Chapter 14: Like I'm Gonna Lose You

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Chapter 14: Like I'm Gonna Lose You

"So I'm gonna love you

Like I'm gonna lose you

I'm gonna hold you

Like I'm saying goodbye

Wherever we're standing

I won't take you for granted

'Cause we'll never know

When we'll run out of time"

(Like I'm Gonna Lose You by Meghan Trainor ft. John Legend)

Diana Prince

I marched to battle with my sisters, Artemis by my side.

I felt the familiar surge of adrenaline rushing through me, waiting to be released. These creatures would meet their death at my hands before they stepped foot on my home. I could hear the clanking of our armor as we strode across the beach, where the barrier kept us hidden from the view of the ones trying to break down our walls. I heard Artemis grunt beside me, as we saw the demons hitting the invisible shield.

"Are you sure they're not emissaries of Ares?" Artemis asked me with a skeptical look.

She was right to be curious. We'd face something of the sort when we went up against the god of war. He had a legion of undead soldiers at his beck and call. These could've been some of them. With a smirk, I simply shrugged. "Does it matter, sister?" I asked her. "They are trying to attack us, therefore they are our enemies. It does not matter to me where they came from."

I pulled out my sword as I finished speaking, and Artemis grinned back at me, also unsheathing the blades on her back. "You're right. My blades do not care who or what they are. They simply thirst for the blood of our enemies."

"I'm ready when you are," I said, turning to face the demons.

Artemis raised one of her swords, signaling to the amazon warriors behind us. We heard the solid sound of their shields and swords at the ready, letting us know they were in formation. "Charge!" Artemis shouted, and we immediately surged forward.

Our sisters gave a loud battle cry as we passed the barriers and finally made our presence known to the demons. They turned their orange, malignant eyes towards us, as they stopped trying to destroy the shield around Themyscira. "I'll say this once, creature," I said, pointing my sword at the nearest thing. It watched me with its baleful eyes. "Leave, and I will not have to kill you."

"You cannot defeat us, Amazon," it hissed at me, making me grimace. The voice sent chills up my arm, even though I thought I'd seen everything. "You cannot kill that which is already dead."

"In that case," I replied, swinging my sword and getting ready. The blade felt good in my hands, and I was eager to put it to use. "I will enjoy chopping you up into little pieces until you can no longer put yourself back together."

This time, the demon seemed less arrogant as it hissed at me and lunged. I raised my shield. If there was one thing that looked more horrible than the demon standing in front of me, it was the Aegis. I heard its nails scarping against the metal of my shield as my sisters charged at the other demons on the shores of our island.

I took a swipe at the demon, effectively cutting off one of its arms. While it was recovering, another one charged at me, so I ducked, aiming for its leg. One unknowingly came up behind me, and I felt its claws tear at my back, eliciting a scream from me.

Before I could hack it to pieces, Dick was there, dispatching of the demon quickly. "You alright?" he asked, as we stood back to back, while the demons came to surround us.

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