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Black Knight's Bungalow


I rise before the sun, and grab my spear before exiting. I hunt for my breakfast every morning in the woods near my hideout. As I quietly prowl the woods, a quail crosses my path. Before it has a chance to run, I throw my spear and claim my prize.

I bring it back to my hideout, and cook it on a spit over a fire. The fact that the fire has a lot of smoke doesn't concern me. I've been living here for over five years, and no one has found me yet.

As I wait for my breakfast, Experion enjoys his never-ending feast of grass, seeming content in the peaceful sunrise. It's on mornings like these where I am glad I am here. Sure, its lonely, strenuous, and layered in deceit, but there are rare moments where it doesn't seem so bad. Surprisingly, I like the person I have become much more than the one I used to be. I don't need someone waiting on my every beck and call, and I can make critical decisions quickly. I have the ability to defend myself, and those around me if the need arises. I have come pretty far considering where I started.


Their pounding feet echo in my ears as I run. I know who they are, but I don't know why they are after me. Whenever someone is being looked for by the Royal Guard, they don't get away. No one has escaped them, however, no one chased by the Guard has lived with the Guard all their lives as I have.

When I heard that the king had declared me a traitor, I was blown away. I am next in line for the throne, why would I do such a thing?  He just wants Christopher to take my place.  I should've seen it coming; he has always favored Christopher.

Stop thinking, RUN! You can think later. 

I make the mistake of turning around to find the Guard nearly upon me. I surge forward with everything I have, and sprint for the stables. As I enter the barn where Experion is, I whistle, and his head perks up.  I throw open his door, and hastily climb on him with no saddle. There's no time for that. Experion walks out of his stall, and I urge him into the run of our lives.

We race into the city streets, and chaotically make our way through the market. Experion is big, but he has speed and finesse. Horses in the guard are made to be tanks of war, not to be used in city chases. They are considerably bigger and broader than Experion, but they have less maneuverability. This gives us our lead advantage, and we soon leave the Guard in our wake. When we reach the outskirts of the city, I look back, and see no sign of them.  I breathe a sigh of relief, and take off into the woods.

Later that evening, I sit in the damp grass, paranoia setting in. There are always horrific stories floating around about these woods.  As I attempt to relax, I ponder possible reasons why father would call me a traitor. Was it because of Abella? Sure, she was the Duchess of the rival kingdom, but Father has never displayed any dislike towards her. And if she was the reason, why not do something about it until now? Why not stop everything before it started? Abella.....she doesn't know where I am. I have to see her.... no. I can't put her in jeopardy. No matter what happens to me, she must stay safe. I must find a way to tell her I am alive without putting her life in danger, but how do I do that without being seen?

I try to sleep, but the grass is too uncomfortable, and my mind still races like it has been ever since the chase. Why did any of this happen? What did I do to deserve any of this?


I remember not eating much those first few weeks. It made me wish I had paid more attention in survival training. Speaking of quail! I come back from reliving my past to find a very overdone quail. I take it off the spit, and try a piece of it. It's not as burnt as I thought.

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