Chapter 8: Everything has Changed

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Chapter 8: Everything has Changed

All I know is a new found grace

All my days I'll know your face

All I know since yesterday

Is everything has changed

(Everything has Changed by Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran)


Damian was quiet as we waited for Cyborg to boom us back to the Manor.

We were on the main deck of the tower, and most of the team had already gone, probably to the cafeteria for some dinner. Damian looked impatient, when Cyborg still hadn't shown up after a couple of minutes. With just the two of us there, I thought it would be a good time as any to talk to the kid. Even after Asteria and I got married, Damian and I hadn't gotten any closer. In fact, he seemed to resent me even more now. "So, do you like her?" I decided to delve into the issue immediately.

I smirked when Damian turned towards me with a glare. How easy it was to get under his skin. And this particular topic was clearly a touchy subject for him. Although with the way we found him and Rachel in the infirmary, this topic wasn't the only thing that was touchy, if you catch my drift. "Who?" he asked in an attempt to avoid the conversation.

"Give me some credit, Damian," I told him and rolled my eyes. "I know when you're playing dumb, and you know perfectly well who I'm talking about."

"Not everyone is like you, Grayson," he said haughtily before looking away from me with his chin raised. He seriously still needed to work on this superiority complex of his. "Some of us can actually be friends with women without having some misogynistic agenda."

I did a double take at his words. I forgot Damian didn't speak like a normal kid. "First of all, that hurt," I replied. "And second of all, I didn't even know you knew what misogynistic means."

Damian's arrogant look morphed into a knowing smirk. "The truth hurts Grayson, and I'm a lot smarter than you, thus my larger vocabulary."

"If by larger vocabulary, you mean your tendency to talk like an old person, then yeah, you do have a large vocabulary," I bit back. Then, realizing we had moved to insults rather than to talking about him and Rachel, I brought her up again. "So what's the deal with you and Rachel?"

"There is no deal," he answered in annoyance. "Why do you keep persisting there is?"

I rolled my eyes. Was he for real? He was hugging her just a few minutes ago. This time, I was the one smirking when I replied. "It's okay Damian. You don't have to say anything. I already know."

He just looked up to the heavens, as if he was praying for some help, or maybe he was asking for some patience. He mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like, "I don't even know why father had to allow him to come along. But when I wanted to go, he wouldn't let me. Stupid, annoying..."

I smiled. I think I was beginning to grow on the kid.


When Bruce said he wanted to talk to me, I thought it had something to do with the fight Dick and I had.

In our family, everyone knew everything, so I wouldn't be surprised if Bruce knew about what happened. He was quiet as he led me away from the infirmary and to a deserted hallway. Trying not to let his silence pressure me, I waited patiently for him to be ready to talk. I was surprised when he finally spoke. "I'm worried about Damian," he admitted.

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