Chapter 17

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After hours about talking about the locket and different familiars, Mr.Jackel left me with "you also have exams in two weeks on your old classes. You'll start your new classes after break. Remember to give me your skill class selection paper tomorrow. We will also move your room." He mentions. "Thank you." I finally leave the room. It was super late at night now. "Should I go to George's house? It might be safer there." I whisper. "Call him and ask. You haven't talked in a while since you just woke up. I would have thought you'd be having withdraws from your boyfriend." Gray teases. I punch his shoulder totally regretting it. "Do you lift people for a living!?" I yelp in pain. "No but I rather you not punch my arm though. You'll break a finger." He mutters. I scoff. "Oh really!?" He chuckles warmly. I feel myself start laughing. I pull out my phone and try calling him. No answer. I call again and leave a message. "Usual he would answer. Maybe he is doing a mission or something." I mutter. Gray stays quiet. I walk back to my dorm room and put my jewelry box in my back pack and pack some clothes. Maybe Henry is home and I can meet him there. I and Gray head out into town. It was snowing. "Do you want to go ice skating?" I ask turning around towards him. "What?" He asks looking at me confused. "Do you want to go ice skating?" I ask again. "Are you ok?" He asks. "Yeah it's snowing outside and I know they must have ice skating around here so let's why not go." I explain. Then he just a shrugs. "Why not." I jump in joy. We then spend 20 minutes looking for an ice skating rink and finally find one. "Wow." I gasp. There was a huge Christmas tree in the middle. "I always went ice skating with my wife and kids. They loved it." He whispers. I smile. "I kind of suck at it." I mention. "Then why did you want to go!?" He asks. "Because... I thought it would be fun." I then go to the check out area and get myself some skates. Gray gets his and we put them on and go to the ice. I get up and right away fall on my ass. I hear Gray laugh. I look up. "Any help here!?" I yell. He puts his hand out and pulls me up. I wobble on my feet but then he steadies vme. "Like this." He says. Then he started moving his feet. Left. Right. Left. Right. I follow the motion. I was soon ice skating very slowly but I didn't fall. I see Gray ice skate. He zooms past everyone and does a spin in the air. "Where did you learn that!?" I ask. He just smiled at me. I was truly astonished. He then skates to me and takes my hands in his. He pulls me along and skates backwards. We were now going so fast. I trip on myself and fall forward. I decided to bring Gray down with me and I fall on his chest. I had my eyes closed and when I opened then I say him looking down at me chuckles. "Your so clumsy." He whispers. I laugh. He gets up and pulls me up again. After about 20 minutes more of Ice skating we decided to get off and go to George's apartment. We walk to his apartment. Gray was tense and on high alert. We get to his building and go up the stairs. Once we got up stairs I knock on his door. "George? Henry?" I ask. I hear whispering and another mans voice. Then George opens the door. "Hello babe. Is everything ok?" He asks. "Yeah. I just wanted to stop by and wanted to see if you wanted to hang out today instead of tomorrow." I ask. "Yeah sure. One sec I have to deal with something. You can come in." He says. He gives me a quick kiss. I come in and see a man sitting on the couch. He looked like my age. "Hello." I greet. The man looks up. He looked like George but had brown eyes and a leaner build. "Hello. Who might you be?" He asks. "I'm Taylor. George's girlfriend." I say. "I'm his brother. Ryan." He says. Oh yeah he had a younger brother. "Well nice to meet you." I say. "Nice to meet you too." He replied. He had a heavier British accent then George. "Alright I'm back. Sorry about that." George's says. "George the boss wants a meeting tomorrow. Usual place." Ryan says. "Ok. Taylor this is my younger brother. He came to visit. He goes to school in Brighton." He explains. "That's cool. What grade are you in?" I ask. "For Americans I'm in 11 grade." Ryan says. "Do you go to the academy?" He asks. I nod. "yep! This is my familiar Gray." I introduce Gray. Gray just waves. I see Ryan's eyes widen and turn his brother. "Geo can I talk to you in private. Now." Ryan says in a serious tone. "Sure." George says. They both walk to his room. I sit on his couch and wait. Then I Henry comes out. "Hey Taylor." I wave. "Hey." Henry looks around. "where is George?" He asks. "Talking to his brother." I say. "Ok." Gray comes and sits next to me. "So how's your day been?" He asks. "Well a demon ransacked my room today. I got what he stole back but I didn't even think demons existed." I say. "Oh yeah. You know the lunch ladies?" He asks. "Yeah." He snickers. "They are demons too. Well demon and part human that's how they can have familiars. It's pretty neat." Henry explains. "Is that how they can make so much food in one night?!" I ask. He nods. George comes back out with his brother. The brother smirking. "Alright so since you are here I thought maybe we can all go out into the town. Since my brother is here." He explains. "He knows right?" I ask. George nods. It would be awkward if we were walking and someone decided to attack. Ryan would probably be confused. "Why are you bruised?" George asks. He comes and sits next to me. He looks down my arms. "I and Gray went ice skating. I'm really bad at it so I kept falling." I explain. "Oh." George said. "I do want to see the Christmas lights in action. We will also have more people just In case somethings happened again." I mutter. "Exactly, my brother hasn't been in Liverpool for a while so it will be fun. I know the perfect place we can dine at." George says clasping his hands together. I smile. "Then let's go! I'm starving." Henry whines. We get our stuff and head out into town.

The town was lit up beautifully. I see lights hanging across the streets from pole to pole. There were wreaths and decor everywhere for the holidays. We keep walking. This time George had his weapon belt with his sword and Henry had his pistols. I had my winds so I think we were fine. We get to this cute corner restaurant with snow on the roof. We walk in. "Welcome to the De,Suar how may I help you?" The woman asks. "May we get a table for five?" George asks. His arm was wrapped around my shoulder. "Yes follow me." The waitress says grabbing menu's. We go to the back of the room near the window and sit at a booth. I sit next to George. Gray was in front of me and Henry was next to him. Ryan was next to his brother. We order drinks. "So Ryan what college are you going to go too?" I ask. "I'm hoping for an art school in California." He asks. "I applied but I'm hoping to get in." He says. "Art colleges in California are really good." I mention. "Where are you from?" Ryan asks. "Washington State." I answer. He nods. "Do you have some of your art?" I ask. "Yeah, at the apartment. If we go back to the apartment then I can show you some of mine." Ryan explains. "I would love to see your art." I said smiling. "Taylor is an artist herself." Gray mentions. "YOU LOOKED THROUGH MY SKETCHBOOK!" I yell at him. He laughs. "Ugh... I'm not that good." I argue. Gray laughs more. I roll my eyes. We eat our dinner and talk about college and the academy. Gray had to many beers and was now drunk and all laughy. I Could feel his nausea through the bond. "We should probably get going now. I don't want Gray having another beer." I explain. We get the check and start walking home. All of us on alert. George and Henry brother there weapons just in case. We walk through the streets safely. I could see the apartment building. Then I hear a crash from an alley way. I run to it and look down the ominous alley way. I see a women that's young and a guy. He has trying to take her hand bag. "Taylor don't." George whispers. She is in trouble. "We need to help her." I reply. George sighs. "Stay here." He whispers. He summons his familiar. White threads came from his hand and formed his familiar. He got his sword out and walk towards the man. "Get away from her." He demands. I see the guy smirk. He pushes the women and get the hand bag from her grasp. He then goes into his sleeve and pulls out a gun. His face grinning. Henry groans. He reaches behind his back but didn't pull them out. He is waiting for something. Then I see George go into stance. I could see his back muscles tensing. The guy soon runs at him. He dodges and slices his arm deeply. He then also takes the bag and tosses it to the woman who was behind him. Blood dripped down the thieve's arm. Then George runs to fast for the thieve to dodge. He blade soon impaled him in the gut. The long sword now had blood on the blade. He pulls out his sword with the body going to the floor in a heap. He sighs. He puts his sword away. He whispers something to his familiar and then thanks him. Then he walks towards us. The woman was now behind him staring in horror. He turns around. "Are you alright?" George asks. The women just nods. "Do you need someone to walk you home? It can be dangerous on the streets!" He asks. "I'll do just fine. Thank you for saving me." The women says almost like a whisper. She walks away really fast. I already see the body gone from the alley way. "Let's go home." Ryan says. We walk to the apartment quickly with no stops.

I drop onto George's couch. Gray was next to me passed out completely and every so often hiccuping. "Well the was an interesting day." George whispers while sitting down next to me. "Indeed." Ryan agrees. I look at my phone. 10:40. "I should be getting home." I sigh getting up. "Why don't you stay here?" George asks. "Where would I sleep? And tomorrow isn't the best day for me to be out. I'll just be in a foul mood." I argue. "Why is that? Is it the time of the mo-" i stop Henry right there. I sigh and my fingers start to fidget. "No." I say. I was looking down at my shoes. "Tomorrow is my parents death anniversary." I whisper. I see George's face go sympathetic. "I don't like being around people on that day." I whisper. "It's ok. We understand." George says. "Thanks." I whisper. I wave the boys goodbye. Then I, George, and Gray get to his car and drive to the academy. George walks me to my room and Gray was already in wolf form since he decided to change in the car and freak George out while he was driving. He leaps into my bed and falls asleep quickly. I was standing outside my door with George. "Are you sure you're going to be ok? I can skip my classes and come be with you?" He asks. I shake my head. "I've been through this for seven years now. It's ok. It's better alone and I don't think you want to see me when I'm grieving it's not pretty." I whisper. "Your always beautiful even if you have red eyes and buggers all over you." He jokes. I laugh softly. "Thanks babe." I whisper. I then kiss his lips softly and then hug him. "I'll see you." I whisper. He just nods and I close the door behind me and crawl into bed in my dirty clothes.

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