Bonus: Gabriel

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This isn't considered kidnapping is it? I wondered while pulling into my driveway. I saw my mom's car already parked, letting me know she was home. Glancing into my rear view mirror, my heart started beating faster when I saw Pete looking out the window. He was gripping onto his copy of Dracula with his dear life. There was something extremely special about him, I felt drawn to him the first time I met him. And now here I was, basically stealing him. The thought of him going someplace where they probably wouldn't show him any attention made my skin crawl. He deserved love and attention, he deserved a life.

"Come on Pete, you can come inside," I softly said after parking my car. He hesitated a few moments before following me towards the house. He towered over me; he was extremely tall next to my body. It felt nice having someone so tall next to me, he was very comforting. More comforting than he probable knew.

"Mom?" I asked while walking into the front door.

"In the kitchen honey."

Motioning Pete to follow me, we walked into the kitchen to see my mom with a giant bowl of popcorn sitting on the counter. A bottle of wine was sitting next to her; apparently she skipped right past the cup. When she looked up her smile faded a little, instantly looking up at Pete.

"Can we talk?"

"Of course."

Once Pete was comfortable at the table, I walked over to my mom. I had told her countless times who Pete was, and also who Reno was. Oh god, what if she doesn't agree if what I did? What if she thinks I'm a horrible son for doing this? What if she makes Pete leave?

"Honey, stop looking like that," she said when I was done talking.

"Looking like what?" I asked while my hair fell into my eyes.

"Like I'm going to hurl you across the room or something. Don't be scared Gabriel, you know you can always talk to me. So Pete," she said while turning towards the table to see the tall man sitting quietly. He was still gripping into Dracula as he stared down at the floor. "How does he feel about staying here?"

Rubbing the back of my neck, I made a strange noise before saying, "Uhm well I may have never told him. I kind of just told him he wasn't going anywhere those crazy people were going to take him. He's special mom, he deserves more. Can he please stay here?"

I watched as my mom silently watched Pete for a while, before turning towards me. "Of course. There's an extra room he can have. Just, I need you to watch over him for the first few weeks okay? I'm not an expert on multiple personality disorder. Are you going to be able to handle that?"

"Yes," I firmly said. "I want to be here for him."

She slowly nodded before leaning forward to kiss my cheek. "I love you honey, just make sure you're safe. And make sure Pete's safe too."

"I will."

Turning back towards Pete, I took in his scared eyes and nervous foot tapping against the floor. What if I wasn't able to handle Reno when he came? What if I couldn't help Pete? All of those questions vanished from my mind when those brown eyes glanced over at me. He seemed to have such an effect on my heart; there was no way I was going to let him down. I would do this, for him. He deserved this.

"Would you be okay with staying here for awhile?" I asked while putting my hands into my pockets.

He just stared into my eyes for a moment, not saying anything. Before I had the chance to ask if something was wrong, he slowly nodded. "Great!" I loudly said, before regretting it when he suddenly flinched. "Sorry. Come on, let me show you around."

When he stood up from the table, I started showing him around the small house. He continued to be silent as we walked around the house, before ending up in the last bedroom. "Well, this will be your room." I glanced at the light yellow walls before groaning when I saw the bed. The bed had a blue comforter on it, with big sleeping cartoon giraffes at the bottom, who were sleeping. "Ha uhm sorry about the bed," I nervously said while pushing my hair out of my eyes. "My mom uses this as a guest bedroom; I'm not sure why she chose this. Are you okay with this? If not, that's okay. I know I acted a little rashly, that's what I do. And I'm sorry if you actually wanted to be moved, it just wasn't right when I saw you handcuffed and-"

"Thank you," Pete whispered, making my rant stop. His brown eyes were sparkling as his black hair fell into his face. Just as a small smile was spreading across his gorgeous face, his face turned dark. Oh no.

"Yeah, thanks for thinking you know best. Also thanks for being a fucking psycho and kidnapping me!" Reno yelled as he walked forward and pinned me against the wall.

"Reno, stop."

"Or what? You'll kidnap someone else and have them beat me up?" He asked while his eyes turned dark.

"Stop. This is not the man I want to talk to."

He gave a hard laugh before pinning me harder against the wall, making it harder to breathe. "Oh how cute. Do you actually have a crush on him? How pathetic."

"Pete," I angrily said while throwing his hands off my body before resting my hands onto his cheeks. "I know you're in there, come out. Please."

Reno's eyes suddenly changed, to a softer and calmer expression. His face was then suddenly looking horrified as he slowly backed away. "I... I'm sorry," he whispered as tears were filling his eyes.

"Don't be sorry," I said before pulling his body closer to mine. I then held his shaking body as my face buried into his neck. If this was going to work, I would have to learn to deal with Reno. If dealing with Reno was the only way I was able to get to Pete, I'd gladly take it any day.

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