Chapter 22

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I rushed to Mr.Jackels class and slam the door behind me. I start walking towards the chairs then I notice who was sitting in them. "What are you doing here?" I ask. She turns her head. Her tan face got rounded. Her blue eyes stare into mine with determination. "I'm here to say sorry." She says. She gets up and walks towards me. I back away. "Please don't come any closer." I whisper. "I shouldn't have done that. They just.... They would have killed Kyle. I didn't want that. They also said they would have killed Lauren. I didn't want anymore people leaving me. I'm sorry." She whispers. "Do you understand what this means for me?" I mutter. She looks at confused. Gray comes to my side. "Taylor that's not true." He whispers. "Oh it is. I can't have people around me. They will just get hurt. I thought I would be escaping it but apparently not." I whisper. "Please leave Francis." I whisper. I push past her and sit down. I hear the door close behind me. Mr.Jackel walks in. "What did I miss?" He asks. I look up and gave him the death stare. "Why?" I ask. "I wanted to see your reaction." Mr Jackel said while sitting down. His big smirk showing his gleaming teeth. "You just love to piss me off?" I ask looking up to the ceiling. "Today we will be expanding your mana and try to connect with Gray's. This will take a while but I believe we can get it by next week." Mr.Jackel explains. "Cool." I say not interested. He sighs. "Stubborn like your dad..." He mutters. "Pfft no. My dad was a calm simple man." I scoff. "Gray is Taylor stubborn?" Mr.Jackel asks. "Gray I swear to god." I hiss while linking with him. "Yes. Taylor you don't scare me. I know your capabilities." He says. I laugh. "Alright so shall we begin?" Mr.Jackel asks. I stand up and motion my hands to the middle of the room. He walks to the middle and I stand next to Gray. His arm brushed my arm. Warmth just radiated off of him. I feel my face get hot and look away. I see Gray smirk. Why do I feel this way around him? Ugh curse my emotions. "Alright. Now you too need to open up to each other. So open each other's minds and emotions." Mr.Jackel explains. I blush even more. I open my mind and Gray opens his. "Don't snoop around." Gray links to me. I smile. Then I open my eyes and see him smirking. "You too. Don't go to deep into my mind. You might not like what you see." I whisper. He smirks. "Im farther then you think." He whispers. I sigh. "Alright now look for there mana aura. Link yours with his. It will feel funny but youll get used to it quickly." Mr. Jackel says. His voice sounded so distant. We link our mana pools and I feel a rush of power come through me. Like if someone opening a door o something that was hidden in me. "Now you don't have to be linked all the time. I would only use it in major battles." Mr.Jackel explains. I unlink and start coming back until I feel myself run into something. A memory.

I sit in a chair next to my wife. She lays there pale faced and hands freezing. I feel her body shiver. I hold her hand in mine. Our children were at there aunts. "Grayson..." She whispers. "I'm here my love." I whisper. I see her eyes look into mine. Her dark brown eyes lock with mine. "I love you so much." She whispers. She grits her teeth in pain. Her breathing was getting slower. The doctor said they couldn't do anything to help her. I knew my children had it too. I was so frightened I would loose them. I'm such a arse for not realizing it before. "Grayson- please don't stay sorrowful. We will parish before you. Please promise me you'll find love again. That you will love her like you loved me." My wife whispers. I clench her hand in my hands. "I promise." I whisper. She brings her hand to my cheek and smiles. A sad smile. Her blond hair around her head making her look like a angel. I feel her icy cold fingers touch my cheek. Her mouth opens only releasing these words."I lov-" her hand drops and I hear her last breath release. I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss it. "Please don't go." I whisper. Tears streamed down my face. Her hand goes limp in mine. I put my head to the bed wishing this day would have never happened...

I gasp for air. My eyes come back. Gray was looking away at the floor. "I didn't mean too, I just ran into it when I was coming back- I'm so sorry Gray." I plead. He just stays silent looking at the floor. His fists clenched. He sighs. "I'm going to go back to the dorm. I'll see you later." He whispers. He walks past me. His face paler and filled with sorrow. I feel tears form. I had no words. I couldn't think. My mind just kept replaying the memory. His wife was beautiful. I realized he had blond hair before too. He knew this was happening to him and yet he couldn't do anything to stop it. He knew that he would see his children die, his family die before him died and all they wanted was for him to be happy. To move on and to be able to love someone else. I pick up my backpack and run to my dorm. Back to Gray.

I see gray sitting on my bed. His head in his hands. "Gray I-" I begin to say until he looks up. I almost gasp of shock but close my mouth. Tears leak from his eyes and fell down his face. I've never once seen him cry. Not until now. "I ne- she said I love you twice. I didn't even tell her I loved her when she died. When she laid there slowly dying painfully and yet I couldn't say three simple words. I'm such a arse." He whispers. He looks at the floor. I walk over and sit next to him. I slowly and awkwardly wrap my arm around him and pat his back. "What are you doing?" He asks. "Awkwardly comforting you. I'm not that good at it but you always do it to me so I'm returning the favor." I whisper. He starts chuckling. "Hey I'm just trying to be nice!" I hiss. He laughs more. "Your something Taylor." He whispers. I smile. "She would have loved you. She played the Violin and was extremely good at it." He whispers. "She sounds like a amazing person. She was a beautiful person." I whisper. "Do you want to go out for dinner?" He asks. "Sure." I whisper back. I get up. "I do have homework to do for my skill class." I mention. "Bring it with you. This place is laid back and chill. I can help you out also." He says. I grab my backpack. "Alright let's go." I said going for the door. We leave to the diner.

I text George to come meet us. I see him outside the diner. I kiss him. "Hi babe." He says. "Hey!" I say hugging him. I invited to have dinner with us. "Alright let's go get some food I'm starving." I say. After we are done with our food and also my homework, we decided to walk around. "Oh let me show you this part of town!" George says. "Ok!" I grab his hand and he pulls me away. Gray trails behind us. We get to these streets and they were filled with vendors, lights, and live music playing. The road was made of brick and smooth stones. It was honestly beautiful. A small little town pretty much. It was very artsy and cute. We walk around for a little bit. Gray stops behind us. "Taylor did you hear that?" Gray links to me. I shake my head no. George looks at me with concern. He starts to walk in a different direction. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Going to the sound." He says calmly. We get to this creepy alley way. Of course. It has to be a alley way. I hear shuffling in the back. I summon a wind sword and George pulls out his sword slowly not making a sound. We walk slowly back and Gray stays in human form. We get to the back and see a guy having a girl pushed against the wall. Her mouth covered. Gray shoves him off and George has him at sword point. I get to the girl and look over her body. She had a magic energy to her. I didn't dare ask her though. I hear the guy get up and start running and fighting against George. I stand in front of the girl guarding her. The George pushes gray against the wall hard and Gray was about to come back to fight until I feel blood splatter on my face. I open my mouth but then shut it and look at George. A hand laid on the floor twitching. The guy grabs his hand screaming in pain. George grabs a fist full of his hair and stabs his sword through his chest. I hear the sword penetrate skin. George let's the body fall to the floor. His face cool and collected like he did this a million times. The girl stared with a shocked and horrid expression. "I'll call the officers." Gray whispers. George stands over the body with his long sword down. The tip of the blade touching the stone full. I see blood slowly drip down it. "Miss are you ok?" George asks. The women had no words but nodded. "What was he doing to you?" I whisper. She just shakes her head no. "Do you speak English?" I ask. She shakes her head no again. "They are on there way. I'll stay watch at the alley way. You guys stay back here." Gray mutters. The women started muttering words in her language. I couldn't figure out what it was. Her brown skin gleamed off with sweat. Her brown hair messy. I put out my hand. "Your safe now." I whisper. "He tried to kill me." She whispers. I get down to my knees. Even though she was a women much older then me I go to my knees infront of her. "He tried to kill me." She whispers again. I then lean over with open arms and wrap them around her. Her shivering body tremors in my arms. She digs her head into my shoulder. "He tried to kill me." She whispers once more until I answer back. "Your alive." Words they never said to me. Words I only wished they said to me when I was in this state. Her face looks at me. Tears started streaming down her face more and more. I take her hand in mine. "Can you walk?" I ask. She nods her head slowly. I slowly bring her up. We start walking out of the alleyway. Masters and cops were now here with George as they dealt with the body. I see Mr.Jackel at the entrance of the alley way. His face frowning. I get to him. He looks from the scared women to me. "Paramedics are over there." He whispers pointing to the paramedics van. I walk the lady to the van and hand her off to them. I walk off back to the scene and then I hear a faint "thank you." I smile to myself but it disappears quietly as I get to the body in the alleyway. The hand next to the body and number cards placed everywhere even though I already knew who killed the man. George stood there motionless until he turn his head to mine. He walks towards me. "They know but they do this?" He whispers. "I don't know. Are you okay?" I ask. "I've killed many people before." He whispers. He then wipes blood from my face. I absorb Gray back into me. I sit with George until the scene was done.

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