Chapter 26: In the Name of Love

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"If I told you this was only gonna hurt

If I warned you that the fire's gonna burn

Would you walk in? Would you let me do it first?

Do it all in the name of love"

(In the Name of Love by Martin Garrix ft. Bebe Rhexa)


As much as having Damian here angered me, I knew we had to deal with my family before we dealt with our personal issues.

Besides, I would never admit it out loud, but if I was going to face my family, there was no one I would rather have next to me than Damian. My father was the first to get back up and he grew to his full height, towering over us like we were small ants. He waved his hand and black flames leapt inside his palm. "You've made a terrible mistake, Raven. You seem to enjoy being on the losing side."

"From where I'm standing, this isn't the losing side," I answered, as my brothers took their positions behind my father. They shifted to their more human- looking forms, choosing to shrink to our size.

"I'm going to enjoy this," Jared said, punching his hand in a show of macho-ness and making me roll my eyes.

I grinned, not totally disagreeing with him. I always disliked my brothers. They seemed to bring out the worst in me. "I almost forgot. Team, meet my half- brothers." All my brothers stood on alert, happy to be given some attention. "You've all met Jacob, although he went by the name Damon. Father likes to call him Lust." Jacob gave a seductive smile and a knowing wink.

"You do know Damian has had thoughts of sleeping with you, right?" he cajoled, as if he couldn't help himself. I simply ignored it, but I could feel Damian's embarrassment and Bruce's awkwardness towards the subject.

"Then there's Jared, the ever eager one to get in a fight," I continued, pointing to my African- American looking brother. "Father likes to call him Wrath."

"I enjoy punching things," Jared said with a salacious smile.

Supergirl raised an eyebrow. "Guess what? So do I."

While I respected the Girl of Steel's confidence, I sure hoped she had more than punching on her mind if she was going to defeat my brother. "And lastly, there's Jesse-"

"-how come I couldn't go first?" he interrupted annoyingly, crossing his arms over his chest, as his eyes glowed green.

"And if you haven't guessed it yet, he prefers to go by the name Envy," I finished, completely ignoring his question.

"I call dibs on Jesse," Constantine suddenly said with a grin.

"Count me in," Zatanna said.

Trigon raised his arms and grinned at us. "Let's get this over with, then."

Dick and Bruce joined Damian and I as my father charged. In my peripheral vision, I could see Wonder Woman, Supergirl and the dude who freed me from my manacles taking on Jared. J'onn and Wally were busy with Jacob, and Constantine and Zatanna kept to their word about facing Jesse. If Trigon's plan was to divide and conquer, it was working. Although, I hoped it would work more in our favor. Let's see how well the Machiavellian strategy would work against demons.

Just as we were about to reach him, he sent an Eldritch blast my way. The pure, mystical energy sent me reeling. Thank goodness he couldn't generate a lot of those without weakening himself. I don't think the others would've survived such a blast. I groaned and tried to get up, but everything was still swimming in my vision, and I felt my body collapse back onto the ground.

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