The Nightmare Begins

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We are all silenced by the sounds of our watches alarm, which means it's midnight and time to figure out what the hell is going on here. I grab Jensen's hand and scoot closer to him to regain my warmth from his body heat, it's about 10 degrees colder in the house than it is outside, which may be a sign of the paranormal.

"Alright we are gonna split up in groups, Jared, Tiler, and Jordan you guys search up stairs, and Jensen an I will look around down here and outside around the house." I say.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Jordan asks.

"I'm not sure yet... But if anything weird happens or if you get hurt or something yell for us." I add.

They all nod in return and grab a flash light and click on their supply belts, before heading up the stairs I see Tiler turn around and give me a smile, by that smile I could tell that she was telling me " just in case something happens, I love you." I return that same smile and she and the rest of the crew head upstairs.


Jensen and I are hand in hand walking along the outside of the house searching for anything out of the ordinary, so far nothing but it's only half past midnight. We make our way to the very back of the house and Jensen stops me from walking any farther.

"Shh, did you hear that?" He says with his arm out informer of me blocking me from moving forward.

"No, I didn't hear anything."

As I say this I hear a woman scream and before I know it Jensen and I are running back to the entrance of the house thinking Tiler was in trouble. As we barge into the living room we see Tiler, Jared, and Jordan running down the stairs looking worried.

"What happened!?" Tiler and I say the same thing at the same time.

"I thought you were hurt!" We both say once again at the same time.

"Well I'm not hurt, are you hurt?" She asks.


Then where did that scream come from?" Jordan asks.

We all shrug our shoulders cluelessly.

"Well let's get back to searching the house." As Jensen says this we all begins to walk back to our areas when all of a sudden the floor collapses sending us all falling through down into the deep abyss lying under neath this god forsaken house, for what felt like an eternity of falling we finally slammed into the floor of the dark hole being knocked out cold.

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