Ashes Rebuilt

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It's been a little over a month since Tiler and Jared's wedding, after Tiler and I had that weird paranormal message sent to us telepathically we were all kind of startled, but we proceeded with the wedding. About 2 weeks later we all bought some property out in the woods away from town and had two houses built about a normal length apart of normal neighbors. So we all still live together pretty much but in separate houses, we got Sky a new friend it's a male German Shepherd Lab mix, he is a ginger color and we named him Bear, they seem to get along great and they both like to be outside since their is more space. Tiler got a new cat of her own, she is a black cat and she has not tail she named her Molly, Molly is pretty hyper and she doesn't like me too much but her and Luna seem to get along. As for Jensen and Jared they are both I trouble with the council of the light side, since being with a human is frowned opon. The council told them that it's either they leave us or be banished from the lightsiders, I for sure thought they would choose the lightsiders over us but sure enough they chose us. So all has been well with us until this morning, we were all relaxing in the yard when I suddenly began to hear a child's voice in my head yelling at me, it made my head pound. All she would say was "they are back!" "Hurry come quick!" I just didn't understand but it happened for over an hour and it suddenly went away. My head was in so much pain that I couldn't move, so Jensen carried me in and just held me until the pain stopped. Now we are laying in bed, just talking about how we picture our future will be five years from now.

" I see myself here with you, already married with our first born. And we have a happy normal life." Jensen says. "How about you, what do you see?"

I shut my eyes and begin to imagine how I see myself five years from now.

"Hmm, I see you and me married, with no kids! And about 50 more cats than we actually need. Hahaha!" I say humorously.

"What common no kids? What is your problem with kids I've noticed you are very tense around them"

The funny thing is Jensen was right, kids were not my thing, to be honest I'm scared of them. You have to be gentle with them and I'm afraid that if I drop one I'll break it. But I never to Jensen this before.

"Well kids aren't really a fan of me." I say as a cover up.

"You'll change your mind, all women do." Jensen smiles and rolls over to go to sleep. I roll my eyes and turn the opposite direction and drift to sleep as well.

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