Living a Lie

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As I wake up I find myself tied up to a chair, I try squirming and pulling my way loose but it's no use the rope is to tight. There is only enough light to see everyone in the circle of chairs, the rest of the room I pitch black.

"Taylor are you alright?" Jensen asks worried.

"Yeah I'm fine, is anyone hurt?" I ask.

"I was stabbed and I'm losing a lot of blood." I hear Jordan mumble.

I look at him trying to examine his wound from a little distance. From what I can see it's not too bad but it is bleeding a lot.

"Ahh you're all awake." I hear a women say walking towards us from behind me.

She steps to the center of the circle of us and stares at the ground with her hats shadow hiding her face.

"Who the hell are you!?" Tiler yells squirming in her chair.

"Haha wow you don't even recognize my voice? Stupid girl." The woman says.

The voice of the women is very familiar but it doesn't ring a bell. The woman slowly reached to her had and pulls it off revealing her identity.

"Oh my god....... Grandma?" I say in shock.

"Yes it's me! Suprised?" She replies.

"Well no shit I thought you were dead! What the hell is going on?!" I yell.

"I'll tell you what's going on! Your life you've been living is a total lie!" She yells.

"A lie? What do you mean it's a lie?" I ask confusedly

"Let me start from the beginning..... Since the beginning of time there has been a constant war between good and evil also known as the light side ad the dark side. All the way up to the Middle Ages their was always a king of each side. They've been alive then and they are still alive and king now. The war ended when the lightside over ruled the darksiders and locked them out with the gate of souls which is the main gate to the lightside. And the only way to get in is with the key of souls. And that my friend is where you come in. Now the king of the light side needed to figure out how to hide this key so the darksiders could never get to it. So he created a plan that made the key into an actual soul and create a person out of it that was the key to unlocking that gate. It was a good plan cause it's hard to find 1 person out of 7 billion that is the key. But he made one tiny mistake. He wanted to keep a close watch o the key so he put his eldest son as the guardian angel. And have you got any idea of who that might be?"

I look around cluelessly.

"Him!" She points at Jensen.

"Me?" he asks.

"Yes you! Your father put you in charge of watching Taylor so he could keep a close watch of he as well!"

"Wait I'm the key!?" I ask.

"Yes you idot!" She yells to me. "Oh and if you didn't get the hint already I'm NOT YOUR GRANDMOTHER! I'm part of the underworld, ya know where the extra bad people go. And all of us are here to watch the making of the key of souls be unleashed!" She yells evilly.

"How do you remove the key from my soul!?"

"Oh my dear, we kill you of course!" She smiles and pulls out a gun and points it in my direction. I look around the room to all my friends for one last time and shut my eyes awaiting my ending. The gun fires and I....I don't feel anything. Wait what the hell happened?! I open my eyes to find my "grandma" laying dead on the ground with a gunshot wound to the head. I look up more and see Marlon with a gun in his hands.

"No one shoots my favorite ass kicker." Marlon says in a serious movie like tone.

"Marlon! Oh my god I'm glad to see you!" I yell.

Yeah well I saw you were I trouble and I couldn't watch my favorite ass kicker get killed now could I!?" He says why letting everyone loose. "Now the last door in the room with 5 doors is the way out. Go and get out, salt the place and burn this bitch to the ground and this will ALL be over for good." He explains. We all run up the stairs and make it to the last door of the five. As I open the door there is a long stair case going up, we make our way in the main top house and grab the bags of salt from the kitchen and spread it all throughout the house. Jensen and Jordan pour gasoline in every room and around the house from the outside. Once they finish we all hurry to the front of the house with a box of matches.

"Who would like to do the honors?" Tiler asks.

"How about we all do it, one match each?" Jared adds.

We all agree and each get a match. The first to go is Jordan.

"This is for showing me what true fear is." Jordan says while striking his match.

Next is Jared.

"This is for taking away the love of my life for four years." He strikes his match.

Now Jensen.

"This is for putting fear into the lives I the ones I love."

Tiler's turn.

"This is for making me your little rag doll." She says while igniting her match.

Last it's my turn.

I strike my match and look at the house that has done nothing but cause hell for us all.

"This is for you house of Willow manor." We all throw our matches inside the house and watch it go up in flames. We don't even wait for it all to burn down, we just get in our cars an drive home.

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