Chapter 26

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We wait in Mr.Jackels office. Taylor crashed on the couch. Her blood soaked jeans making the couch wet but I think Mr.Jackel wouldn't mind. I hear feet walking towards us. Then Mr.Jackel, Mr.Vito, and Mrs.Jackel walks in. There faces pale. I put a finger to my mouth and point to Taylor. Mr.Jackel motions me to go to Mr.Vitos office. I follow. Mr.Jackel closes the door behind me and Mr.Vito sits in his chair while Mrs and Mr.Jackel sit in chairs. I lean against the wall. "What happened Grayson?" Mr.Jackel asks. I then begin to tell them what happened. "So she shot at you?" Mr.Jackel asks. "Yes. Multiple times." I whisper. "Did you get hit? Your full of blood." Mrs.Jackel asks worried. "Jared may I speak to you alone." I ask. "Yes." He whispers. Mr.Vito and Mrs.Jackel leave the room. "After I snapped her neck I went to Taylor. We leaned against the wall while bleeding to dead. I could feel her mind slipping. Then something happen. Her leg and stomach began to glow and so did my shoulder." I mutter. I take off my drenched shirt. "The gunshot healed. It was so close to my heart and yet it healed. We don't know why." I whisper. Mr.Jackel stayed silent. "I don't know." He whispers. "We need to keep this between us." I whisper. "Agreed." He confirms. "Grayson, Francis had heroine and also Opipum. It was forcefully injected into her. It caused her to go blood Thirsty and crazy." Mr.Jackel explains. "Wasn't Opipum outlawed many years ago from the experiments the council were doing?" I ask. "Yes but someone got to it somehow." Mr.Jackel said. I sigh. "Taylor is awake." I whisper. "We are to keep this between us. No one should know. Tell Taylor that and we be clear about that." He whispers.

I gasp for air and look around. I was in my dorm room. I was in a tank top and shorts. "I took you back to your room and changed you into new clothes." Gray said. He was standing drying his hair with a towel. "Thanks..." I say. "Wait what! You undressed me!" I yell. Gray smirks. "I just changed your pants and shirt. Nothing else." Gray said. I sigh. "Thank god." I whisper. He chuckles. "What time is it?" I ask. "6:00am. You don't have to go to school but you can if you want to." Gray mentions. I get up. "I'm already ready so lets go get some breakfast." I say joyfully. We walk out into the hall way and I see Lauren and Kyle leaning against the wall. I stand still and look down. I walk passed them. There eyes giving me the death stare. They walk behind until we get to the cafeteria. I turn around. "Are you going to keep following me or are you going to say something?" I mutter. They look down at my leg. "Mr.Jackel told us... We are sorry." Kyle whispers. I look up at them shocked. "We knew she was going to go it. We wanted to shot her but she threatened to kill us." Lauren whispers. "Ok." I whisper. "Thank you for telling me that." I mutter and turn around. I grab a bagel and head to my first period.

I walk into ability class. There was pots and pottery everywhere. Everyone was standing and looking around. Fred was at his desk until he stood up. "Alright! Today will be fun! We are going to doing pottery war. There will be two teams. This is mostly for defense. So since we aren't allowed to throw our own projectiles why not throw pottery at each other. Now the kids pottery center was kind enough to donate 100 pots and vases for us to break. Now split up into two teams. I'll be on one team." He announced. He stands up. Everyone started making teams. Fred was on the opposite team then me. I sigh. This was the weirdest thing ever. Why did he use pottery? Why not something else? "Ready! Go!" I hear Fred yell. Caught by surprise. "If you get hit and didn't block it your out!" Fred yells. Shit. Then I see a nice painted vase come towards my face. I could hear Gray laughing. I make a wind shield and move out of the way. It bounces from my shield and shatters on the floor. "I feel like he did this for his own enjoyment!" One of my team mates yell. She could grown plant life. I laugh. "Yeah." I reply. What am I doing? I create a barrier around me and start throwing pottery. I see Fred and chuck a orange vase at him. He creates a electric shield. The purple, yellow, and white colors blending together creating his electricity. "Taylor you have to be fair!" He yells. I smirk. "Fine!" I yell. I let my barrier down. I then just create small shields when things are thrown at me. There were five people out. I then throw a pot that was red at a fire user. It hits his head. He groans in pain and gives me a angry glance. I mouth sorry and then go back to throwing. I notice there wasn't a lot of people around. Wait everyone was against the wall besides- Shit. Fred. It was only me and him. I look around frantically. Where was he? I move around with a vase in my hand. I hear something behind me and then I see a vase coming for me. I make a shield and turn around seeing Fred's smirking face. He throws another and I create a shield. We was already gone. What the hell! He was so fast. I turn around and see him. His back turned as he picks up a pot. I throw the vase as far and hard as I can and see it hit his back. It shatters. I look around. He turns around with a smile on his face. "Good job! You win!" He says. He smile. "The one thing I have to say is that your ability is totally unfair because your a walking barrier." He scoffs. I smirk. "Aren't you salty?" I tease. He chuckles. We help clean up and then the bell rings for our second period.

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