked. "No.. the person is long gone. She left when she got a adopted." I whispered. "Oh that's good." she murmurs. "Wow it got gloomy in here." she mutters. She them puts out her hand. Her familiar appears. "light this place up!" she yells. I laugh. Her familiar was male. He was as tall as Melissa. Gray being 6 foot and Melissa only reaching his shoulders her familiar was shorter then Gray which shocked me. Familiars are usual tall. Her familiar also had white hair and yellow eyes that made him look feline. I then see a white appear into his hand. He throws it into the air and it brightens the room. "Thank you Sarif." Melissa says smiling. "This is my familiar Sarif. Sarif meet Taylor and Gray." Melisa says Sharif greets us. His heavy welsh accent caught me off guard. Gray and Sarif already know each other from the lounge. His accent so heavy Gray would link me what he was saying. Sarif was so interesting he fed off of sunlight. He could blind people and burn there eyes right out of there sockets! He has been with Melissa since she was a child. Her husband was a human but understood the familiars and such. He was a secretary for the council. She showed me some pictures. He was a good looking guy. Perfect for her really. After hanging out a little bit longer she drove us home and dropped us off. "See you Monday!" I yell when she drives off. Tomorrow was holiday and then the day after was the dance. That night I just watched movies with Gray on my new laptop George surprised me with. I soon fell asleep after that.

"Taylor! Wake up!" I hear a voice call out. I open my eyes. "Someone is at the door." I whisper. Gray didn't wake up. I groan and go to the door. I then see Gray standing there. "Joy!" I yell. She jumps into my arms Maya was behind her. "Hey Maya!" I greet cheerfully. She waves. Gray turns into a man an stands up " oh hey gu-" he soon gets interrupted by Joy yelling. "Stranger in Taylor's room!" her foot soon collides in between his legs. Joy hides behind me. "BLOODY HELL!" Gray yells while going to the ground murmuring and grabbing his groin. I laugh. "Joy that's Gray remember? He helped you too." I mention. "Ohhhh yeah!" she yells. "So sorry Ray?" she says. "Its Gray but whatever." he murmurs while getting slowly. "I was wondering if you wanted to go dress shopping? All my friends already went when I was on a mission and Joy really wanted to see you and I knew you didn't have a dress and Gray needed a suit." Maya explains. "Yeah sure! Thanks." I say smiling. I start getting my clothes. "let me change and then we can head out." I said holding my clothes in my arms. I kick Gray out and change and then we leave to go shopping.

"How about this one?" I ask Gray. He shakes his head. We already got his suit and Mayas and Joy's dress. I was the only one left. "I'll be right back I'll go find some more options." Gray said bored. I sigh while starting to change into my regular clothes. "Here try this." Gray said tossing over a new dress. I pull it over and put it on. I walk out look at myself in the mirror. It was a long maxi dress. The sleeves went off my shoulders. There was red embellishments complementing my hair. I was stunned. I feel myself blush and turn around. "Wow that looks beautiful on you." Joy squeals. "You look beautiful. George is one lucky guy." Gray says. I blush even more. "I'll take it." I said. We buy all our stuff and start walking to a small diner to eat lunch. We walk down the street. There was no one around us. There was a few people walking around. I see a group of people walking towards us. It was odd they were wearing suits. We walk past them until one of them grabs my hand. He then pushes my face to the wall while twisting my arm against my back. Gray and Maya were against the wall. "If you too move I'll blow her brains." the man pushing me against the wall said. Where is Joy? I then feel the tension around me loosen and the man was on the floor holding his head. "I can't breathe! I can't breathe!" I then see blood come out of his ears and nose. The three guys were now dead. Joy walks put of the alleyway with blood tears streaming down her eyes. Maya hugs Joy and murmurs to Gray drag the bodies into the alleyway. "Come on guys lets get out of here." I say grabbing Gray's hand and we run out of the weird area. On our way home I pick up some late lunch and invite Joy and Maya. We watch some movies until Maya said they had to go. She was helping set up for the dance. She soon left and it was me and Gray.

-Not Identified
I drip the familiars body of there blood. I smile. I here the shot of the pistol. "Are you almost done yet?" I turn my head. "yep!" I said. My father smiles. "Thank you. You guys are done." he says. "I'll see you tomorrow?" he asks. "No I have a dance to go to for school. I'll see you the day after. I still have a suit to buy." I say. "Well have fun! Make sure to be ready for the day after. We will have a lot of people since you were able to get all those familiars and masters. We might have enough blood for the ritual." Father said while walking away and waving. I wave goodbye and clean up a bit and get into my car. I drive to a suit shop and buy my suit for tomorrow. All ready for tomorrow. Instead of paying the cashier got a nice gift from my blade that stabbed I then drive home smiling. The dance will be so much fun.

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