Chapter Ten: Sebastian/ Cleo

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"Wait... who is that again?" I asked while staring at the screen in front of my eyes.

Hearing a loud groan, I looked over to see Perry rolling his eyes as he moved his long hair out of his eyes. "That's Mother Gothel, aka the creepy mother."

"But why is she following her?"

Perry then slapped the back of my head before saying, "She doesn't want anyone else to know about Rapunzel's powers! She wants them all for herself so she can always be young. Geez get it together."

"What the hell is going on?"

Turning around, I saw a very pissed off looking Hugo walking towards the living room. "I'm watching Tangled with Perry to try and get some ideas," I said while turning back to the screen.

"Okay..." Hugo's tired voice said as he plopped down onto one of his couches. "But how did you even get here? The last thing I remembered was Perry eating food out of my fridge," he said while running his hands over his face.

"Perry called me over, sorry for just showing up."

Hugo rolled his blue eyes as he said, "You know I don't care if you're here. Just wanted to know how you got here. When I went to take a nap it was just Perry the pain. It doesn't surprise me that Perry's watching Tangled."

"That's only because it is the greatest movie ever!" Perry said while pulling his sweatshirt closer against his body. It looked way too big on him, which meant that it was probably Aaron's. "I can also connect so much to this movie."

"How can you connect to this?"

"Uhm hello, I'm a delicate little flower and did you not notice the flower in this movie? Do we have to watch it again?"

Falling backwards onto the couch I groaned before saying, "No. For the love of god no."

"Hey, I'm not the one who's using Disney movies to win a girl back after I was being a complete douche!"

"Ouch," Hugo said while he started scrolling through his phone.

"Anyway," Perry said with a smile. "This movie is totally mine because my boyfriend got Pascal tattooed onto his body. You shouldn't even be using this movie to get Cleo back. No, you know what? Stop watching," he said while starting to pull the DVD out.

I watched Hugo roll his eyes as he watched Perry move around the room. "You do realize the end credits are rolling now right?"

"Whatever bitch."

I couldn't help but laugh as Hugo threw a pillow at Perry, who squealed and ran away. He came back a few seconds later with another movie in his hands. "Now what?" I asked while watching him jump back onto the couch.


"That's the one with the talking tree?"

Perry suddenly threw the DVD case at my head, instantly making a headache form. "That's Pocahontas you boob."

Rolling my eyes again, I settled back into the couch as the movie started. The only reason I had gone over to Cleo's house, after watching Beauty and the Beast a million times, was because I wanted to see her smile. She seemed so happy when we were at Disneyworld; I wanted to see that happiness again. I knew that she probably wouldn't even want to see me, I didn't blame her. I've been a complete douchebag to her, and really want to make it up to her.

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