Chapter 1

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My name is Avalynn Grace Knight or just Ava. I am 18, I have no boyfriend, I live in an apartment my mom and step dad have owned for years and I have two roommates named Autumn and Breylynn. They are my soul survivors. So much has gone on in my life and we are about to graduate and the only thing I can think of is having a husband and family. SOON! Crazy I know but it's my dream and to top it off I am single. I guess the Lord knows what I need to do or who I need in my life.

Last day of school before we graduate...

*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* I lazily turned over and shut my alarm up and realized I was thirty minutes behind. So not the way to start the day off. I ran through the hall and into the bathroom and cranked the water on so it would be warming when I heard a pretty loud boom. I ran to the kitchen and there was Breylynn lying on the floor and Autumn was laughing hysterically. "What happened?" I said surprisingly without laughing.

"I slid on my socks and fell straight on my butt which is very sore" Breylynn cried as she laughed realizing she couldn't get up it hurt so badly. So I and Autumn lifted her up.

"I made hot chocolate and coffee because I know a certain someone hates coffee." She gave me a daring look and all I could was laugh.

"Thanks Echo" I said. I call Autumn Echo because that's her middle name.

"I have to go take a shower then I will do my hair and we can leave." They shook their heads in unison and darted to their rooms knowing I don't take too long to get ready and my ride was the only ride.

Let me tell you about me and the girls. I come from a divorced family and so does Breylynn. Autumn's dad and mom are the pastor and pastor's wife at our church. I met Autumn at my church and Breylynn at my old church. I am 5 foot 2 and blonde hair. Autumn is a little taller and has jet black hair and it goes down to the midway mark on her back. Breylynn's hair is the same way but blonde. She is shorter than both of us. We love God, our families, and our friends and church. We moved into this apartment to get a taste of independency and we love it. I work at our local bank as a secretary who files papers. Autumn and Breylynn work at two different restaurants waitressing, cooking, and whatever they can. We make the same amount of money so we are stable with bills. I have a car that we share because we go to the same places or their boyfriends come get them.

I went to get in the shower but before I did I turned on my music and looked in the mirror. I would be graduating in 2 months. I looked at myself one last time and I could feel the tears coming and I hate crying, haven't cried in public since I was a kid, because I swell up like a blowfish. I hurried myself in the shower and washed my hair, which flows all the way down my back, then I scrunched my perm and through a poof up. I put on a pair of ripped blue jeans and nice dress shirt with my TOMS. I went to brush my teeth and got my hot chocolate and my stuff together noticing I had not heard the girls once. I turned the music off and called out "Girls??" I journeyed through the house and did not see them so I went outside hoping they had already got in the car.

I reached my car which is a Kia Soul (black) and my windows were covered in class of 2014 and graduates in this car and I love you where everywhere they could fit. I hugged them hard and long and they explained they just wanted me to smile again and that was the perfect way of doing it.

"Guys we don't graduate until two months." I exclaimed.

"We know that's why it shall stay on there till we do." Chimed Autumn.

"Good thing it is a sunny day today instead of rain." I giggled.

We got in the car and Brey was up front playing the tunes and Autumn was in the back singing and still doing her hair. When we rwached school Justin, Breys boyfriend, and Matthew, Autumn's boyfriend came over. I started snapping pictures.

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