Chapter 23

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One day after incident.
"Can Taylor and Gray please report to the principle office." I hear Mr.Vitos voice say. I was in familiarlogy. I slowly get up and get my stuff and go to Mr.Jackels office. "Why does he need us?" I ask Gray. "I don't know." He whispers. We get to his room. "Hello Taylor and Gray." Mr.Jackel greets. "Hi, you needed us?" I ask. "The women from the other day needs you. She will not explain the situation to anyone but you." Mr.Jackel explains. "Doesn't she speak another language?" I ask. "Yes. Spanish. Gray knows Spanish so he will help you out. Mr.Vito will drive you there and pick you up. I'll email your teachers and ask a friend to get all your work for you." He explains. "Ok. When do we go?" I ask. "Now. Mr.Vito is waiting. " Mr.Jackel says typing on his computer. He seemed tense. I and Gray walk through the halls to the front of the school and get into Mr.Vitos car. This was odd. Why does she only want to speak to me? We drive in silence to the hospital the women was in. It was a huge hospital. We get out of the car. "Call me when your done." Mr.Vito says before driving off. We walk into the hospital. I remember going to a hospital when the police found me. They didn't know if I was hurt because I wouldn't talk. This hospital was bland. White and tan everything. We get to the front desk. "Hello how may I help you?" She asks. "We are Taylor and Gray. Here to see someone." I say. "Oh Taylor and Gray! Please follow that nurse over there. He will take you to her." She says pointing to a chubby man waiting. He was wearing blue scrubs. I walk over with Gray. Then the man started waking. The hospital had a smell of cleaning fluids and had scenery paintings on the walls. We enter a wing and get to a door. The man swipes his key card and the doors open. We walk through and turn left into another hallway. We stop infront of a door. He knocks. A man was sitting in a chair next to the women. Her brown hair now cleaned and brushed. She had bruises all over her. "Who you are?" The man asks. I could tell he didn't speak English. I look at Gray. "We are Taylor and Gray. Your wife asked for us." He said in Spanish. He translated it to me by linking. The women opened her eyes. "You! Yes yes. Come come!" She says. I walk past the man and go to her. She takes her hand in mine. "gracias. gracias." She repeats. "She is thanking you." Grays says. "Tell her I'm happy you are alright. Gray here is going to translate for me. I don't speak Spanish but you can tell him. We are close." I tell Gray. He says what I said in Spanish. She nods. "Yes." She says nodding. "Ask her if she can tell me what happened?" I ask. Gray translated again. It was so weird hearing Gray speak Spanish with his British accent. His words came out so fluid. She nods. "Soy un maestro. Esa fue mi familiar. estábamos fuera en el mercado y luego simplemente enojado. me empujó hacia el callejón y-" she pauses. "She said that I'm a master. That was my familiar. we were out in the market and he pushed me into the alley way angrily and-" Gray links to me. "A continuación, comenzó a golpearme. diciendo que era una desagradecida. No podía parar. Grité por ayuda pero tapé la boca. poco después de que ustedes me encontraron." She says. Her words so fast. She was now crying. I nod my head and hold her hands in mine. "then he started to beat me. I couldn't stop him he was to strong. I tried screaming for help but he covered my mouth. you heard me thankfully and helped me.." Gray translated. "Fractured soul?" I ask him. He translates. She shakes her head. "No. él era muy sospechoso. dejando siempre y volviendo frustrado o enojado. Cuando vamos de misiones y tuvo que matar a alguien iba a ir en un Frenzie y ser desordenado. no estamos desordenado y tomar precauciones." She explains. "he was very suspicious. always leaving and then coming back angry or frustrated. when we went on missions and had to execute someone he would just get messy. we usual do it quick and easy but he made it messy and long." Gray explains. I nod. "He is totally doing something that is causing this. I'll talk to Mr.Jackel." I say. She thanks me once more and tells me that's all. We soon leave.

"So her familiar just started to attack her? That's odd maybe he was taking something. Just like humans familiars can take drugs that cause them to do stupid and crazy things." Mr. Jackel explains. "He could also want to have another master more powerful and wanted to take out his master." Gray mentions. I smile. "Gray have you ever did drugs?" I ask curiosity. He rubs the back of his neck and smiles. "Lets just say when you go to a club filled with familiars and they decide to "Slip" Jehena into my drink. Which is a drug that makes you weak and stupid. Its not fun." Gray says. I laugh. "Hey when you go to parties here you'll know what I'm talking about." he explains. "There is parties here!" I ask. "Mostly thrown by upperclass men." Mr.Jackel says. "Wait they have drugs at-" Mr.Jackel begins to say until. "I and Taylor should be going... Uh hope you got all the information. Ms. Taylor has a lot of homework to do anyways! Bye!" Gray says He swoops me up and bursts through the doors and runs. I laugh in his arms. "Put me down! Put me down!" I squeal as he runs. He chuckles warmly. "Fine!" He says. He throws me up. "Not like that Gray!" I yell. I close my eyes then feel my feet hit the ground and I was now sitting on a bed. "What the hell?" I ask. I hear Gray chuckle. "How did you get me all over here!" I yell. He smirks. "I'm just really fast." He says. I roll my eyes. "What was that all about?" I ask. "Mr.Jackel cant know about everything. Even the parties. That accidentally came out. I didn't want him to know we had familiar drugs here. We have to have fun sometimes." He explains. I laugh. "You guys are weird." I hear George behind Gray. "Hey babe!" I yell. He comes in and sits down next to me. Gray leans against the wall. "So how was the visit to the hospital?" George asks. "Good the ladies story was so sad. The familiar totally betrayed her. We are thinking its from drugs." I mention. I see something in him go tense. "It wasn't a fractured soul?" George asks. I shake my head. "He was perfectly fine. Besides his weird behavior it wasn't that. He had to be doing something. She said that he was suspicious and also Joy wasn't like he was. You saw him." I mention. "I don't know. Anyways, I saw you guys running from Mr.Jackels office what happened?" George asks. "Gray over here almost spilled everything about parties and drugs." I mention. "Your lucky I wasn't there. I would have punched you." George says laughing. Gray now had a angry face. I laugh. "Oh and about parties, my friend is throwing one. Would you guys like to come? It would be your first party and it will be fun." George asks. I look at Gray then at George. "I know you want too. Don't worry I wont get high or drunk ill stay sober so that if you need to leave we can." Gray links to me. "Sure we will go." I say smiling. "Awesome!" He says excitedly. He leans in and kisses my cheek. I smile. "what time does it start?" I ask. "11pm. Its casual, mostly music and lights." He explains. "Ok cool." I say. "How am I going to sneak out of school?" I ask. "Just stay at my house." George said standing up. "Ok." I say. "Do you have homework?" George asks. I nod. "Bring that with you. I can help you get it done." He says. "Wait we are leaving now?" I ask standing up. "Yep!" He says clasping his hands together. "Uh-ok." I say rushing around grabbing stuff. I notice Gray was out of the room. He was on the wall. I get some clothes, my back pack, and my phone charger. We get out of my room and closing the door behind me.

After spending two hours of homework, kissing, and watching Gray raging over Fallout 4 we got ready to leave for the party. Henry would be coming too and George would be driving us there and Gray would be driving back unless George could do it fine. Since Gray was being Sober and wouldn't be getting drunk or high he was our designated driver. I don't think ill be drinking either or getting high. I hope not. I don't know what to expect at these parties. I only been to one in high school but that was complete hell. I was there over night. My parents soon picked me up the next day. They knew I was at the party but didn't suspect me to freak out that much. We pull up to what it looked like a abandoned apartment building. "Ready?" George asks. I nod and we walk into the building. We were greeted by music drunk people, half naked girls dancing on men, and to my left a bar with people working like crazy. George pulls me into the crowd of dancing people. Henry was already gone and Gray was sitting at the bar denying drinks and girls. I smile. George hangs me a drink and I shot the bitter tasting drink down. I was now craving more but then George started dancing. I smile. I start dancing also. It was so hot and it smelled horribly but it was so much fun seeing everyone dancing, smiling and being overall joyful. I let the music control me. My heart beating so fast. My mind blank. I notice George was gone but didn't care and kept dancing. I then feel someone pull my arm. It wasn't George or Gray. I look at the man. My eyesight blurry. His grin wide. He presses his body against mine. He was way stronger and taller them me. his greasy blond hair slicked back and his shirt filled with sweat. I try pushing him away from me but he pulled me in tighter. He hands started roaming my body. I felt so uncomfortable. I scream but the music was so loud. "Gray. Gray help." I link to him. I hear nothing back. "Gra!-" Everything then happened so fast. I see the mans face go a different direction as the fist concludes with his face. I see the streak of gray and the man was on the floor. Gray was now on top of him punching. Everyone was around us staring at us with there drunk minds not even knowing if this was fake or real. Gray gets up with a bloody fist picks me up and runs as fast as he can out of the building. I hug his chest. My heart beating so fast. My mind raising. I couldn't breathe. What was happening? We run for a while. I was now hyperventilating. I feel my head spinning. Gray sits down on a step of a random building stairway. "Taylor deep breathes. Deep breathes." He whispers. His voice so soothing. "In through the noise out through the mouth." He whispers. I hug his chest. My eyes shut. I didn't even realize how tense I was. My breathing started slowing. I wipe my face feeling my tears. I hear running towards me. I shut my eyes not wanting to know who it was. I clinge to Gray's chest. It felt so muscular but comforting. I listened to his steady heart beat. I felt so scared for some reason. Like I was back in the forest. Running for my life. "Calm down. Your tensing up again." He whispers. "Its just George." He whispers. "I got your text are yo- Taylor what happened?" George asks. "You should have stayed close to her." Gray says. He didn't sound angry. "What?" George asks. He wasn't hammered but was a bit tipsy. "Taylor was being touched by another man!" Gray yells. "I knocked him out and ran here. She was having a panic attack." Gray says lowing his voice. "I'm so sorry Taylor." George says. I didn't say anything. My head was so clouded. I only had a few drinks. Was this one of those familiar drugs? "Someone threw something into her drink." Gray whispers. I see Henry running over. "Guys did you hear about the fight! The guy was completely knocked out!" Henry says. "What happened here?" He asks. Gray grunts and gets up with me still in his arms. "I'm taking Taylor back to your apartment George. You and Henry can stay here if you want but Taylor is done." He whispers. I wanted to fight back. Tell him I'm fine and that I was my own person. I could what ever I want but I felt so weak and tired. I just laid there cradled in his arms. "Ok. Gray can you drive I don't trust myself." George whispers. "Wait your leaving man?" Henry asks. "Yeah." George says. Henry decided to stay with the party and us three go home. I fall asleep to the humming of the engine of the car.

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