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I nock my arrow on the bowstring. I eye the window one last time, then pull my bow back steadily. I take a deep breath, then let the string go. The arrow slices through the air, then pierces the window's glass. I stay long enough to hear the arrow shatter its target, then I make my escape. I climb my way off the rooftops I used to get the angle on the window, and when I touch ground, I whistle softly, and my horse comes out from his hiding place in an abandoned alleyway. He stops in front of me, and I mount him swiftly. I look back at the castle once more, then take off into the depths of the city.


The king awakens to a loud crash. He jerks out of bed to see his window shattered, the pieces littering his spotless chambers. He cautiously gets up, trying to avoid the glass. He stands, and surveys his room. Nothing seems out of place arrow! The arrow was directly above where his head was resting! He plucks it out of the wall, and sees there is a piece of parchment wrapped around the arrow shaft. As he unrolls it, he sees the parchment contains a message:

King Jasper,

Meet me on the castle balcony tomorrow night at twilight. Come alone.

-      Black Knight

As the king unrolls the last of the scroll, a black feather floats gently out of it, and accompanies the broken shards on his floor.


As I walk the cobblestone streets in the dead of night, the full moon looms over my city, the moon's light reflecting off the wet stones. The same glow that paints the street a luminous black also gives my sword an intimidating glare. My horse's hooves make a clip-clop sound when his shoes hit the stones. My eyes scan the city, spying for anything mischievous.  Seeing nothing unusual, I remove my helmet and breathe in the misty air. A slight breeze picks up, gently tousling my horse's mane.

As we survey the streets, quietly entranced in our fantasy world, a young voice breaks the majestic silence:

"Sir, what are you doing out at this time of night?" the young boy couldn't be a day older than eight.

I chuckle, and reply, "I could ask you the same thing, young man. Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"I'm not tired," he whines.

"Have you ever read a story before bed? Sometimes that can help you fall asleep," I ask.

"No sir, I don't know how. Mommy said the school couldn't accept everyone because they didn't have enough money."

I sigh in frustration. If only my father would stop funding his exploits and actually care about his people.

"You don't need to call me sir, call me Andrew," I tell him, "Would you mind if I tell you a story?"

"Sure, Sir Andrew,"

I stiffen at the title he put before my name. It's been a long time since my name has been referred to with so much respect. I dismount, and crouch next to the boy.

"This story is about a knight. Do you like knights?"

The boy nods, his eyes full of earnest curiosity. 

"This story is about a knight known as the Black Knight. He lived in a kingdom where people had hard lives. The king made things difficult for them, he never granted their wishes, and he only cared about him and the things in his castle. The Black Knight knew this because he used to live in the castle, he was a prince."

"Why did he leave?" the boy asked.

"The king didn't want the prince to live in the castle anymore. He had his Royal Guard chase after the prince, and the king wanted him to be killed. The prince had to run into the wild forest for safety. He lived there for many years away from his kingdom, but everyone thought he had died. Soon, the prince started to come back to his kingdom. He came once or twice a fortnight, then started visiting more. He wanted to take back his place as prince, since he was going to be the next king. The prince loved his city, and was determined to make it better."

"You never told me the prince's name. What is it?"

Without thinking I say," Prince Andrew."

"YOU'RE PRINCE ANDREW? I met a prince!!"

"SSSSHHH," I say hurriedly, "No one must know I am the prince."

        "But you've come to save us. Why can't we know who you are?"

My brow creases. He has a point. Maybe it is time to make myself known.

"I will at the right time. I am sorry to say this, but I must be leaving."

"Will you ever come back?" he looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Take this," I say as I hand him a feather. "Take this, and remember that the Black Knight is back to save all of those who need saving."

"Ok, Prince Andrew."

"Now, you should get off to bed,"

"Alright, I will. You must promise to come back."

"I will, goodnight."

"Bye, Sir Andrew!" he says as he runs home.

I stay and watch, just to make sure he arrives safely. His mother waits for him at the door, "Roran, how many times have I told you, do not go out this late at night! It's not safe! There is a very bad man in town now, and he is very dangerous."

"But I have never seen this man, mom."
"That's because you are a lucky young man. Now, off to bed." Before she closes the door, she looks both ways into the city. She catches a glimpse of light off my sword, and frantically closes the door.

As I walk home, I distract myself from the indirect insults by immersing my mind with the city, and all the memories weaved within it. I am reminded of all the years I've spent here, living in luxury, not knowing what the real world was like. Then, my naïve nature and innocence were taken from me, in the blink of an eye. The reality of the fact that your life could be changed in any moment was thrown right in my face. Just thinking about it gives fuel to my fiery passion, and urges me to turn around and execute my plan of retaking my throne, but I know I have done enough tonight. As I arrive at my hideout, I dismount, and lead Experion to his pasture. I remove his saddle and bridle, simultaneously wishing that my burdens were that easily removed.

After letting him go, I take off my armor, piece by piece. I set my helmet down, then take off my chest plate and gloves. Next, my leg guards and boots.   I place my sword in its rightful place, which is on top of another sword, with the blades crossing one another. I have two pairs of crossing swords, one on the left of my axe and spear, and one on the other side. My bow rests on the table of arrows, which are laid out neatly in groups of twelve. The wall of daggers is above the table of arrows, each dagger in its own sheath. My black armor is close by in its own small alcove. 

Once I am satisfied with everything, I sit in my chair and rest.  As tiring as today was, I know it is only the beginning.

The Vengeful Vigilante #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now